Wednesday, February 28, 2007

His great-great grandfather………….

………….. had 12 wives? So?

I was out on the
Price of Politics, and I stumbled across this link to a Boston Globe attack on Mitt Romney because, and yes this purports to be investigative journalism or political analysis, his great-great grandfather had twelve wives and his great grandfather had five.

Now, this is a bewildering direction of attack, I must confess. Hasn’t the AP and the Boston Globe spent the last fifty years promoting the concept that any social unit that links people who “love” each other, regardless of its resemblance to a Bucky Fuller geodome, is morally equivalent to any other? Since this story comes from the mouths and pens of long term advocates of homosexual marriage rights and the many other counter intuitive beliefs and practices that have given Western civilization the disintegration of the family, I think we can safely exclude a liberal fear of a Romney polygamy revolution as a good faith explanation for this story.

However, the liberal faith, power at any price, recognizes hypocrisy and ad hominem as cardinal virtues when directed against political opponents. Linking Romney to the words and acts of his great grand parents is a particularly malignant excursion into tartuffery because it exploits and feeds a nasty stereotype of the LDS.

Its hate speech pure and simple. So here’s my micro punch back into the marketplace of ideas-I hope you agree.


Anonymous said...

Here's what NEWT had to say about Obama in an excerpt from a larger interview. It's the one where he describes the clinton war err I mean, campaign machine.

"Dubbed Obama a great "counterimage" to Clinton, but said he doesn't think the Illinois Democrat can win. "If the country wants therapy, they're going to elect Obama," he said"

All of a sudden the democrats want to play nice. The Clintons invented the politics of personal destruction tag line because they invented the game.

It will be the Clinton's not playing nice, not little ole Matt Whitaker attending an annual non partisan and non-denominational gathering of people who believe in families and service to God.

Anonymous said...

Well, I would like to point out that “Clintons” do not equal all D’s. If the Clintons play it rough, it does not mean all D’s do it all the time or that they want to do it. And please, don’t try to say no R’s play it rough.

I do have to admit one thing. Before, when the Clintons were not running against other D’s, their hardball game tactics were not discussed in polite D company. I certainly did not hear much about it. I, and I suspect many other D’s, dismissed such talk as pure mud slinging from the right. But, there is usually some truth to even the most outrageous stories. I’m still not buying the idea that Hillary & Bill are pure evil. Maybe they are just playing the game the right way to win. Some could call that ambition, others competence. Or evil. Whatever suits your political agenda. Still, it is interesting to hear us D’s starting to discuss this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you $10 million that the AP and the Boston Globe were fed that info from McCain's or Guiliani's camp.

That's a standard opposition research dump. Don't blame the media. Blame the campaigns.
