Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well deserved headline for King

Real Clear Politics today gave our very own Cong. Steve King a good headline today. Cong. King’s argument is dead on accurate.

We must start to link the Democrats with the consequences of their self loathing Americanism and naked, and most venal, partisanship with respect to the war in Iraq.

How can we allow the Dems to subvert public support for the war and then claim that the loss of public support is a mandate to end the war in Iraq, without ever having to describe the consequences of their rhetoric? The public will support the war effort if we start talking about victory and the consequences of defeat.

Keep it up Cong. King!


Anonymous said...

“This Action Will Encourage Our Enemies.” – Yes, great headline. Applies quite well to the policies of this administration. Bogged down in Iraq, military all worn out and overstretched. Political capital both domestically and internationally all used up. What enemy would not be encouraged by that?

“Consequences of their rhetoric.” – Not even a hint of irony, Sporer? Talk about careless rhetoric with grave consequences: W, Cheney, Rice, Rummy, even Powell.

The war was a colossal mistake to begin with. That’s the reason to find a way out. Period.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess we can just go home and hide behind our locked doors and windows. Heck, America can't win anything. Heck, what is all that superpower business about? How can you be so comfortable just giving up and going home? The willingness to just go away when things get the slightest bit tough is the hallmark of the 60's generation that caved so quickly in VietNam, who cave so quickly to old Europe and cave so quickly to the islamofascists that want to destroy us.

Democrats do not get it and seem to look forward to burkas and a true government that does not separate church from state.

The only non-coward in the bunch is Lieberman. He gets it and the democrats went to war with him rather than with our enemies.

Democrats hate America and wish us to lose our superpower status. They hate winners.

Anonymous said...

Why do Republicans love their party more than America? Why do they wish to squander our resources on a war that they are not even willing to pay for? Why aren’t Republicans willing to sacrifice anything? Why do they love America being impotent? Why do Republicans hate America?

Anonymous said...

BTW, I think my blogging history proves that I’m a pretty reasonable guy. I hate blind partisanship. However, there are two disasters this administration has created: Iraq and the budget. I disagree on plenty other stuff with W & Co., but some things you just have to suck up when you lose elections. But with the war and budget, this administration deserves much more criticism than they have received. I really wish R’s would start loving this great country instead of loving their party so damn much. – Just think what you guys would say if a D president had done all this.

Ok, enough venting. Till next time.

Anonymous said...

why are democrats so afraid to fight for freedom? It's because they really don't want freedom. Freedom is a Christian concept. Muslims don't believe in freedom. Democrats hate and discriminate against christians and embrace muslims. Why is that?

They hate freedom and wish to have the government be the master and the citizen the slave who must subordinate themselves to the state, like all dictators and socialists advocate.

Why do democrats hate freedom?
