Thursday, March 01, 2007

Useful idiots …………..

…………… is the description Hitler (the Real Hitler to the liberal bloggers, as opposed to any Republican with whom they disagree) of “peace activists” in the 1930s.

The DMR highlighted two local “peace activists” who were recently apparently arrested while protesting a war (I presume Iraq, but since they are “peace activists” I assume they are opposed to all war) in Sen. Grassley’s office. The intrinsic naiveté and ego centrism of these aging Vietnam protesters is a complaint that “civil disobedience” is harder today because the civil protester gets arrested. Well, uh ….. yeah, I guess when you trespass in public buildings or disrupt the legitimate business of the occupants, you sort of expect to get arrested. Is that not the point of civil disobedience?

Where do these people want peace? Surely not Iraq, since no rational person argues that Iraq would be more peaceful if the U.S. left. Our troops might not be exposed there but Iraq itself would surely be far bloodier.

Does the reader wonder why “peace activists” aren’t protesting the provision of Iranian explosives to Shia terrorists and militia gangs outside of the United Nations building in New York. Those explosives are killing far more Iraqis than American military efforts. Could any thinking person find a scenario in which Iraq would become more unraveled and less peaceful if the Iranians stopped supporting terrorists and political gangsters in Iraq.

I haven’t seen too many old Vietnam protesters outside the Syrian Embassy in D.C. I wonder how much more peaceful the world in general, and the Middle East in particular, would become if the Syrian Baathist dictatorship stopped supporting Sunni terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. How many lives in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel (I know, dead Israelis don’t matter to liberals but they do get killed by Syrian stooges) would be saved if the Syrians discontinued arming and funding the terror groups doing the killing.

If their interest in only in saving the lives of American soldiery, then wouldn’t the Vietnam relics best spend their time ending Iranian and Syrian support for terror and tyranny in Iraq. Does anyone think American soldiers would have much of an enemy to fight if the terrorists and Baaathists in Iraq didn’t obtain weapons and money from Iran and Syria?

As Hitler knew, peace activists are idiots because they misdirect public attention from the real enemy, Eurofascism in the 30s, Islamofascism now. These people deserve public scorn and rebuke, not reward and recognition.


Anonymous said...

The democrats are the "not in my back yard" (NIMBY) party.

They don't care if Oil is pumped in the middle east and dirties up their environment, as long as it's not pumped here in America (Alaska)(NIMBY).

Liberal Hyannisport (Kennedy - Kerry) wants wind energy for everyone, but no windmills on cape cod (NIMBY).

They don't want americans killed, but it's ok for all those other killings to go on - Saddams mass graves and gassing of the kurds - (NIMBY). (unless of course it's kosovo or darfur. they like those wars).

They operate from cowardice and self-centeredness.

Anonymous said...

HELP State 29 get the word out!

What do our Vets for Bush guys think about this? Or Vets for anyone? What's the protocol? Is this offensive to vets or do vets feel honored by going half mast on each death, even if death is caused by mechanical failure and not enemy fire.

Culver is ordering flags flown at half staff each time an Iowan dies in Iraq.

From State 29:

Just a reminder that Travis Vaughn's death was the cause of an accident:

U.S. Army Spc. Travis Vaughn, a 1999 Cedar Falls High School graduate, was killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. The military said the crash was caused by a mechanical problem, not enemy fire.

State comments:

Never before has a politician and political party in Iowa abused the flag for political purposes like Chet Culver and the Democrats have.

It's not about honoring the troops who've died either in combat or accidents. It's about making a political statement.

The Democrats only care about the troops when one of them dies, then they can exploit the death for their own agenda.

Is anybody in the media going to pick up on this? Am I the only one who is noticing this? Any other bloggers want to chime in? Send your links to if you have an opinion about it, either way.

Anonymous said...

US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
