............ can you believe it. Fox has played this event up like the Super Bowl.
It is big, however. A lot can happen tonight. Fox may pull back and let the candidates go after each other a little more-which is important. As I've said before, if you want to lead the Free World, you really shouldn't be afraid of telling the public why.
Anyway, while this format isn't really debate, and isn't great by any means, it will be better than last week with Chris "Bloviation" Matthews.
Get your nuked burritos, cold beer and, in my case, lots of Dr. Pepper and get ready to rock and roll..................
Seriously, the most appropriate first question possible. Already better than MSNBC.
...... and McCain gave a good, if unemotional, answer.
Good answer on Iraq by Rudy also.
Tom Tancredo not off to a good start...looked a little frustrated by the format last time around and on his first question tonight seemed to struggle between looking presidential and being passionate.
is ron paul really the ghost of pat paulsen, again running for president?
These are excellent questions so far. See what happens when you don't allow MoveOn.org to pick and choose the questions?
Excellent answer by Huckabee...this guy is underrated...the last name is a problem, but he has a presence about him that is winsome and respectable.
Sporer-you just loved Gilmore's answer didn't you?
And here comes the Stepford candidate.
Huckabee is also very likeable, a very,very important attribute of electability.
Uhh...John, you just used that line last week.
great line by Huckabee.
Now THAT was a good line.
Notice that Stepford son didn't answer the question about why he backtracked on the pledge. That guy is too slick.
Is Tommy Thompson teaching an Earth Science class or addressing the nation?
Tommy needs to smile. He's a great guy. He looked liked Nixon last time. He needs to smile like he does at live events.
He ducked the question in a real long winded way. Too bad.
I like Ron Paul. Hits the nail on the head yet nobody takes him seriously except my friend Jan Mickelson
Leave it to Ron Paul to come up with departments, not programs, that need to be cut. That made my man-nips tickle.
You have to say that McCain gives a pretty good reason for changing his position on taxes.
Ron Paul, I'm not sure that HOmeland Security is superflous this time around.
Man, Republicans (beginning with Bob Dole in 1996 at a debate with President Clinton) typically sound stupid when promoting their websites.
Can Duncan Hunter smile? Seriously, can he?
He's like Pat Buchanan-I go along about 80% of the way, and then its like "what was that last thing".
Good Gilmore answer.
Damn, I want to salute Duncan Hunter. President Tom in Teheran would think a Biblical plaque hit him if Hunter gets the nominee.
I would agree homeland sercurity was the wrong one to touch upon but none the less true
The debate is over. Congratulations to Governor Huckabee! He is hands-down the winner!
Great answer on the war!
Great insight on the "Fair Tax"
Best debate line (maybe ever) regarding John Edwards...
Go Huckabee Go!!!
arsenal of democracy-OMG yes, yes, yes!!!
Sporer, you are a war monger.
Teddy, what do you think of that Gilmore flub?
Liked the Huckabee line about spending like Edwards in a beauty shop
That was a great question to Gilmore by Wallace. That is what we need to see.
Gilmore started slow on that one but finished strong.
gilmore handled that very well.
And Jim Gilmore drops the bomb. By the way, about a month ago I had Gov. Huckabee respond to the Club For Growth report, and he refuted it point by point very well. But he has to answer the tax thing still for sure. Rudy is toast. The fabrication of a liberal media trying to find a Republican they can actually stomach, and the by-product of GOP whores who want to win at all costs.
Rudy did a very good job of massaging the issue differences while remaining agreeable. Focusing on the 80% priniciple-very smart.
Wallace is creating some clash, good question to McCain, very good question.
Good refutation by Huckabee.
Huck is toasting the field. He's cute, he's likeable----it's over.
The South Carolina crowd isn't warm to Romney, whose decent line fell completely flat on deaf ears.
is romney faltering some? not much but more than I have scene him in the passed. Almost like his hair moved.
Rudy is doing better than the last debate, but his candidacy is a loss-leader. He's the main reason Thompson and/or Gingrich still know they can get in. His nomination would split the party, so even though the GOP whores fantasize about winning electoral votes in New York there's no way he'll win a state south of Massachusetts in the primary.
Tommy's debate coaches have him so toned down he seems drugged.
The guy is so lively and up beat but he looks like the ghost of Nixon.
From AP:
Tonight, in the second Republican debate, Senator John McCain
said: "We went to Washington to change government. Instead, government changed us."
Sound familiar?
It should. This is what Governor Tommy G. Thompson said two weeks ago at the first Republican debate in California.
next step is to allow the candidates to ask each other questions...then we can have a real debate
Anon 8:48-I agree about his personality being understated.
And Huckabee just clubbed Rudy like a baby seal on the National Geographic Channel.
That was a very impressive argumetn by Huckabee. He explains the pro-life argument in a very understandable and non-threatening way.
Like he did in New York? What did he do to stifle abortions in New York? It's the infanticide capital of the free world.
Great line for Tancredo.
Tonight might be the night Mitt Romney's star began to supernova.
If nothing else, Tom Tancredo's run for president pointed out the amount of hypocrisy on this panel and their "sudden conversions."
Oh, and memo to Wendell Goler, less than 2# of the 255,000 abortions that Planned Parenthood did in 2005 were for cases of rape and incest.
Romney finally gets some feedback from the crowd. And hearing McCain and Romney argue about who's the most consistent is make-yourself-pee-your-pants funny.
did anybody read the article about JOhn Cox today? Sad article in terms of what the outlook of a single individual looks like. Shown pretty depserate but worth the read. http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/013/642dsifq.asp
The immigration discussion has presented the first real debate that we have seen since Dutch exposed Jimmah for fool he was.
Remember, the Reagan Mondale debates were just Ron poking fun at Mondale and telling people what was going to happen in the second term.
Rudy---HOME RUN---That is leadership in a big way!
The confederate flag???????????
Uh, who cares?
With a great slap at the question by McCain.
Good job Senator.
Rudy had a good moment of righeous indignation at Ron Paul's not well-worded point, and Romney was wise to step in and not allow Rudy to continue to play the role of the Patriot.
sporer-why aren't you saying anything nice about Huckabee. he's winning.
Tom Tancredo is so sincere, the guy demonstrates almost no guile.
He's a long shot but damn it he really does care about what he is saying.
Steve-I agree. Very smart tactic by Mitt.
Wow...what a question...now I know why the Democrats don't want to debate on Fox News. Could you see Obama answering this question with anything other than staging a Sheryl Crow concert?
Yeah. Well, first he'd ask where the ticking bomb was. Red states are expendable.
Tommy Thompson was flat out one of the best governors of the 20th century...and he's a horrible presidential candidate.
Huckabee showing real leadership tonight.
If he had a third of the resources of Romney, this primary would be over.
Let's see if Iowa will teach the nation that money isn't the measurement for the presidency.
Leadership is...Huckabee's the leader!
Last poster. I'm so sorry. I hit the wrong button, watching while typing. NO censorship intended.
Duncan Hunter = John Wayne...makes for a good sheriff, but a humorless presidential candidate.
Duncan Hunter-I'm telling you-is a Commander in Cheif.
Could we create a Secretary of War office for McCain?
McCain is just wrong on this. The Islamic terror states don't recognize Geneva protections.
Ask the recent British captives. They got off lucky, Al Qaeda saws the heads off their captives.
So far the winners tonight are Huckabee and Rudy...Rudy needed this after the last debate. Romney and Rudy basically traded roles from the last debate.
Another strong leadership answer from Huckabee.
Excellent point on sacrifice by Huckabee...he needs to take out some of these other second-tier candidates so his voice can be more heard.
I get it
Tancredo strikes again.
Tancredo just gave one of the best answers of the night...he just looks so nervous in these debates.
Tom Tancredo has more sense than any of these. Fear is how you maintain control
Wallace again asks a great question about minorities.
This has been a great debate...Fox has done a service to the American voter. But there's still time for a Scooter Libby reference!
The education answer was the weakest moment of either debate for Mitt. Its the only time he wasn't concise and clear.
Winners: Rudy & Huckabee
Improvers: Tancredo
Hurters: Romney, McCain
Losers: Paul
The rest were non-entities. We'll see Fred Thompson in the race on August 13th.
Deace~ did you get your copy of the wife beaters bible at Wellspring tonight? Maybe you can send a copy with love to Romney.
No, but I did get my magic underwear copy of The Pearl of Great Price.
Next Republican debate...they should narrow the field to the following candidates:
And then leave an empty chair for Fred Thompson.
Steve: you're a dumbass. and a fatass. and a bigot. so i'm for you, you fat, dumb bigot.
Deace - You're just bitter your boy Cox wasn't allowed on the stage. But at least he's on your radio show every week. Way to pull in the big fish.
Everytime I see Huckabee, I wonder why he isn't gaining any traction.
I think Rudy won because of him interjecting on Paul's comment, even though I think Paul had an important point.
Tancredo did pretty well.
I think Gilmore, Brownback, and Hunter should drop out.
I am getting more from the interviews afterwards than I did from the debate. McCain did horrible in the interview when he said they will follow us here because they are evil and do evil things. I know 3 year old that show better reasoning.
Deace, that man-nips comment was just plan wrong.
I agree on Huckabee. I have always thought he'd be one of the front runners.
He's likeable, smart, funny, sincere and articulate.
Its the celebritization of politics, like its another reality show.
However, the man-nips comment made me spit pop out of my nose it was so funny.
Deace-thanks for playing along. Great content. Glad to ahve you on board.
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