Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Talk Review Fox News Sunday; Hillary bobs, Newt jabs.

In what proves to be an interesting morning, Hillary Clinton appears on Fox followed immediately by Newt.

Clinton entirely ducked the first question posed to her; Clinton attacks on the right wing and the divisive hyper partisanship such attacks create. Hillary went into a pure spin, never addressing the topic. Where George S. allowed the spin to go untested, Wallace then played clips of Evita's on hyper-partisan attacks. More spin, mostly claiming that Republicans were mean to her and Max Cleeland. Strike one on Reality.

Chris asked if Hillary would raise taxes more to cover her healthcare takeover if the recovery of waste and fraud were insufficient to fund the takeover. More spin, never answered the question. Apparently computerized medical records will save $77B a year. She also claims that she is providing tax cuts for most Americans. Isn’t that what Bubba said three months before the largest tax increase in American history became his first action as President?

Clinton purely filibustered the health issue. Chris raised three elements of the plan: Everyone must have insurance; must have insurance to get a job; and insurance company must offer health insurance to everyone. Wallace described that has “coercion” and Evita called it “shared responsibility”. Don’t think you’re getting senile if the phrase sound familiar? Pol Pot and Mao used the very same words to describe the worker’s paradise they sought to create. Strike two on Reality.

Clinton didn’t defend her vote ratifying the MoveOn attack on Gen. Petraeus. Chris confronted Evita with her own demand for an apology and a contribution return when Obama supporter David Geffen called her and Bill liars, much as she called the heroic Gen. Petraeus a liar. Her defense sounded like one of these “moderate” Muslims who condemn all violence but never Islamic violence specifically. Evita didn’t surprise and try and distance herself from her primary electronic storm troopers, MoveOn. Who else will do her bidding with Republican character assassination when she’s the nominee? Reality, strike three.

Hillary’s arrogance was truly epic this morning. Her loud and inappropriate laughs when confronted with hard questions, followed by a complete failure to address those questions, provide a glimpse into the authoritarianism of HRC.

Then came Newt. Newt said we are seeing a new Hillary. Newt started out praising HRC for trying to get to the center. Newt then took on Hillary’s socialized medical takeover. Newt then raised the central and perhaps only significant question, why would anyone think the government would be a reliable and efficient provider of the kinds of services that medical care requires.

The conversation then drifted to Newt’s workshops and his demand for real change aimed at moving the entire system, as in all 513,000 elected officials. Basically Newt accurately describes a broken system.
Newt’s September 27 workshops are a bipartisan approach toward radical problem solving in government.
Newt made some very clear points about the broken system that are not personal to George W. Bush. Newt’s premise is the entire system is broken and needs major change at most levels. Newt recommends French Pres. Sarkozy as a model for breaking the mold and bringing real change.

Newt is clearly raising money to run for President. He wants $30M for a starting war chest. I’m guessing he gets it. Newt is the smartest guy in politics, however cocky he may be. Basically, Newt says if he gets the $30 M he will run, he would feel obligated to do so as a citizen. Newt portrays himself as Cincinnatus at the plow, or its 21st Century version the laptop, so to speak. Megalomaniacal as it sounds in this cynical era, Newt might just be right on this one.

Bill Kristol, as usual, best reviewed the day. Creatures like Hillary Clinton equate attacks on people like Max Cleeland and John Kerry years after their service as part of their own political campaigns with an attack on the integrity of an American battlefield general in the midst of a war. As Kristol said, everything is politics to these people.

Maybe that is why the Democrat majority shares the Iran and Al Qaeda position on Iraq?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you think of the Romney/MA healthcare plan?
