Friday, September 14, 2007

Rudy gets it!

Every once in a great while we encounter politicians who grasp not only the governing and decisive issue of the times but the possess the ability to define it, focus on it and persuade people to change their minds about it. We call that behavior leadership.

The Democrat New York Times ad attacking General David Petraeus, near unanimously confirmed by the Senate only months ago, and the echo chamber in the Democrat Congressional Caucuses provides what drunks call a moment of clarity for our society. America is presented with the true face of the modern American liberal and her addiction to despair and defeat.

Hillary Clinton’s employment of the Coleridge idiom-“willing suspension of disbelief” for fiction to describe General Petraeus’ optimistic report on Iraq provides crystalline clarity to so much of what is wrong and dangerous about the American self-loathing left. Rather than confront the reality that, despite the American left’s own best efforts to conform American policy to Iranian and Jihadi objectives, the United States and our allies both must and are prevailing in the Iraqi theater, the American left attacks the messengers of good news, like Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker.

It is frustrating that the lefties cannot answer factual, historical and contextual arguments with anything deeper than a tag line like “there must be a political solution” or a recitation of the latest body count. Now, as factual reality again intrudes unpleasant success in the Democrats’ ceaseless veil of despair they resort to the disgraceful attack on the heroes in the field, abandoning even the disingenuous “we support the troops” slogan of the past six years in a pall mall race back to the hate filled days of the Vietnam War.

Most Americans do not share the left’s nostalgia for Vietnam. Most Americans understand the lasting damage that flight from Vietnam did to their nation, you know, the United States. Most Americans now understand how truly the American left and their media fronts like Walter Cronkite distorted the conditions on the ground to create the impression of defeat from the reality of victory in Vietnam. It’s our Republican duty to ensure comprehesive public appreciation of the national need and ability to win in Iraq.

Simply put, most Americans want to win. For whatever reason, the Administration has done a poor job of staying on top of the story. I think the President thought that his reelection meant an end to politics. The President has ignored the relentless erosion of public support for the Iraqi theater by the left’s distortion of the context and reality in Iraq. Worst of all, for far, far too long Republicans have been intimidated by the Democrats’ increasingly ugly and irrational pursuit of domestic political victory at the cost of devastating national defeat. Most Republicans have forgotten that leadership tells people what they don’t necessarily want to hear and persuades them to do what they don’t necessarily want to do.

Rudy gets it, however, and he has fired back. The
new Giuliani web ad is great, smacking the leftist icon Evita with a direct attack on the content and context of the mainstream liberal endorsement of this deceptive, radical and self-loathing isolationism.

Best of all, Evita’s response is
a grotesque of leadership. Her reply is merely a statement that the unpopularity of the war justifies deception, distortion and defamation to gratify a popular but self-destructive public desire for flight from the ceaselessly televised, ugly carnage of war. Such thinking bespeaks the feckless leadership of the Carter and Clinton Administrations that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Usama bin Laden now cite as proof of the Jihads’s inevitable victory and the United States’ inevitable retreat from the Middle East. Such a result would leave Israel in the genocidal clutches of the Islamofascist jihad and the Western economies in a depression that makes the 30’s look like the 80s.

But then again, Rudy does know something about confronting a wise guy.


Anonymous said...


Pretty much everyone (including McCain and many other R's) agrees that W and his crew completely mismanaged the first 4 years of the war and have promoted overly optimistic assessments about the situation all along. With this record, why would anyone believe W when he asks for some more time? Honestly, if a D prez (say B. Clinton) had a similar record, would you be willing to give him some more time? You know, we've known for 4.5 years now that "victory" is just around the corner.

Good thing W is not a leader in the private sector. He would have been canned a long time ago. The sad thing is, you know the man would quit this hard presidenting gig in a heart beat if he could. The reports about even Laura telling him to suck it up with all the criticism because he was the one who made the decision to go to war is very revealing.

Anonymous said...


You are forgetting something else. Before Bush started running for office his only leadership experience consisted of running businesses into the ground. He has COMPLETELY botched this war.

That being said...

Rudy had better watch what he says or he may just end up in Ft. Marcy Park.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the tenacity to keep track of all the failures of politicians I dislike or disagree with. It's not a very productive approach either. (See: R's and Clinton, Bill & Hillary.) Still, as long as we are talking about W's leadership, wasn't his only business "success" all based on his baseball team's ability to make local taxpayers pony up the money to build a nice new stadium?

Anonymous said...

you need to update your blog more regularly. this is chris woods only form of entertainment.

how about a post on brad olson?

Anonymous said...

It isn't the lefts nostalgia for Vietnam as much as the warning given years ago that invading Iraq would lead to years of occupation. There was no chance for victory as the Neocons had no definition of victory.
I am amazed at the Neocons revisionist theory that Vietnam could have been won if we would have given more. I agree, if Bush Cheney, Guiliani, Alan Keyes, Tom Delay, Rush, and all the other GOP leadership(even the closeted gay ones) would have done their duty then Vietnam would have been won. Cowards love to fight the next war!

I remember the Vietnam rationale of " If we don't fight them there we will fight them in Hawaii! Things have been peaceful in Vietnam. It took several years of adjustment but the domino theory didn't pan out.

hey ted if you are still gung ho the Iowa National Guard had citizen soldiers older than you serving in Iraq. What's that? Oh you have an important meeting trying to defend the next GOPer who is caught breaking "The Family Values patriot Act"
You are excused from duty as we all know with the GOP it is Party before Country

Anonymous said...

Last night saw the sneak preview of "The Kingdom" at the Century at Jordan Creek. Given the political firestorm over the Iraq War was surprised by the meager audience size.

The movie is all about what's wrong with America's attitude towards the Islamic world. Definitely worth seeing when it appears in general release later this month.

Why is it unacceptable to change one's mind about the Iraq War? I strongly supported it in the beginning. But with no with coherent politically attainable solution in sight seems more rational to pull the plug. Beats me why the Republican Party wants to go down very hard in 11/08 over this albatross.

An ardent Zionist with a child and sabra grandchildren living in Israel I believe the Iraq War endangers Israel's security and chances for peace. Things will only worse should America start a war with Iran.

Israel has made its bones with the Arabs. Time's come for realistic peace talks with the Palestinians, Lebannon and Syria under conditions which ensure Israel's safety in a final settlement of all claims.

The time is ripe because the parties have now reached strategic parity. The lesson of last year's war against Hezbollah is all civilian targets on both sides are not immune to attack. (My daughter's family lived in bomb shelters in the north for most of the war.)

The outlines of a deal are obvious. Syria must honor Sikes-Picard to ensure Israel's water resources, solve the Shaba Farms border issue with Lebanon, totally demilitarize the Golan and end its military support of non state actor terrorists.

Israel will have to divide Jerusalem and leave most of the West Bank in return for iron clad security guarantees. My guess is a Palestinian solution will take many years to work out given the political chaos in the Palestinian community.

I told the administration I strongly support the proposed November peace conference.

For America the key to peace with the Islamic world is to allow them to live according to their cultural traditions. Strongly suspect what the Islamic world fears the most is our flavor of democracy will lead to our flavor of political feminism which means widespread family breakdown and unjustified disrespect for men, and fathers in particular.
