Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday Talk Review-ABC This Week-Partial Review

Unfortunately, technical difficulties prevented The Real Sporer from catching John Conyers and, more importantly Ron Paul. We did see the Mike Gravel interview. George Stephanopoulos asked the single silliest question in Sunday talk history, when, while discussing the future Presidential election, he posed the following to Gravel: “Who are you voting for?” I will not give away Gravel’s answer, but it was just one word.

The panel featured pinch hitter Rich Lowry for George Will. The line up change offered the viewer a more aggressive defense of the conservative position on issues. Lowry outlined the media template that drove Scooter Libby’s prosecution as consisting of a belief that there was conspiracy to ruin Joe Wilson in retaliation for exposing lies about the Iraq campaign.

Katrina vanden Heuvel then almost literally parroted Lowry’s words in expressing the media template. In classic liberal fashion, vanden Heuvel reiterates the position with the full knowledge that Plame was not “outed” because she was no longer “in” a classified position or covered historically; that Plame lied about her involvement in getting her husband the Niger job; that Wilson’s allegations were unsupported by the evidence he presented; and that three investigations in the US and the UK determined Wilson’s editorial was both literally and substantially false. These are demonstrable facts, not the Real Sporer’s opinion, and further evidence of the increasing gulf between liberal theology and factual reality.

ABC did air nice series of video clips of the Presidential candidates, including some speaking time for Bill Clinton, so we owe them a tip of the hat for the visually pleasant images of our fair state.


Anonymous said...

I always assumed that news reporters reported the news (past events of significance). I assumed that news commentators commented on the news (past events of significance). But, it seems that George can actually fortell the news. So, I have spent my morning e-mailing him, asking him hundreds of "news" questions, e.g. "Who will be the next president?" "When will the war end?" etc. I encourage anyone with a question about the future to e-mail ABC news.

Ken R said...

I finally caught this interview on Armed Forces Network and Mother of Mercy Katrina Vanden Heuvel was off the deep end in her assessment of the Libby commutation. She must be getting her talking points directly from the DNC.
