Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tom Latham, fighting a good fight……………

……………. against Nancy Pelosi and Jack Murtha’s defeat at any price agenda. In what appears to be a blatant attempt to demoralize the armed forces and depress recruiting, the Democrat majority has refused to allow amendment to the allocation of survivor’s benefit’s for those killed in combat. An odd quirk in federal law prohibits military survivor benefits from inuring to the benefit of grandparents where they are the intended beneficiary of those benefits and the guardians of the dead warrior’s children. Our very own Tom Latham is fighting to change this most unintended of legislative conseques.

The Des Moines Register has
an excellent article on this issue. The Dems conduct is so shamelessly heartless they couldn’t even dream up a cover story. This is an important issue to all our military families, present and future. You should email Congressmen Boswell, Loebsack and Braley (who don't make contact easy) and urge them to join Congressman Latham in opposing the Democrat leadership’s truly anti-human refusal to pass this much needed legislation.

Shame on the Iowa Democrats if they continue to punish Susan Jaenke and the memory and orphan child of Jaime Jaenke. Shame indeed.


Anonymous said...


Shrub opposes the bill as well.

Impeach Bush NOW!

Anonymous said...

And once again....deafening silence when all the facts are presented.
Shame on George Bush is he continues to punish Susan Jaenke and the memory and orphan child of Jaime Jaenke. Shame indeed.

Anonymous said...

The Register's "excellent story" quoted a total of two people: Latham and the grandmother. If Jane Norman had bothered to dig deeper, she would have found that this was one of many amendments proposed by Republicans at the last minute to slow down the Defense bill, the mother could have designated a different beneficiary if she'd wanted to, and Latham could have introduced his bill in the proper committee, not the Rules committee.

Looks like he wanted it to fail so he could have a big emotional point for the tough reelection campaign coming up.

For the record, Braley, Boswell, Loebsack and King were all cosponsors of Latham's bill, not that they apparently had much confidence in it.

The real news is that Latham did anything at all.
