Monday, June 11, 2007

Dan Goodner and the politics of ignorance.

In checking the news earlier today I saw an interesting internet headline on the Des Moines Register website. The headline read “Lieberman’s proposal to attack Iran is dangerous, foolish”. The article was written by one of the DMR’s “Young Adult Board”; a young man named David Goodner.

I don’t usually read the smaller articles but, not surprisingly, this one caught my eye because the content of the headline was so silly. Then I read the article and the silliness appeared to geometrically increase before my eyes.

As is typical with the young leftist, the content contains a cocktail of the usual name calling (“Lieberman is a loser”) mixed with a sort of mind numbing degree of moral equivalency. (“What would the US do if China invaded Mexico or Canada”) that substitutes for argument in the world of liberal dialogue.

The significance of Mr. Goodner’s article is the evidence it provides of the bizarre self-loathing nature of the self loathing Americanism that arises from the almost complete absence of fact based history and critical thinking that in modern education, including collegiate and university curricula.

Goodner’s lack of understanding of the threat Iran poses to the Western Civilization. Goodner equates Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons with US possession of nuclear weapons, simply ignoring the difference in purpose. The Iranian government is an enemy of the United States. They say they want to destroy the United States. Iran has been the leading supporter of anti-American terrorism since 1979. The current Iranian leadership talks about annihilating Israel as a moral and religous duty.

Mr. Goodner bases his moral equivalency on such flights of fantasy as a claim that the Iranian acquisition of nukes and arming and supporting terrorists who kill American and Coalition soldiers by the dozen and Iraqi civilians by the thousand is justified by the “”illegal occupation” of Iraq and Palestine”. Such claims are utterly lacking in factual merit or legal argument but they roll off the tongue and pen of the American left like they are as well established as the boiling point of water.

Mr. Gooder is, of course, entitled to his opinion. The tragedy is the legitimizing this kind of self-loathing cultural nihilism by injecting into the mainstream of thought through news services like the Des Moines Register.

Young Mr. Goodner closes with a question-“If the United States and Israel can have nukes, why can’t Iran?” So, to answer the question directly and in short, Iran cannot have nuclear weapons because they might use them on you, Mr. Goodner. In and of itself, I wouldn’t care so much if the nuke could be ideologically targeted but I’m afraid that the nuclear blast might kill a few thousand people about whom I do care.


Anonymous said...

A 70-member group of Iowans led by several Statehouse veterans has been enlisted by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to help him campaign for support in the Republican caucuses in January.

At the top of his leadership team are state Chairman Paul Pate, a former Iowa secretary of state and former Cedar Rapids mayor, and these four co-chairmen: Former Lt. Gov. Joy Corning, Senate Minority Leader Mary Lundby, former Senate Minority Leader Jack Rife, Sen. Jeff Angelo and former Sen. Jim Kersten.

Giuliani's caucus chairman is Story County Republican Chairman Russ Cross. Among the regional chairmen announced today are former Rep. Gene Maddox and former Sen. Maggie Tinsman. County chairmen include Eric Branstad, son of former Gov. Terry

Anonymous said...

After reading Fareed Zakaria’s interesting article about life after W in last week’s Newsweek, I have been reflecting a bit on our current political state. R candidates and folks like Sporer are fanning the flames of fear as much as they can. Cannot but agree with our friend Spotlight on that. But then on the other hand, D’s are all gloom and doom about W and every little thing he has done over the last 6 years. (Admittedly, I’m often in the same mode.) What the hell has happened to our country being the beacon of hope, winning the hearts and minds of people, positive outlook focused on the future and everything else that has made this country so great? - After this reflection, I’m even more convinced that I’ve latched on to the best candidate on my side (Obama).

Anonymous said...

Interesting article by Christopher Hayes in the Washington Monthly. He concludes with this:

From his perch on the New York Times op-ed page, David Brooks has been urging fellow conservatives to stop looking to the idealized small-government icons of Goldwater and Reagan as a guide to the problems of the twenty-first century. “Democratic approaches are favored on almost all domestic, tax, and fiscal issues, and even on foreign affairs,” Brooks wrote in an April column entitled “Grim Old Party.” “The public, in short, wants change. And yet the Republicans refuse to offer that.”

At the end of the day, the country can’t tax-cut its way to better health care or a post-oil economy or fewer carbon dioxide emissions. The titans of capitalism are beginning to realize that, even if the conservative movement’s leading lights can’t—or won’t.

Anonymous said...

Today's example essay from the "sky is green" party.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, once again way off topic. - I did not see last week’s R debate. But the debate coverage indicated none of the candidates wanted to let gays serve openly in the military. So.... what kind of a libertarian is Ron Paul if he was with everyone else with this? Also, some of these same folks are saying we should let illegal immigrants serve in the military. So, these people don’t want gays in the military, but they are ok relying on foreign-flag waving illegal immigrants defending our country. WTF?

Anonymous said...

On Iran, the Democrats at the debate favored talks to avoid another war like the one in Iraq, and Republicans accused the other party of weakness.

"The Democrats ... don't seem to have gotten beyond the Cold War," said former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani at the Republican debate, accusing the Democrats of being "in denial" for saying Iran is 10 years from having nuclear weapons.

He was referring to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph R. Biden Jr., who said at his party's debate that the United States should end its "regime change" policy on Iran.

"What we're saying to everybody in Iran is ... give up the one thing that keeps us from attacking you, and after that, we're going to attack you, we're going to take you down," the Delaware Democrat said. "Understand how weak Iran is. ... They are a decade away from being able to weaponize."

Mr. Giuliani countered this assertion, saying, "The danger to us is not just missiles. The danger to us is a state like Iran handing nuclear weapons over to terrorists."

Mrs. Clinton said diplomacy is "way overdue" with Iran, and talks should be a starting point while saying, "Iran having a nuclear weapon is absolutely unacceptable."

"We need a process of engagement," she said. "The president's policy has been: We don't talk in this administration to people we don't agree with or that we think are bad. All during the Cold War, we always talked to the Soviet Union."

Former Sen. John Edwards, North Carolina Democrat, noted a "long history of pro-American sentiment in Iran." He said he would make nuclear fuel available to Iran but keep it under the control of the international community and forbid its weaponization, and would impose "serious" economic sanctions.

Anonymous said...


are you suggesting that gays and illegal immigrants are the same thing? I don't think that's really the issue.

why do they keep men and women's sleeping quarters separate from each other? why not let them all sleep together, shower together etc? Why is that? everyone can keep their hands to themselves, right?

Anonymous said...

Of course it’s not the same thing. But I find it odd that someone feels secure when a foreign-born, foreign-flag waving individual is defending our country, but they don’t want the American-born neighbor you never even knew was gay defending us.

If we are as civilized as we think we are, mixed housing arrangements should work well. In college, I was in mixed housing arrangements and it worked extremely well. And if you think there is no hanky-panky going on with separate housing arrangements, I suspect you are sadly mistaken. Frankly, I don’t care how our brave soldiers release/enjoy themselves while not on duty. Straight or gay sex, does not concern me the least.

Anonymous said...

Republicans only have sex once they are married and only in the missionary position......everything else is considered abnormal, a mortal sin, and must be opposed at every level possible (regardless of reality or common sense).

Anonymous said...

History question for the Arrogant One who fears Iran would use nuclear weapons on him: Who was the only nation to actually use nuclear weapons?

Bonus question: What was the real reason they did it?

Anonymous said...

I love how liberals refer to the United States as "they" instead of "we". That pretty much ends the debate on who's side "they libs" are on.

Anonymous said...

oh my spotlight. america sucks again. they ended the war by bombing the enemy. you feel they should have kept the enemy going.

america is evil and wrong once again in your world view. we are the evil empire rather than the shining city on the hill.

how sad you have chosen to live your life wallowing in all this self-hating american low self esteem. I bet you have premature wrinkles.

who on earth do you support? who has the model government you prefer? who has the cultural history that you find superior?where would you rather live? what changes would you make?

But, since I believe they really bombed japan to end the war and you clearly don't, please educate me. What was the conspiracy? What as the real reason?

Anonymous said...

I love how diesel gas and the other GOP perverts on this site can only use lines from a drug addicted viagra user (RUSH) or O reily whose previous claim to fame was an anchor on a Hollywood tabloid show.

I love the smell of chickens hawks spouting war talk in the morning.
Smells like cowardice to me.
Hey College Repubs. Your nation needs you do your duty!

Anonymous said...

Dear Shining City on the Hill(Tue 9:35pm),

Sorry about the delayed reply. I didn't read comments for a while. Since you may not be reading this any longer, I will keep it brief---

Truman nuked Japan to scare the Russians. He chose Hiroshima (previously never bombed because it contained no military targets) because it would most clearly demonstrate the power of the blast.

Reminding ourselves of this history does not make us self-hating. It might make us humble.

see here for more---
