Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Breaking News: Outright Marxism so vast that even Chet couldn’t swallow it.

It looks like Gov. Culver is about to take his first step into the tumultuous waters of statesmanship.

Gov. Culver is going to
veto the Marxist union bill that the Gronstal/Murphy/McCarthy Marxist-Leninists crammed down the public’s throat this session.

Keep an eye on this issue next year, after the election. Something tells me that the labor organizers who run the General Assembly will simply sneak socialism in, kind of like the big Democrat lie on SILO.

For now, good job Chet.


Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain to me where the education part is in linda's needs of things the teachers personally need that teachers didn't use to need when kids actually learned because teachers spent time teaching rather than all those other things that aren't teaching?

The Iowa State Education Association was "deeply disappointed" with the decision, the teachers union President Linda Nelson said in a statement.

"This legislation would have leveled the playing field for educators and other public employees at the bargaining table. It would have allowed us to negotiate over issues that impact student achievement like class size, preparation time, in-service, and a whole host of other topics …," Nelson said.

Democratic legislative leaders said in a joint statement they were "incredibly disappointed

Anonymous said...

republicans look out for the kids and parents.

democrats look out for the teacher.

Anonymous said...

Veto of Collective Bargaining Bill and the Pay Raise!

Not as dumb as he looks.

Boy, former Governor, now just regular ol' Senator Gronstal, goes from wielding the whip to bending over and receiving the lashes, all in one session.

Culver could pull the "hat trick" and make Gronstal his bitch forever if he line-item vetoes the provision that allows cities to steal the local option money for "special development projects" without a vote of the people.

Elesha Gayman, McKinley Bailey, Swati Dandekar, and all other Democrat legislators sure look like fools now. So extreme even a Democrat Governor has to publically repudiate them by his veto.

