Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sunday Talk Review-This Week (ABC)-Chertoff leads off, Leiberman homers and Brazille fans.

The program opened with George Stephanopoulos questioning Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. The line of questioning focused on probing theories by which, you guessed it, the Bush Administration could be blamed for the Glasgow attack because the US had some information of dangers with the Glasgow and Prague airports. Chertoff answered that George S. could “rest assured” that American intelligence is shared almost instantaneously with our British counterparts. Chertoff said that the ABC report regarding Glasgow was “misinformation”.

The other line of questioning tried to make Chertoff admit that the Glasgow and London plots were not serious, “amateurish” is how he described them. Chertoff simply pointed out that a pre 9.11 plot to hi-jack airplanes with box cutters would also have been described as “amateurish”.

George S. continued to press for some detailed discussion of the intelligence community’s response to the Glasgow attacks. Chertoff bobbed and weaved and avoided, quite rightly, any operational discussion. He did concede that there would be more air marshals on American flights out of Glasgow for the near future. Now’ there is a surprise (not).

Lieberman articulated the difference between the “Iraq clock” and the “Washington clock”. Joe said that the new “surge” program was clearly working; violence is down significantly in Bagdad and Anbar province. He referenced the success at putting the enemy to flight in Diala. Lieberman also described the difference between current and historic efforts as significant because we now have what appears as sufficient manpower for us to clear and Iraqi forces to hold the areas we clear. Lieberman didn’t outright say it, but the implication was obvious, that the continued and constant drumbeat that Iraq is lost is dangerous to the country. Yeah!

Lieberman described the current efforts in the Senate to order the retreat of American troops as “outrageously wrong”. Lieberman said that the situation was most like the 1930s in that it is reality that Iran and Al Qa’eda will be the winners of US premature withdrawal from Iraq. George S. ran out liberal talking points after that answer and the conversation kind of dried up.

The panel opened with a discussion of the recent Supreme Court decision inParents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, et al”. Donna Brazille described that the decision as “Orwellian” so she must have been up late last night reading the liberal handbook for change “1984”. Of course, such a description is a non-sequitar to Justice Roberts’ conclusion that, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.". Perhaps Brazille should have read the Constitution where she won’t find the word “diversity” but she will find the words “equal protection”. Needless to say, Brazille some how thinks the opposite and that continued use of race in school apportionment is necessary to American life-the problem is she cannot say why. It’s just another part of the liberal philosophy of division and distortion-as the Dems made clear in the sheep pasture they called a debate last week.

The panel then turned to a discussion of the campaign. By design or just fortuitous coincidence, George S. supported our earlier article about John Edwards. George S. showed a clip of the Elizabeth Edwards ambush of Ann Coulter and the panel went on to discuss the Edwards’ use of Coulters comments as a fund raising device. The commentary wasn’t complimentary to Edwards.
Fairness factor-30%.

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