Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Talk Review-Meet the Press-(NBC)-Graham vs. Webb, Cage Death Match.

Democrat Senator and pornographer Jim Webb and Sen. Lindsey Graham were Tim Russert’s real world guests. Webb led off the conversation by denying that Iraq was a part of a larger war and was merely an occupation. Like most of the anti-war crowd, Webb stuck to the talking hysteria of their talking points regardless of contextual basis.

Webb actually illustrates what I mean when I most war critics are disingenuous and lacking in patriotism. Their reasoning and actions follow the tactics that appeasers from ancient Athens through the appeasement monkeys of Vichy France have used through the ages. In fact, in many cases the very same venal weaklings used the same disgraceful propaganda and political obstruction to bring defeat and shame on America in Vietnam. Their format is simple. 1. Before the Iraq invasion predict every kind of disaster imaginable (almost none of which have occurred-I really liked the “order more body bags” from the anti-war crowd because we’d have tens of thousands killed in Stalingrad like street warfare in Baghdad). 2. Say the war is a failure every single day thereafter regardless of occurrences. (The reader should never forget that the anti-war mob said we were bogged down four days into the initial invasion.) 3. Do everything possible to undermine public support for the Iraq campaign. 4. Use the lack of support to declare defeat and precipitously withdraw from Iraq. 5. Declare political victory when a real disaster follows the premature withdrawal. Its not new, these people have been around since the Revolutionary War. Only in Vietnam, however, were the voices of peace at any price successful in achieving their venal grasp for power by truly obtaining peace at any price. Is this the trend line that best secures the nation’s future?

Webb discussed his bizarre bill to limit the President’s ability to deploy troops without having given them sufficient rest back in the States. Such a law would have deprived FDR of the ability to send servicemen overseas and into combat zones in December of ‘41 and to keep them there until September of ‘45. That might be the dumbest idea that the libs have yet produced. Russert’s eyes were alight when he asked Lindsey Graham what was wrong with giving the troops a break. Russert was hot to indicate how such a limitation was dangerous because it would limit the President's ability to deploy military assets where needed.

Russert finally asked Webb a probative question fourteen minutes into the program. Webb responded to Russert’s inquiry about the possible bloodbath that would follow US withdrawal from Iraq with the blithe statement that “there will be problems” whenever the US leaves. Then, right back to the talking points about sympathy for the troops because they are tired. Senator, the troops were tired at Trenton and Princeton in winter of 1776-1777. Those same soldiers were facing the limits of human endurance at Valley Forge the following winter, having just run for their lives from new nation’s capital. But, those same soldiers were both tired and happy more than seven years after they first volunteered when, after complete victory at Yorktown in the fall of 1781, they finally got to march home.

Graham gave a list of consequences of US withdrawal from Iraq and Webb’s only response were political taunts about Lindsey having a hard month over the immigration bill. Graham refuted Webb’s claim that the military morale was broken by pointing to the record reenlistment's coming out of Iraq by saying that Graham should read the New York Times for an accurate description of the political opinions of America’s military personnel. Webb did nothing to diminish his reputation as a boor who personalizes political disagreements.

Russert did another good job of getting out of the way and letting the important people talk.

Something did happen of importance with the panel. Bob Novak discussed the Plame issue. Novak made it clear that Scooter Libby was not involved in disclosing Plame’s name. More importantly, Novak also made it clear that Plame’s name was not classified because the CIA knew of his conversation and did not object to Novak’s publication or say that anyone “would be endangered by it”. How many times of the Ds lied and said that Libby endangered the lives of CIA agents for political purposes?


noneed4thneed said...

Webb said troops used to get a 2 to 1 ratio of time at home to time deployed, now many are getting less than a 1 to 1 ratio.

In the bill there is exceptions for military emergencies. However, you don't have to worry. Republicans showed they don't support the troops by fillibustering it last week. I guess that just goes along with not providing body armor or the needed training either.

You can really tell that Webb lacks patriotism by looking at his career in the military and his son serving in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Was "Light-in-the-loafers" Lindsay also playing footsie with Webb under the table.

I thing Graham has a crush on him.
