Friday, June 29, 2007

A Rosie by any other name………..

………… is just as dumb. Roseanne Barr, and yes, she is still alive, launched this inarticulate attack on the President and Vice President.

Jealousy is an ugly emotion. Since its been years since the larger public remembered that Rosie B. is alive and Rosie O. has been getting a lot, you know, a lot of attention these days surely pure envy motivated Rosie B.’s demented outburst.

Now we know why she butchered the National Anthem.


Anonymous said...

With this post at the top of your page tonight, we can scroll down to see that you have recently called various people "dumb", "idiot", "the nastiest political wife this side of Madame Ceauşescu", "Dingy", "Evita", "Mr. Magoo" and sneered at the physical looks of a few people as well.

Is that the way all Republican county chairmen talk?

Anonymous said...

OT to Mr. Sporer, what is the deal with "the real Sporer" anyway? Are there phony Sporers out there impersonating the Polk County Republican chairman for their own benefit?


The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

I return from Hawkeye blogging to find some rather lively repartee tonight.

DesMoinesDem-greetings from the near geriatric category.

Indeed no, who could possibly impersonate me? But the name is the product of a funny story.

During my last state central committee election I was facing some rather hysterical if crank opposition. Some of my fans, perhaps the earlier poster tonight, were making complimentary posts about me on the old KrustyKonservative blog.

Some infinitesimal cockroach said that the complimentary posts were really me or my wife. I was new to the blogosphere and, of course, offended that I would promote myself through an alias.

So I said something like (1) I will take credit and responsibility for what I say and do. (2) I don't hide behind the skirts of women, and I signed off the Real Sporer.

The name stuck and I embraced sounds ominous don't you think.

Ken R said...

Teddy takes on worthy challengers but the problem is most libs aren't worthy. And on this blog the only decent "Democrat" is RF with so many others just angry and dare I say - "LAME."

Watching Ted debate imbeciles is like playing chess against a little children. There's just no sport in it. But there's always hope reasonable people will learn from such discussions and leave the Democractic Party which makes it all worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

Jeez,you people are acting like Rosie strapped her dog to the roof of the car or something.

Anonymous said...

Some manly commenter has proclaimed, "As in Democrats are pussies."

Another commenter hung up on sex who then accuses me of nastiness.

Re-read my comment, please. Notice that all the nastiness was quotes from Polk County's Republican chairman. Since he's also on the state central committee, I thought he would know if all county chairs talk like him. Maybe he will answer me, as he seems to be reading.

Anonymous said...

Responding to spotlight would require Sporer to admit he hasn't grown up past the 8th grade name calling phase that most of us have left behind......but I guess it does say something about the state of politics. I think it's beneath him and he should grow up and bring some dignity to the position...but then again, he's ready to nominate Ann Coulter for sainthood. (groan!)

Ken R said...

It must be very hard to be a liberal when their heroes act like Mikey Moore always lamenting we need to be some version of communist.

I'll take Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin over their heroes anyday. At least our heroes know how to tell the truth!
