Friday, June 22, 2007

Which came first, the chicken …………….

……………… or the egg? In the same week that the Iranian Islamofacists began their most severe oppression of political and intellectual dissent since Ayatollah Khomeini left the scene, Senators Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer, two leading proponents of Iranian hegemony in the Middle East, were plotting a crackdown on dissent in the United States.

What would she do if given the power of the Presidency?


Anonymous said...

Don't forget Trent "Vacant" Lott's recent comment.

Hitlery and Boxer would have us in concentration camps so fast our heads would spin.

Vee cahnt hav zee peeple tinking for zemselves.

Anonymous said...

the new report by the Center for American Progress and Free Press found that "91 percent of the total weekday talk radio programming is conservative, and 9 percent is progressive." And that disparity isn't limited to small-town radio in areas that lean conservative: In the top 10 radio markets, "76 percent of the programming ... is conservative and 24 percent is progressive."
And what kind of rhetoric do those conservative radio talkers favor? This week alone:
Conservative radio host Michael Graham, appearing on fellow conservative radio host Glenn Beck's CNN Headline News television show, said he would have liked to see the Clintons be murdered during their spoof of the final episode of The Sopranos. Graham has previously said of Hillary Clinton, "I wanted to bludgeon her with a tire iron." Beck, too, favors bloodthirsty rhetoric: He once fantasized on his radio show about "choking the life out" of Michael Moore, saying, "I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could." (This, incidentally, came before CNN decided to hire him. Talking about killing liberals doesn't get you kicked off the radio -- it gets you a television show on CNN.)
Guest-hosting for Rush Limbaugh, Mark Belling described same-sex couples' decision to have children as "pure selfishness."
Michael Savage claimed that the Massachusetts state legislature killed a proposed a referendum on banning same-sex marriage because the "gay mafia bought the votes ... like cheap tricks in a gay bathhouse." Last week, Savage said "I think it's child abuse" for a gay parent to raise a child. That was no slip of the tongue; Savage said the same thing in February: "I want to puke when I hear about a woman married to a woman raising children because, frankly, I think that it's child abuse to do that to children without their permission." And in March: "The idea of two women who are so-called married raising children, I think it's child abuse." In 2003, Savage told a caller, whom he described as a "sodomite," that he "should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it."

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Liberals don't need talk radio. They have 91% of TV and news magazine and news papers to absord their news.

AS for content, son, we're pikers compared to the rage and hate that pours from your own fingers on this blog.

Things like Cindy Sheehan's immortal desire to return in time and kill the baby W so as to prevent the Iraq war. Aside from begging the question (e.g. why not travel back in time and kill the baby Saddam) its pretty fucking sick.

Think of the accusations of racism, facsism, desire to poison the world and criminal greed that liberals substitute for argument. If one opposes homosexual marriage rights the immediate response is "homophobe", which isn't even a real word.

The difference between us is that you think we shouldn't have the right to speak at all because we don't agree, we just want to compete and found a way in the market around the almost total liberal bias in the rest of the media.

Anonymous said...


Cite one single thing I have posted here that is hateful.

I don't think you shouldn't have the right to speak. I even think you have the right to attend Dem campaign events, something Bush never permitted if he could prevent it.

The media bends over backwards to accomodate the crazy conservatives. "Experts" from the AEI, Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute, etc, dominate the newscasts I hear. Fox News, Drudge, Moonie Times, have big shares of TV, internet, and newspaper influence.

Ever heard of the right wing noise machine? Ever hear of Media Matters? Ever read Blinded by the Right? or What Liberal Media? The facts are there. There is no liberal media. There is just a right wing conspiracy to discredit real news by calling it partisan so that no one trusts honest reporting anymore.

Where did this 91% nonesense come from? Did you do some content analysis you are keeping secret?

Anonymous said...

from Think
"Progressive radio host Ed Schultz appeared on MSNBC last night to discuss the new report by the Center for American Progress and Free Press, which revealed the conservative monopoly that currently exists over talk radio.

Schultz — the host of the most popular progressive radio show in the country — debunked the right-wing myth that conservatives dominate simply because they are winning in a “free market.” Schultz explained that the market is being controlled by a few ownership groups that are forcing conservative talk shows into local markets:

I beat Sean Hannity in Denver. I beat him in Seattle. I beat him in Portland. I beat in San Diego. How many markets do I have to beat Hannity in before I get 200 or 300 stations? It’s an ownership issue. … The fact is, it’s market opportunities and liberal talkers, progressive talkers are being held to a totally different standard than conservatives."

Anonymous said...

The reason leftist talk radio does not survive is because nobody wants to listen to a political philosophy based on plunder and extortion.

Anonymous said...

I may not be 100% objective on this, but Sporer claiming that Spotlight is spewing hateful stuff is taking hypocrisy to new heights. I really can't recall Spotlight writing anything that even resembles hateful when you compare it to Sporer's own rhetoric. The fact that Sporer does not like the often inconvenient truths or viewpoints that Spotlight points out does not make those statements hateful.
