Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dubbya and Dick win again-time for the backlash!

In what is now a routine occurrence, the Administration once again won in court against the liberal hate machine with today’s dismissal of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame’s ridiculous lawsuit.

Much like its recent victories in the terror intercept case; the faith based initiatives case or the McCain-Feingold, the Administration’s latest victory provides its critics with just another defeat for the Media Running Dogs to ignore.

Unlike the its earlier victories, this one also further repudiates the master liars Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame. Maybe some enterprising justice seeking Republicans will go on the attack on this one tonight.

Why don’t we start taking this one to the Dems and their running dogs beginning tonight and tomorrow morning? Since the case is over, maybe the President will finally start telling the public about the extent of Wilson and Plame’s lies?

C’mon Mr. President-fight back!


Anonymous said...

From CNN:

“U.S. District Judge John Bates said the lawsuit raises "important questions relating to the propriety of actions undertaken by our highest government officials." But in a 41-page decision, he found Plame and her husband, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, failed to show the case belongs in federal court.”

I’m no lawyer, but seems to me that this Bush-appointed judge is only saying that he has no jurisdiction on this. Doesn’t sound like the greatest starting point for W to fight back and make a big deal out of this.

Anonymous said...

rf - what would they sue about? There was no crime. She was not covert. They could have shouted her name from the rooftops using megaphones. There was no leak because there was nothing to leak.

Their own lawsuit wasn't about the leak. It was about being "political". See Joes quote below:

"This case is not just about what top government officials did to Valerie and me." Wilson said in a statement. "We brought this suit because we strongly believe that politicizing intelligence ultimately serves only to undermine the security of our nation."

This is very juicy considering they are the ones that have politicized this from the beginning, starting with Joe Wilsons fictional editorial in the NY Times that resulted in his "outing" of his own wife.

Everything Joe Wilson said ended up being a big fat lie. His wife lied to Congress, which has been proven, yet neither one goes to trial for perjury.

Anonymous said...

According to the article, the W-appointed judge appears to disagree with you. Other than that, I really don’t have the expertise, time or interest to delve very deeply into the Plame issue or the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

SUNAPEE, N.H. (AP) - Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn't a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.

Anonymous said...

then you won't be passing along the lies of joe wilson as you urge impeachment of bush because the administration outed a covert agent because that's the evil that the bush administration commits?

Typically, democrats do not do the research to delve into the truth of the outrageous accusations of people like liberal democrat Joe Wilson.

It's easier to use the DNC talking points memo, or watch jon stewart.

Anonymous said...

The bigger issue is that Bush was a liar when he said anyone in his administration would be fired if they were involved in this. Funny how no one seems to mention that anymore....

Anonymous said...

1:42 - Your commentary sounds real balanced and based on objective, thorough research. At least I try to acknowledge when I don’t have the expertise or real interest in some issue. On this topic, I was just surprised by Sporer’s post considering the reported actual reasoning of the judge.

Impeaching W. I’m not for that. I agree with the R’s, and many D’s such as Obama, that we should not get into to the impeachment business because of political differences (or even incompetence). It is going to be a slippery slope if we start trying to impeach every president that does not belong to our own party. I feel the best way to take revenge is to kick ass in November 2008. That’s the democratic American way.

3:08 has a very good point.

Anonymous said...

3:08 has no point. There was no "it" with which to be involved. Thus, no one to fire. No crime, no outing, no nothing.

Anonymous said...

Scooter Libby should serve the same amount of time for lying under oath to a grand jury as Clinton served for lying under oath to a grand jury.

Libs, STFU!

Anonymous said...

3:50 - Again, the Bush-appointed judge appears to disagree with you. Seems like someone needs to take their eyes off the R party talking points.

Mcquisling - Nice and constructive. Perfectly in line with the name calling and profanity so prevalent among the morally superior conservatives in the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Libby and Clintler (Heil Clintler!) served the same amount of prison time for the same offense.

Equal justice.

And since when have RATS cared about truth?

Anonymous said...

14 Years Later, Mystery Still Remains in the Death of Vince Foster ^ | July 21, 2007 | Kathy Miller

14 yers ago today, on July 20, 1993, the body of Vincent Walker Foster, Jr. was found in a Virginia park, next to a civil war cannon, with an unidentified revolver lodged in the right hand. Vincent Foster died of a small-caliber gunshot wound to his head.

Vince Foster was not only deputy White House counsel but also the personal attorney to Bill and Hillary Clinton. On the night of Foster’s death, top Clinton aides made a frantic effort to enter and remove documents from his West Wing office. In the days that followed, federal investigators were stymied in their investigation of Foster’s office and strange death.

The following happened within weeks of his death. Vince Foster finally files the missing Whitewater tax returns. On July 19, FBI director William Sessions is fired. Clinton personally orders him by phone to turn in his FBI property and leave headquarters.

That evening, Clinton security aide Jerry Parks' wife Jane says she overhears a heated telephone conversation with Vince Foster in which her husband says, "You can't give Hillary those files, they've got my name all over them."

On July 20, Clinton names Louis Freeh as Sessions' successor.

That same day, the FBI raids David Hale's Little Rock office and seizes documents including those relating to Capital-Management.

Just hours after the search warrant authorizing the raid is signed by a federal magistrate in Little Rock, Vince Foster apparently drives to Ft. Marcy Park.

Foster was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head in Ft. Marcy Park. His unoccupied car, a 1989 Honda, was found in the park's parking lot. Several witnesses - before and after the arrival of the park police - have claimed they saw a briefcase in Foster's car.

A so-called suicide note was found in an office briefcase that had been searched and found to be empty after Foster’s death. The note was torn into 27 pieces. Yet an FBI examination found no trace of Foster’s fingerprints on the note and three independent handwriting experts determined that Foster's suicide note, was a forgery.

The Raid of Vince Foster’s Office While the U.S. Park Police studied the body, Foster's office at the White House was being looted.

Secret Service agent Henry O' Neill watched as Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carried boxes of papers out of Vincent Foster's office before the Park Police showed up to seal it, yet the official identification of Vincent Foster's body by Craig Livingstone did not take place until 10PM!

Another Secret Serviceman saw Craig Livingston remove items from Vincent Foster's office in violation of the official seal. Witnesses also saw Bernard Nussbaum in Foster's office as well. Three witnesses noted that Patsy Thomason, director of the White House's Office of Administration, was desperate to find the combination to Vincent Foster's safe. Ms. Thomason finally opened the safe, apparently with the help of a special "MIG" technical team signed into the White House in the late hours. Two envelopes reported to be in the safe by Foster's secretary Deborah Gorham, addressed to Janet Reno and to William Kennedy III, were never seen again. When asked the next day regarding rumors of the safe opening, Mack McLarty told reporters Foster's office did not even have a safe, a claim immediately shot down by former occupants of that office.

The next day, when the Park Police arrived for the official search of Vincent Foster's office, they were shocked to learn that Nussbaum, Thomason and Williams had entered the office. Conflicts channeled through Janet Reno's Department of Justice resulted in the Park Police merely sitting outside Foster's office while Bernard Nussbaum continued his own search of Foster's office. During this search, he opened and upended Vincent Foster's briefcase, showing it to be empty. Three days later, it would be claimed that this same briefcase was where the torn up suicide note was discovered.

The boxes of documents removed from Foster's office by Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret Williams, were taken to the private residence area of the White House! Eventually, only 54 pages emerged.

One set of billing records, under subpoena for two years, and thought to have originated in Foster's office, turned up unexpectedly in the private quarters of the White House, with Hillary's fingerprints on them.

So, who ordered the office looting?

Bill Clinton was unavailable, being on camera with Larry King. But Hillary Clinton, who had only the day before diverted her planned return to Washington D.C. to Little Rock, was on the phone from Little Rock to someone at the White House in the moments before the looting took place.

The death of Vince Foster is very unsettling. There is an amazing amount of inconsistent information surrounding his death, the investigation and the autopsy. And, of course, his close relationship with Hillary was intriguing. Many books have claimed that the two were lovers for several years.

To date, several unanswered questions still remain. What did the White House know and when did they know it? Another question: If Foster was not identified as a White House official until at least an hour and a half after police arrived, why were police officers associated with an elite federal unit on the scene within 45 minutes? Evidence suggests that White House officials were informed of Foster's death, at least an hour before they claim to have been initially notified.

The FBI never officially investigated the case but simply signed off on the Park Police "probe." The bureau had little choice.

Later, Robert Fiske, selected by Clinton’s counsel Bernie Nussbaum and Janet Reno, quickly confirmed the Park Police probe as a suicide. Yet, no fewer than three of the paramedics on the scene indicated in reports or testimony that the crime scene was consistent with a murder scene, not a suicide.

? A careful FBI microscopic investigation of Foster’s shoes found not a trace of soil or grass stains on them, though he supposedly walked several hundred yards through wooded Fort Marcy Park to where his body was found. [Years later, Starr’s investigation found plenty of soil and grass stains. Rodriguez charged that the shoes were tampered with to produce such "evidence."]

? Foster was found with little blood around his body – and despite claims that he fired the gun into his mouth, practically no blood was found on the front of his shirt.

? Foster was found with a 1913 revolver no one in his family could claim, with two serial numbers, made from the parts of three or more guns. None of Foster’s fingerprints were found on the gun. The bullet that supposedly killed Foster was never found, despite intensive searches.

? The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body. The memory in Foster's pager had been erased. Critical evidence began to vanish. Many witnesses were harassed. Others were simply ignored. There were even suggestions that the body had been moved, and a Secret Service memo surfaced which reported that Foster's body had been found in his car! The official reports were self-contradictory.

? All of the X-rays taken during the autopsy are missing. Complete crime scene photos don’t exist. The Park Police said all the photos were "accidentally" overexposed. A series of close-up Polaroids, which Favish is suing for, remain.

? A briefcase in the car of Vincent Foster was removed after U.S. Park Police arrived at his death scene. The briefcase, which may have carried important documents, was never listed on official evidence reports compiled by park police who conducted the first investigation into the White House deputy counsel's death.

Hillary Clinton was trying to gain leverage over her husband, possibly in relation to future divorce proceedings. It is possible Mrs. Clinton wanted to get to the bottom of persistent rumours about her husband's philandering before subjecting herself and her daughter to the media glare of a presidential campaign. At the time, Mrs Clinton and Vince Foster were partners at the Rose Law firm.

Did Hillary Clinton have an affair with Little Rock lawyer Vincent Foster? According to retired Arkansas State Trooper Larry Patterson, "There is no doubt in my mind that there was a long, ongoing sexual relationship between Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster."

Patterson, who guarded the Clintons for more than six years, made the new disclosures on the audiotape set "More than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton Revealed"

Patterson said that on one occasion, at a birthday party for Hillary Clinton, he saw Foster touch Hillary in private areas of the body twice. Patterson said his belief about Hillary and Vince was formed after years of observation during the frequent meetings between the two, when Bill was out of town, and the stories of other troopers.

Patterson gives eyewitness details of several occasions upon which he saw Vince and Hillary in compromising situations.

On the day of Vince Foster’s death, Patterson said he learned about the death before the Park Police even found Foster’s body and hours before the White House said they were informed. Patterson’s information, corroborated by another trooper, exposes a cover-up bigger than Watergate.

A case arose from an overall conspiracy to obstruct justice in connection with federal investigations into the death of deputy White House counsel Vincent W. Foster.

Patrick Knowlton was in Ft. Marcy Park the afternoon that Vincent Foster died. What Knowlton saw and what happened to him afterwards is one of the most disturbing stories of the whole Clinton saga. You can read the testimony here

Miguel Rodriguez was a prosecutor on the staff of Kenneth Starr. His attempts to uncover the truth in the Vincent Foster death case were repeatedly foiled, and he was the subject of planted stories undermining his credibility and implying that he was unstable. Rodriguez eventually resigned.

After learning of Fosters death, Jane Parks, the wife of Jerry Parks claims that her husband said, "I'm a dead man". Parks had collected detailed data on Clinton's sexual escapades, including pictures and dates. His wife claims federal agents subsequently removed his files and computer, and that Bill Clinton still owed him $81,000.

(Note. Two months later, Jerry Parks is found murdered gangland-style )
