Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday Talk Review-Fox News Sunday (Petraeus Responds).

Coalition commander U.S. Gen. David Petraeus responded to the increasingly buffoonish and unpopular Harry Reid’s accusation that Gen Petraeus was out of touch for saying that normality was returning to areas of Bagdad. The General had a great retort. After listing many signs of improving conditions in Bagdad and Anbar province Gen. Petraeus said that “I will not shrink from announcing good news”. The General then spent several minutes discussing areas of progress and areas of concern, while reinforcing the only logical conclusion that history and the contemporaneous facts on the ground dictate-security is essential peace. (Libs just to spare the usual question of defining victory; victory is the juncture of diminished conflict and Iraqi capability to sustain their own government that is an ally in the larger War on Terror, so you don’t have to post that canard.)

Petraeus provided a refreshing dose of realism on a couple of other issues. The General recognized that the last of the new brigade groups only arrived last week. Of course, Reid and Pelosi think the plan has failed because Petraeus had all of the troops in place for almost 5 days. Wallace’s interview certainly refutes those who say Fox News is the Administration’s lap dog-he hammered every possible fact bite that could feed the defeatist spin-which is what makes him a great interviewer when he wants to be aggressive.

Petraeus discussed all of the political progress Iraq has made. While Wallace inquired as to the usual failings of the Iraqi government the General was able to provide substantial evidence of almost constant political progress. I wonder if Gen. Petraeus heard Lindsey Graham express the irony of American Senators criticizing Iraqi politicians’ failure to reach consensus on the major issues of the day. If not, he might think it himself the next time an illegal alien serves his food or he pays $3.50 for a gallon of gas.

Finally, Gen. Petraeus refused to buy into the false promise of timelines. Just like
Admiral Broderick told Admiral Tory : “Wars don’t run on schedules”. Over the short term it will take months to gain complete control of the Bagdad area and the larger Anbar Province. Petraeus recognized that victory is essential regardless of the length of time it takes to achieve.

The Fox panel was flat but the Power Player segment compensated somewhat. Tom Friedman of the usually knee jerk NY Times was featured. While I frequently disagree with Friedman’s conclusions he is the rare liberal writer who tries to grapple with reality instead of redefining it for the sake of convenience.

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