Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The terror pixies.

The libs say we are only caught in a civil war in Iraq. So, how’d Al Qaeda come to kidnap and hold American soldiers in Iraq?

Must have been the terror pixies sneaking in while W was busy causing tornados and firing his employees.


Anonymous said...

That's an easy one, Teddy. They know Bush is not going to take the gloves off and kill those who kidnap soldiers.

The soldiers who tried to actually fight the war are now on trial.

Sarah Bowman said...


I like the look of the blog! And you know it's just pixies!

Anonymous said...

"The libs say we are only caught in a civil war in Iraq. So, how’d Al Qaeda come to kidnap and hold American soldiers?"

Okay, how about this one...

The cons said that we had to stay in Iraq so that the fight wouldn't follow us home. So, how come the terrorists came over to Fort Dix?

Anonymous said...

That's an easy one, Mr. Debate Coach. AQ is taking advantage of the civil war we got started in Iraq to hit on US soldiers.

What did you expect: To be greeted as liberators?

Better hope the captives aren't treated like some of the folks we've "aggressively questioned."

Anonymous said...

Oh indeed spotlight, because it isn’t like the prisoners held under the Husein era were “aggressively questioned” as well … Surely, he treated HIS political prisoners (most of whom were held for such heinous infractions such as speaking ill of their dear leader) like cordial guests in his humanitarian embrace. Grow up, stop getting your news from Michael Moore and look at the situation before joining a conversation for serious adults….

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

spotlight, you actually have hit on something very important without realizing it. AQ has chosen Iraq as the central front of the WOT. They didn't have to pour into Iraq after Saddam fell. However, unlike Afghanistan or Indonesia, Somalia, the Phillipnes or the other even more remote places we are fighting the Islamofacsists, they've chosed a great battlefield for us. Unfortunately, Bush Derangement Syndrom (BDS) has so affected liberal thought you folks cannot recognize this obvious military advantage.

However, to implty that AQ wasn't working out of Iraq before the invasion is just plain silly. What do you suppose Zarqawi and the many other foreing Al Qaeda types were doing in Iraw from 2001-2003. They sure seemed well organized once we invaded didn't they.

Anonymous said...

Even though Democrats now control both houses of Congress, the poll shows that only 37% of Democrats approve of the job Congress is doing right now.

These marks are, however, significantly better than those given to Congress by independents (24%) and Republicans (25%).

So far this year, Republicans' approval of Congress has gradually declined, from a high of 37% in mid-January to 25% in the latest poll.

By comparison, ratings among Democrats have shown more fluctuation, ranging between 33% and 44% since January, and are down 6 points this month since early April.

Anonymous said...

More generally, Democrats' ratings of the job the Democratic-controlled Congress is doing are down from a higher point of 44% in February, which is just after the control of Congress switched from the Republicans to the Democrats

Anonymous said...

for all the blather we hear all the time about how the universally held view by all americans is that bush is awful....the truth is that congress has always had much lower approval ratings than bush.

Anonymous said...

A speed limit of 20mph could be introduced across much of London within three years.

The measure, which would affect central London and residential areas where the limit is usually 30mph, is being demanded by the London Assembly Green Party.
