Monday, June 18, 2007

……… and then I saw the pig flying by my window.

I just picked up a smallish item from last night’s late news publications. The BBC has acknowledged its liberal bias and apparently is seeking ways to correct that problem. Read carefully though, the caveat allows room for evidence based judgments by editorial staff, so maybe those pigs were really pink elephants.

What’s next, NBC and CBS acknowledging that every entertainment and news program they air are heavily slanted?


Anonymous said...

I made an editorial decision to broadcast forgeries because they would help learn the truth.

Oh, wait, that was what I told people after smoking peyote for 3 days.

Anonymous said...

So when does Faux News admit their bias???? (Unless Ted is talking out of both sides of his mouth again)

Anonymous said...

"Faux" from the mouth of one who suports the party that is infomred by Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.

Anonymous said...

"Faux" as in - if you're too stooopid to admit their conservative bias you're no better than Dan Blather.

Anonymous said...

Major Props go out to my little green friend Yoda for coining the term "anon phags".

Anonymous said...

I really loved the MSM liberal bias in the coverage of the 2000 prez debates. You had a rehearsed one-liner king vs. a smart guy who knew his stuff. Completely in different leagues. Like a T-ball player vs. a major league pro. But MSM trying to treat candidates equally were too afraid to call things like they were, instead focused on insignificant things like sighs. Had to go to foreign media to read an honest assessment. And why do R’s never bring up the MSM love-fest and no-hard-questions-ever-asked mentality after 9/11? Yeah, the mainstream profit-seeking corporations are inherently real liberal. Give me a break! The liberal MSM is a myth successfully maintained by R’s.

Of course, media assessments by us political junkies tend to be like biased home-team supporters judging referee calls. Seldom objective.

Yoda said...

"Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles... He saved hundreds of thousands of lives."

-- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, quoted by Globe and Mail, sticking up for the fictional federal agent in the television series 24 while arguing that interrogators "require latitude in times of great crisis."

Hmmmm... Count me as a Scalia fan, for a Jedi he is.....

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Scalia should have a competency hearing as he uses a fictional character in real constitutional situations.

Maybe Yoda should realize that mythical jedi were on the good size.
HMM me think Yoda is just another sock muppet! No thoughts just words put in his mouth!

Anonymous said...

Well I see Ted isn't addressing david Yepsen's column concerning the GOP straw poll. Even david called it a shakedown of the candidates and basically it is "political theatre' in other words just a method of raising money! Sounds familiar!

hey Yoda
remember your muppet sleep toy was honorable fictional character.DO you no forget that you are a GOP lackey HMM, Yoda is confused persona maybe he more like jar Jar Binks!

Anonymous said...

Yoda!!!! Where have you been? It's nice to see you blogging again. It gets boring in the cybersphere with no yoda speak going on!
