Monday, May 14, 2007

A direct challenge………..

…………… for all those liberals who got their panties all in a bunch because I observed the almost identical objectives in Iraq that our American Democrats share with Al Qaeda. Just exactly how do explain the following quote from a senior Iraqi Al Qaeda leader?

Mohamad al-Janabi, a reputed al-Qaeda member in the nearby city of Salman Pak, said in a telephone interview that he was unable to contact his comrades in Mahmudiyah to determine whether they were responsible for the attack.

Now I’m not saying that the Democrats-and their running dogs in the media-are timing their defeatist attacks on the President with Al Qaeda. This isn’t like the Kerry campaign working with CBS on the fabrication of the President’s National Guard records and then collaborating the timing of their release. But the great big fact remains-Al Qaeda is timing its attacks on coalition soldiers and Iraqi civilians to Democrat political attacks on the President. Both are advocating the same thing-demoralization of the American public so as to produce American withdrawal from Iraq. Kind of makes one wonder if Al Qaeda has some future plans for Iraq following American defeat, eh?

So, libs, just how high is your horse?


Anonymous said...

Sporer, who was that nut at the meeting tonight that was running for President?

He bragged about all his dough and then put a single in the buck bucket! That was almost impressive as the discussion of chicken sexuality.

Content control can be applied to more than the internet.

Anonymous said...

Ground Zero Illnesses Clouding Giuliani's Legacy.
Anthony DePalma
May 14 2007

Anyone who watched Rudolph W. Giuliani preside over ground zero in the days after 9 11 glimpsed elements of his strength: decisiveness, determination, self-confidence.

Those qualities were also on display over the months he directed the cleanup of the collapsed World Trade Center. But today, with evidence that thousands of people who worked at ground zero have become sick, many regard Mr. Giuliani's triumph of leadership as having come with a human cost.

Sure it's clouding more than just a legacy, perhaps it's even inducing a little guilt; although three marriages, affairs and gosh knows how many tangential moments hints that he'll get over what little guilt & trouble there might be rather quickly. And I suppose the Iowa Caucus types will notice and take a pass - situational leadership, situational ethics, where does application of situational as a prefix end with this guy.
