Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I have returned.

After being driven from the internet for a couple of weeks by technology and chronology, I came through and the Real Sporer is back, and we’re better than ever baby.

We have missed a lot over the last few weeks. The surge is working, the rebellion is in the process of being crushed and the networks have gone silent on Iraq. Headline coverage of American casualties remains the only real Iraq coverage in the MSM.

The economy maintained full employment, real wages grew and the Dow has remained over 13,000. Our last recession began during the last quarter of the Clinton Administration, not last week as the MSM portrayed.

Fred Thompson is growing closer to becoming a candidate. John Edwards is growing closer to becoming a footnote in American history, and seven-point footnote at that.

Michael Vick pled guilty and the usual race baiters claimed that the prosecution was race based. After all, they argue, dog fighting is part of black culture and should, therefore, be placed in proper context, which apparently means excused. Although I doubt that premise to be true, if so, so what? Genital mutilation is part of some cultures but we don’t tolerate that cultural norm here either. Michael Vick is getting off easy and should have to face the dogs, or lions and tigers and bears if he bests the dogs.

Larry Craig’s apparently very wide stance in the bathroom caused him to plead guilty and then resign, and then withdraw his guilty plea and his resignation. Senator, stick with the guilty plea and ride off into a lucrative sunset. Anyone who pleads guilty to committing an illegal homosexual act in a public place when they are, in fact, not guilty of anything more than a “wide stance” simply lacks the intelligence to be a United States Senator.

Those crazy Clinton kids are raising money from Chinese mobsters again. Since Norman Hsu jumped bail a second time today we can probably assume that he must be hanging out with the 120 or so other Chinese mobsters that fled the United States the last time the Clintons got caught selling basing rights to the ChiComs for campaign cash. Where is a brother going to find a Buddhist monk when he needs absolution?

Al Gonzalez jumped off the bandwagon amidst Democrat screeches that he was the most political AG since Watergate. Strange, I would have thought that title would go to Janet Reno, the only Attorney General of the United States who actually litigated against the United States, a legal irony in which Janet Reno routinely engaged on behalf of Bill Clinton. My favorite Renoism isn’t the 120 or so Chinese mobsters whom she allowed to escape the United States but rather her attempts to prevent federal law enforcement officers from testifying about the criminal acts they witnessed Bill Clinton commit.

Best of all, football has returned to the heartland with a bang. How often do Michigan, Notre Dame and ISU all lose and the Hawks (and we all know what you are if you are not a Hawk) and Bulldogs win on the same day?


Anonymous said...

Easy on the Irish Uncle Ted.

Welcome back!

Ken R said...

Glad you're back. Rekha Basu is doing a series on so keep an eye on that one for us as there's a real possibility she'll distort things and we'll need some balanced commentary from the Real Sporer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

perhaps 9:23 could offer something interesting. Your snoring is boring and a waste of everyone's time.

Anonymous said...

Rekha Basu would distort something? You are kidding me!

The next thing you are going to tell me is that when I remove the pin from gernade, it might, just might, explode. I'm probably going to want to throw it, right?

Ken R said...

Rekha has bad mojo with conservatives and I pointed that out to her. We'll see how she treats me in Sunday's DSM Register.
