Monday, August 13, 2007

Edwards: Inelegant and mean.

Karl Rove appears headed into the sunset, depriving Democrats of a favorite target, and some just are not content to see him go.

First, let us define the terms of debate. The Farlex Free Dictionary defines “inelegant” as “lacking refinement or polish; not elegant”. The same source defines “mean” as “cruel, spiteful, or malicious … ignoble; base.”

John Kerry is usually hard to top in the vicious invective department and today he certainly gets a Red Ribbon for second place with this example of sepulcherine urination.

Yes, John F. Kerry certainly displayed a lack of refinement and baseness at an elegiac moment by the statements at the end of a rival’s career. However, Kerry seemed like Amy Vanderbilt compared to the pettiness displayed by John Edwards.

I’m looking for the video because the mere words hardly do justice to the animus of heart that clearly motivated Edwards absurdly boorish remark. Moreover, the look on Edward’s face and the tone of his voice are quite literally the visage of hatred typically found on a face even more Aryan than Edwards.

Ugly usually has a pretty face, or so my old granny used to say.


Anonymous said...

Lizzie went after Hillary and Obama today. She is the one coaching John to be angry. We don't need this extreme partisanship anymore. Let's turn the page amd quit screaming at each other.

Anonymous said...

Even my apolitical fiancee said he was a jerk. I loved to add, "Yeah, with his $1200 haircut!"

The Democrats tend to be hateful. Republicans know how to attack Democrats as well, but we tend to do it on the issues; where the Democrats tend to curse more when talking about Republicans.

Anonymous said...

"we tend to do it on the issues"

BS! How long have you been reading Sporer? He can hardly get thru a post without calling Edwards a girl or Hillary "Evita" or Obama by his irrelevant middle name. Not to mention all the scorn he's heaped on "Damascus Nancy and Dingy Harry".

Sporer lives by the politics of personal destruction and he attracts commenters who revel in it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Spotlight, good point. I delight and am sure Sporer delights in exposing the cockroaches to the light!!!

However, I was in LA and forced to walk through an anti-war protest and I saw Bush signs with swastikas and also Israel signs with swastikas - as if Israel has anything to do with our war in Iraq but "F**k Bush" is a mantra of the common young Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Chad contradicts himself. He asserted that high-minded Republicans "know how to attack Democrats as well, but we tend to do it on the issues."

In the next comment he calls other people "cockroaches."

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sporer, the admirer of Saint Ann Coulter, is offended that John Edwards told Karl Rove good riddance?

Karl Rove, the guy who engineered a victory of one of his early candidates in Alabama by spreading rumors the opponent was a child molester?

Rush Limbaugh and his imitators are the master purveyors of hate speech in this country and have been for some time. They depict Democrats and liberals as evil terrorists, which is fine, I guess--but boy, telling Bush's brain not to let the door hit him on his way out is beyond the pale.

I always love the selective outrage of Republicans.

