Friday, May 16, 2008

Mac strikes back.

Johnny Mac is doing something we haven’t seen for years, a Republican on the attack. Unlike the reelected George W. Bush, McCain is still alive and campaigning.

Johnny Mac is not shrinking in the face of the childlike pabulum that the Democrats offer as their foreign policy of the United States.

What is the Democrat response: “the failed policy of George W. Bush.” The liberal national leadership says nothing more insightful or reasonable than the nonsense the liberals post on this blog. Every argument they advance relies on nothing more substantial than a sustained ad hominem: Bush is bad, things are terrible and McCain offers only more Bush failure. No facts, no reason arising from facts, just names.

That only works when the other side curls into the rhetorical fetal position the Bush Administration adopted as soon as Joseph Wilson first challenged them with has become the blizzard of half-truths, untruths and outright lies that has defined the Democrat description of the world today.

Stay on ‘em Mac. Now is the time to apply the crusher.


Anonymous said...

But what will he say tomorrow?

"The NRA is entitled to their advocacy. I don’t think they help the Republican Party at all,
but I don’t think they should in any way play a major role in the Republican Party’s policy making."
[John McCain, CNN, 5/12/00]

Anonymous said...

Here is the link for the above:

Anonymous said...

Ok Vlad, Who are you? I bet you didn't even serve you country! Hell your probably some damn nerd who has never worked in the reality of passin g a law or a bill or defending it other than on some stupid website. ANd for that you want to bring down the republican party or any last shot of conservative ever regaining power.
Hell your probably some biter Buchanan or Reform party nut who is still caught up in the politics of the 90's when we won based on crossover conservative politics.
You didn't understand it then and you sure as hell don't understand our country now.

McCain is like the modern George Washington!

Anonymous said...

I must have hit on some exposed liberal nerves.

Wrong about a couple of things. I was never in the military as I was not about to join Bill Clinton's army.

If you think conservatives will ever be in power again if McCain wins, you must have been toking on the wacky weed. Try winning an election with 12-20 million new DemocRAT votes.

Not a Buchanan or Deformed Party nut at all. In fact, I am not an isolationist like Pat or the Paulestinians. I am simply a libertarian/conservative who is tired of seeing dickhead politicians like McCain sell the country down the toilet.

McCain is like the modern George Washington!

If you say so.

Anonymous said...

Chew on this for a while, Anon.

Bush won in 2000 by 537 votes. If McCain's amnesty had passed and created 12-20 million new RAT voters, we would have had Al Gore as president on 9/11.

Bush eked out a victory again in 2004. If McCain's amnesty had passed and created 12-20 million new RAT voters. Gore is re-elected, or worse, Kerry is in office.

Anonymous said...

I bet you didn't even serve you country!

And how is that a relevant point? Kerry served his country, so did John Murtha. Jack Kennedy, George McClellan, and Wesley Clark.

Benedict Arnold saved the battle of Saratoga for the colonists.

So what the hell is your point? You McCainuses hate being presented with dissenting views. You descend into Barack [redacted] Obama-esqe and Daily Kos levels of douchebaggery.

Art A Layman said...

anon 9:57:

McCain is like the modern George Washington!

And he's damn near as old as Washington would be today!


I assumed in your political role that you were adept at political strategy. No doubt I am not, but I do question the wisdom in applying "the crusher" when the real campaign is a long way off.

In my mind, McCain is doing pretty good with his campaigning at this stage. He's laying some broad policy strokes (most are hapless) and he's taking advantage of Obama's statements by responding in a somewhat muted way. I assumed he was staying current and in the public eye but was banking all these issues for applying "the crusher" later.

Few voters in November will remember "crushers" from May.

It is not the nature of politicians from either party to load their campaign speeches with "facts". McCain does no more of it than Obama. Campaigns are a time for euphoric proclamations, of dreamy scenarios, such as, McCain's idyllic 2013 scene.

Your party is getting slammed daily with "facts" that ain't pretty. Best you stick with Valhallic prognostications.

Anonymous said...

Vlad you cite the minority but you fail to make any note or have any clue how to win an election. Yes Iowa is probably lost permanently and that is not because democrats are any good . it is because people like you truly do not understand what conservative means. By stating that you are libertarian/conservative, you do not understand that in many ways that is a complete contradiction in it self.

Maybe the better question for you is should there be a government and what should it's role be.

My thought is that government should do that of which I can not do myself. You can then see the progression in governments local, county, state and federal based upon the various levels at which point the level of services needed and that can be provided.

You however fail to realize any of this. You simply see what hits you in your tiny world view. You probably believe that all money spent on education is a waste, Whereas I would believe that Education is needed, (I don't believe federal government should have the roll that it does in education)

I point out that you have never served you country, because you have a lack of appreciation for our country and government.

Anonymous said...


With this administration's record, I would be careful talking about "half-truths, untruths and outright lies".

Anonymous said...

Maybe the better question for you is should there be a government and what should it's role be.

Of course there should be a government. Legitimate functions include: the police, the military, the Courts and (this is where I break with the pure libertarians) such internal improvements as are authorized by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, including roads and the highway system.

My theory is that if you can find it in the Yellow Pages, chances are the government should not be doing it. What you fail to realize is that the Constitution was written as a shield from tyranny. It was written to prevent idiot politicos like McCain and Kennedy from becoming too powerful and usurping their power. The founders were brilliant and if Jefferson and Adams would have seen an election with candidates like John McCain and Barack [redacted] Obama, they would be yelling "Lock and Load."

You probably believe that all money spent on education is a waste, Whereas I would believe that Education is needed, (I don't believe federal government should have the roll that it does in education)

Education is a local issue. Let the people decide what to do. I say this not because I think education is unimportant, but because it is so crucially important. It is far too important to simply be left to the government. The people need some sort of say.

I point out that you have never served you country, because you have a lack of appreciation for our country and government.

I love this country. I am scared to death of the government.

What the McCainuses do not realize about this country is that we are STILL the last, best hope of man on earth. We will not be if John McCain or Obama is elected, as either one will turn us into a third-world socialist shithole like Europe. When politicians buy into cult phenomena like global warming, it just shows that they should be nowhere near the White House.

Anonymous said...

Right on, Vlad! Don't take no shit!

My nmae is Richard Roma

Art A Layman said...


Your education stance has merit. But the biggest problem with our education system is that "the people" worry about all sorts of educational issues other than making sure their children do their work and behave in school.

Too many of "the people" look to the education system as a sophisticated babysitting organization.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Since Obama and McCain are the only real choices available in the world where the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, what do all the conservative McCain bashers think will come from their complaints?

I would rather transition the larger GOP into the 21st Century with a Republican in the White House than a Democrat like Obama, the job will be much easier.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...


Did you remember the schools are "public" when you wrote your last bizarre post.

Public means the people do run the schools, although we have through apathy abdicated that responsibility to the NEA radicals.

Anonymous said...


You are both right and wrong. There are a ton of ancillary issues in education. Not enough time is spent actually teaching kids things like science, history, government and economics and too much time is spent teaching them how to get along with homosexuals and feel good about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Okay Ted. But when McCain turns out to be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, the Republicans will be blamed and out of power for the next 25 years.

I would rather be out of power for 4 years, regroup and come back and give people hell and throw the RATS out for 25 years.

Don't you agree?

Art A Layman said...


Not arguing that schools aren't public and that the public should not be involved. I am suggesting that the greater problem with our education dilemma lies more in the apathy of parents in playing a vital role in working with their kids educational activities and their school behavior. It is your bent to always find someone else that is the cause of all that ails us. Generally that someone else has different philosophical/political views from yours and therefore it logically follows that they are the problem.

What the hell good is a Juris Doctorate if not to pinpoint blame to someone you don't agree with? Pogo's conclusion appears far wiser.

Sometimes you ought to try removing your macho hard hat and discard all the other icons that seem your measure of a man, and THINK for a change.

Surely you didn't earn that Juris Doctorate without exhibiting some capacity for solving problems other than through emotional rants.

Art A Layman said...


Is always interesting how your posts segue back and forth between wisdom and bullshit.

Anonymous said...

At least I'm entertaining.

Art A Layman said...


You are that.

You probably have a good point, especially if sporie is a product of the public school system.
