Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Checking in with Jack …………….

…………. Murtha. The last time I talked about Jack I nominated him for the ROW Award. (“Rat Of the Week”). Some disagreed with my nomination. I guess I wasn’t fair; he’s more like a ROY (“Rat Of the Year”).

Now we all knew from Jack’s involvement with
ABSCAM that he had a dispositional predilection towards bribery. We knew that Jack was one of the kings of earmark abuse, diverting tens of millions of your dollars in to his district. We knew from Jack’s appeasement agenda that he has become the Jihadi propagandists’ favorite useful idiot. Hell we even knew that Jack’s single minded devotion to defeat at any price made him defame our warriors as murderous war criminals. That’s why he was Rat of the Week.

Since then, we’ve learned a little more about Jack Murtha. First, we found out that Murtha is a bald faced liar.

As part of the mindless and incessant cacophony of attack on the Bush Administration, when the CinC Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus came back to Washington to discuss the Iraq campaign with civilian leadership late last month, Murtha offered the following quote to describe the mission.

"They bring Petraeus back - purely political move. Petraeus comes back here. He doesn't talk to any of us. He only talks to the news media and so forth trying to sell this program."

Murtha was talking to Chris Matthews so I’m sure he thought that it was like the good old days, when Walter Cronkite or Dan Rather spewed the Dem line and there was no one there to call ‘em on it. However, times have changed and it turns out good old Jack and Damascus Nancy Pelosi, recipient of the 2007 Munich Award,
received a 20-30 minute personal telephone briefing from Petraeus. Now, I don’t know if even the meaning of “is” is in dispute here. This is what we in the legal profession call a “lie”. What do you call it?

But time didn’t permit a column devoted to Jack lying, it just didn’t seem sufficiently cutting edge. After all, wouldn’t someone willing to negotiate bribes with Arabs buying influence (the “A” in ABSCAM stands for Arab) or defame warriors in the field, or give aid and comfort to any enemy with whom your nation is at war, undoubtedly take a more than occasional detour from the truth?

But now we know that he is more than personally corrupt, he is extorting support for his pork and
prostration agenda by selling earmarks. Apparently surrender does have a price. Murtha has openly used his chairmanship of appropriations to extort support for the appeasement agenda from Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican. Given the most recent BIG LIE in which Murtha was caught, less that 30 days ago, shouldn't a reasonable person believe Rogers version instead of Murtha's?

Rogers tried to bring this to the attention of the House, but they weren’t listening. Today, the Democrat controlled
house killed measures to even permit discussion on the floor of this extortion, prohibited by both federal law and House rules. Good to see that they are running the ethical operation they promised.

So I’m thinking maybe Jack’s get’s a ROY nomination. But the year is young and the race is long. I have yet to even start on Jimmy Carter or The Evil Minion, Algore.


Anonymous said...

"The 2007 Munich Award".

Second time this week I spit out my nose after reading this shit.

its not man love buddy but you are dangerously funny.

Ken R said...

Murtha is a crook who didn't get caught when he took his bribes. Actually, he probably still takes them since once a crook always a crook.

His war record doesn't absolve him of treason. He is worthless.

Anonymous said...

Murtha's a joke. Guess that Dem promise of a "more ethical Congress" has gone out the window...
