Thursday, June 14, 2007


Another front line soldier in the Polk County Democrat Machine (“La Machina” to Supervisor John Mauro) squared off with US Attorney Matt Whitaker today.

Long time Democrat activist Vic Scaglione was indicted at 3:00 today for ““false deception before a grand jury” as part of the CIETC investigation. Scaglione, like several other soldiers and captains of the PCDM received thousands of dollars in bonuses, apparently at the written direction of Boss Hogg John Mauro, himself the recent recipient of a $4 (plus) million gift from you, the Polk County taxpayers, and former Democrat City Councilman Archie Brooks.

As the CIETC scandal continues to expand in scope and direction the only questions remaining are:

What did John Mauro, Angela Lemmo Connolly and Tom Hockensmith know and when did they know it.


Anonymous said...

Go get 'em Ted!!!!

I still cherish the video of when you adressed the CIETEC Council, oops, I mean city council, and demanded Vlassis and "Sugar Sugar" Archie to step down or be helped to step down. You had to ask for extra seconds to allow for your time taken up by huge quantities of applause.

Fantastic internet video!!!!

Go get 'em Ted !!!!

Anonymous said...

On a related topic, that Bush-appointed judge told Scooter to scoot directly to jail.

Now we'll see Repubs have a change of heart regarding amnesty.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Spotlight; what does Scooter Libby have to do with Des Moines Democrats living off of our tax dollars? Stealing with both hands one might say.

Anonymous said...

I'm just horrified at the crooked bastards, and I'm a Democrat.

Maybe it is time to shake up the Courthouse.

Anonymous said...

Iowa Democrats get more arrogant by the day. Who knows what all they're skimming off this bloated state budget.

Anonymous said...

I said, "on a related topic", meaning they were related in that they both involved deception before a grand jury.

Will you be posting about Libby and the rule of law, jury verdicts, obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI, or will you be sticking to courthouse cases?

Not knowing Whitaker, I have to wonder if he's part of the Bush-Gonzales regime's plan to manipulate US attorneys; to prosecute Democrats and protect Republicans at every opportunity. Too bad his credibility has been undermined in this way. Maybe you have some insight? Since Libby was both prosecuted and sentenced by Bush's own appointees, at least we can trust that case was not partisan.

Anonymous said...

As a D, I have no reason to defend the D machine in Polk Co. Way too many cozy good old boys network deals & relationships going on - people doling out money to themselves, their buddies and their pet causes. This usually happens when one side has all the power for too long. I hope they find all the crooks and convict them. We D's should really clean house in Polk Co.

Anonymous said...

rf, there are also a lot of good d's in polk co. hockensmith works hard for his area, sarcone has done a great job, kiernan and colemen are solid to name a few. lumping all d's into this would be like blaming christine hensley for the dead youth over in iraq.

Ken R said...

I am wondering if some of the South Side Democrats are part of Mob considering their activities and callous disregard for taxpayers. I guess the TV series Sopranos has ended but perhaps we have the real deal in DSM?

Anonymous said...

Of course there are good D’s in Polk Co. But there are enough rotten apples to create a real stench. Similarly, there surely were many good and honorable R’s in the previous Congress. Hell, with Gates in, there even appears to be one competent person in the W administration. You can never paint things with too broad of a brush.

Anonymous said...

Off topic here. But what’s up with congressional R’s whining about renewable energy mandates? It’s too hard, so we won’t even try. When did this cannot-do attitude take over R’s? Good thing today’s R’s weren’t in charge of the space program when it counted. With this attitude, we would not be in space yet. After all, it required pushing the limits and unleashing American innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

Anonymous said...

When you're a whore to the major oil and energy companies you can't allow anyone to rock the boat... even if it's in the best interest of the country (energy independence would be a great boost to our national security). But don't expect Ted to criticize the GOP over this one.

Anonymous said...

From E.J. Dionne:

This could be the new Republican Party in the making: a disappointed, dissatisfied and inward-looking coalition that abandons Reagan's hopefulness and tries to hang on by playing on fears of terrorism and anger about immigration. If Fred Thompson's job is to restore optimism to a dispirited bunch, he faces a task that might have overwhelmed even Ronald Reagan.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

rf, did you believe all the pundits, and there were many, who said the Dems were dead after 2004?

I did not then. Nor am I worried about some fatal rift in our ranks.

A healthy dose of Hillary will cure all evils.

As to local Dems, a few good ones, although not the ones you named, ironically enought, our new Sec. of State Mike Mauro chief among them. Not sure I agree with the ones you named.

One party control for too long is never good. We made some pretty big reforms in the 90s but by the time we'd had the house for 10 years the urge to feather one's nest, to quote Bismark, grew too strong and we fell to a preety feeble foe. (Let's talk about Reid and Pelosi's numbers, and they've got the national news and entertainment industries on their side.)

But now let's take a look and see who is fighting like cats and dogs to save top secret earmarks? Special favors for tuna constituents?

So just say they may be sons of bitches but they're our sons of bitches about your Congressmen.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...
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The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Still trying, thanks for the opportunity to address energy, one of my two favorite topics.

The failure to achieve energy independence is the USA's singular greatest policy failure since 1973. We’ve known the problems of shortage of supply and unreliability of source would create a tremendous problem, including long term war in the Middle East. Hell, we've even known the time would most likely be somewhere between 1995 and 2010. The failure to achieve any national consensus on this issue shows how broken our political system really is.

We haven't built a new gasoline refinery since 1978. We haven't implemented widespread home solar since the early 70s. We have unlimited hydro power, why are so few hydro plants built? Why don't all domestic cars get 35 mpg or better? We cannot even sufficiently cooperate in Iowa to build a comprehensive ethanol distribution system that competes with larger, national distribution system to at least make ethanol cheaper in Iowa?

We put a man on the moon in ten years, so why can't every block in western Iowa have its own coop windmill?

There are so many failings and believe me, the leftie enviros contribute mightily to this now crises in a number of ways. W has done so much more than anyone in history, whether by design or necessity we can debate later, yet so much more remains to be done.

Energy independence is neccessary and sufficient for victory in the WoT. Long term independence requires long term sustainable and cleaner production.

...... and yes, we should always strive to balance realistic environmentalism with economic progress. Remember boys, we drink the same water and breathe the same air. This means that this silly environmental crusade of Algore and his fellow travelers cannot replace real established and empirically based science with environmental theology. At the same time, very sound physical and economic science dictates that we accelerate the trend towards greater environmental stewardship. W has also done more about this than almost any predecessor and this also I think is by design. None the less, much more remains to be done.

I could write thirty more pages of what I think specifically should be done-I expect it would shock almost every Democrat and most Republicans.

I long for the day when I can plug in a safe and comfortable and reliable car and starve the Saudi Royal family and every other savage in that part of the world.

Anonymous said...

"It's a TV show. If you can't handle TV questions, how are you going to stand up to Iran, and North Korea, and the rest of the world?"

-- NBC anchor Tim Russert, quoted by DC Fishbowl, saying Democrats should debate on Fox News.

Anonymous said...

The last indictment was pretty weak as they merely caught an employee not wanting to admit they were goofing on company time. Not very different from the Clive residing downtown workers taking off early to catch a beer or a strip show on Principals time. As for his bonuses how many readers would refuse those bonuses This indictment was merely an attempt by Rev Attorney Chrisyofascist Whitaker to keep CIETC in the headlines. By the way old Ted Hemmoroid never said boo about those REPUB Supervisors in Dallas, Warren, and Jasper County that sat on the board did He? Maybe ted just thought they were slack jawed yokels like most of his rabid fans.
Oh and if was Ted and you mooks caught in this you would be Telling the world how you earned that compensation. I am sure we can find all sort of sweet heart deal in all those backwoods GOP strongholds, like Cass County, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids!
Do we need to compare the list indicted convicted and imprisoned GOP congressmen in the last 2 years? and that it with an incompetent DOJ run by Gonzalez.
ted how much frozen money will we find in your house?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sphincter - You did this on an empty stomach didn't you? Did you know there are over the counter foods you can take to stop that uncontrollable diarhhea?

Did you ever take an English class? Are you demonstrating the true effect of public education on the ability of democrats to actually form a logical thought and express it clearly?

Anonymous said...

Angelina Jolie's Anti-Press Touches Nerve

Our report yesterday about Angelina Jolie banning press from interviews and requiring interviewers to sign contracts touched off a firestorm. Mostly it was from colleagues who were relieved that we’d finally lifted the veil on all this craziness.

And it wasn’t just about FOX News getting banned from the red carpet.

That was bad, but it wasn’t the central issue. Jolie treats all the press with hostility unless she can control the outcome of an interaction.

Insisting interviewers sign contracts was an affront, considering that her movie is about the murder of a reporter who tried bravely to do his job.

And then to pretend empathy by raising money at the movie for Reporters Without Borders. The hypocrisy and arrogance were overwhelming.

The fact is, Angelina Jolie — despite her posturing as Goodwill Ambassador to the world — is just like everyone else.

She’s only different in that she’s created rules for herself that are so far beyond the norm of self-absorbed celebrity nuttiness, that she finally went too far.

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear we are still on the same page with energy stuff. But my question still stands: What's up with the cannot-do attitude of Congressional R's on the energy stuff?

It is true that W has done some good things with energy. But, considering the enormity of the challenge we face, he has been extremely tepid and has not really put his money where his mouth is. We need to bold, and at least Congressional D's are trying to go in that direction. We need R's on board as well. I don't care if your motivation is national security or global warming, we just need to do it.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

I don't know enough about this particular bill, its probably got some poison pill fuel efficiency standards.

People are terrified of change so they cling to the past. Have you seen the fight brewing between some end users of corn (feed farmers mostly) and ethanol?

This is an issue where the relevant policy makers are just locked in the past. Mandatory conservation vs. price supports for imported fuel. We've heard that bullshit for 30 years. There is a third way.

Step one-recognize reality. Most energy will in the short run come from fossil fuels so we'd better make it domestic from the well to the pump.

Step two-create more market based energy in two ways. Phase out subsidies and replace them with phasing out capital gains on energy companies, especially domestic utilities. While utilities have large profit volumes their actual margins are quite small, that's the trade off for the assurance of profit that price controls bring. Since completely deregulated pricing of utility services seems a litte risky we have to find a way to give them more working capital to make the very expensive changes in energy production-power plants cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Since the government doesn't do most things well I don't want a bureaucrat deciding which energy ventures obtain investment capital the money has to come from the private sector.

Step three-begin fairly aggressive tax breaks for a variety of energy reforms, from more efficient appliances and vehicles to installation of home solar, corn furnaces, etc..... Let the consumer decide how badly they want to save energy. Most people will find ways to save if they get money for it.

There are all sorts of other simple things that could be done, but everyone has a stake in the status quo. LIke social security and medicare these are problems that aren't going away. We are still breathtakingly prosperous right now and this opportunity is fast fading.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous 737:

I will write slower for you as you obviously can't argue the point.

My point is the last indictment was merely done to showcase. It is well documented that the DOJ has devolved from an independent arm of the government to a department filled with party hacks who received their law degree from third tier law schools and that appointments were made according to party loyalty rather than competency.
Again where was the republican outrage to those republican supervisors from the 5 other counties who served on the board?
Where was the outrage on the Cass County Sheriff and county attorney ticket fixing scandal?
Where is the outrage when legislation is blocked for years because a certain GOP leader was receiving "consulting fees" from out of state special interests?

let's face it all those who are expressing outrage or glee have in all liklehood participated in similar shady schemes.
The last thing that I need is to have a lawyer/blogger/politico preach the ethical high ground. They don't practice it so don't preach it. Having a lawyer blogging on ethics is about as valid as having GOP darling Rev. Haggard preaching about the evils of homosexuality!
What I am saying is with the GOP despicable record on ethics, morals and family values, that they have no right to the bully pulpit!
The truth is whether it is a Democrat or GOP member that the higher you try to get in the system the more tainted you become. This includes your hero Ted. Do you think he does this for a sense of duty? He does it because it benefits his law practice! This just the way it is regardless of party affiliation.

So anonymous 737 instead of your pitiful attempt at sarcasm why don't you put together a real rebuttal!

Anonymous said...

This blog benefits Sporer's law practice? Surely you have insulted his clients.

At least I give Sporer credit as an honest True Believer in the crazy conservatism of our times.

Anonymous said...

not the blog but his participation in the political realm does help his practice, I cannot believe that Ted is nothing but an opportunist.
When he sees that crazy conservatism no longer is profitable then he will wrap himself in some other guise!
Being involved in his level of politics has nothing to do with the greater good of the country but in personal gain of wealth or prestige.
if it was for the greater good of the republic than he would refuse to demonize the oppostion and work to make this country great.
I am tired of the politicians talking about the need for war yet never believe that this great crusade is worth any personal sacrifice. How many of these guys served their country in any capacity. Why hasn't any of Romneys sons served in the army? Why haven't all these young Republicans who support the war leave their campaign jobs to serve in the marines!
If you are a patriot then you will sacrice for your country not seek a paycheck

Anonymous said...

Ted Sporer......the Dennis Miller of politics??

Anonymous said...

I agree about Dennis Miller. This is some pretty funny shit! Nice work Ted.

Anonymous said...

rectum hole

If you want rational conversation, you need to be rational. Please speak even more slowly, because you are a beserker. Being beserk is not an argument.

WHERE IS THE DEMOCRAT OUTRAGE OVER THE DEMOCRAT NC PROSECUTOR WHO FILED FALSE CHARGES OF RAPE IN ORDER TO WIN HIS OFFICE? Since most prosecutors are democrats, how often does this injustice occure that we don't hear about? We certainly have have issues in Polk County with the democrat controlled justice system being selective in what they prosecute. How is it that all those democrats that just now have been indicted were able to act with impunity under democrat control for decades?

Just business as usual in Polk County under La Machina.

Where is your outrage about democrat corruption right here in our own neighborhoods?

You don't care do you? Business as usual. The ends justify the means doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Dear anon

The prosecutor In NC has been disbarred and charges filed. In the old United States that is called the justice system. I 'll explain it to you someday when your your court ordered anger management course is finished.

Cietc scandal involves Archie Brooks, Nowhere have I heard about Cunningham and the other folks party affiliations and if they are registered democrats they are not exactly big fish. Didn't one of those under investigation work there as a consultant why she worked for the GOP state auditor? wasn't she a Republican?
This was a program that lacked state oversight. I remember Jeff Lamberti writing legislation that paid a crony of his about $600 grand to produce and sell music CD for a drug prevention program that is totally inaffected. This was given to him without a bidding process and state staff was told to shut up and don't give much attention to it. If you want to go tit for tat. we can always dig up dirt.
The local GOP is basically waging an anti Italian campaign against the south siders. They paint a brush of insinuation because they are organized and basically beat the pants off of Teds strategy. so then let's turn our US attorney and noted partisan extremist into an agent for the party and devote staff time to small crimes while letting real crimes be unprosecuted.
Oh and anon, Ted responds and corrects any response he has a disagreement it is called debate he doesn't need you.
I suggest you should stop listening to Rush and glen beck. Angry fat gop white men is so passe. Try listening to DR laura ,she will soothe those feelings of anger by giving you a conservative tough love message.

Anonymous said...

Anti italian campaign?? What the hell are you talking about Spincterboy?

CIETC took hundreds of thousands of dollars that SHOULD have been going towards job development programs and put it in the pockets of Brooks, Cunningham, etc...

There's no two ways around it...If this is merely a "anti-Italian" front..why then have NO Iowa Democrats come to the defense of any of these indicted officials?

Simple..they know that CIETC continues to be a political bomb waiting to blow up in the face of anyone rushing to the defense.

If you have any proof to the contrary that these people are innocent and the taxpayer's money is simply lying in a freezer somewhere in Des Moines..please..enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon

I never said they were innocent. I said that that the only democrat of any note was Archie Brooks. When the GOP tries to link the south side political folks to the scandal then yes you are using ethnic sterotypes as everyone in this area knows who you are referring to when you use "south side"
If I can recall Archie hasn't been implicated in any theft of funds, he is accused of being a piss poor Board member but then so are ALL the others on the 5 County Board. We have to wait until the trial to see how he benefited( I am sure you GOP perverts are hoping to hear about sexual favors received so you can dream about a sex life)
The state employees have not been accused of stealing money just of a coverup ( Much like Scooter Libby)

Why are you concerned about job training funds. Since when has a GOPer been concerned about the plight of the common guy. Odds are the tax dollars you pay don't amount to much.
Are you concerned about the federal investigation of the Alaskan lawmakers including Ted Stevens. Where is your outrage we are talking about million upon millions!
The GOPers like you can take the moral high ground when you and your party develop some morals!

Anonymous said...


You're damn right we're going to raise hell when hundreds of thousands of tax dollars end up in the pockets of people like Cunningham, etc..and is covered up by people like Archie Brooks, Jane Barto and Scaglione, etc..

We can debate all you want about whether job training programs work etc..however..when the money allocated for those programs is sent to the pockets of those running the programs! Think about it for two seconds... 1.3 MILLION in excess salary and bonus payments in 33 months.. How many people could that 1.3 Mil helped?

Are there questions that need to be asked about who knew what and when they knew it?? You're damn right. What did people like John Mauro, Connolly and Hockensmith know?

Is it no coincidence that many of the people charged here are active leaders within the Polk County Democrat machine?

Cmon and get real Sphincterboy..
