Monday, May 07, 2007

What do Democrats and Al Qaeda have in common?

They both want American defeat in Iraq. It really is just that simple.

Harry Reid, the nation’s top Democrat
recently said the war is lost. We heard it a million times from Nancy Pelosi, Abscam Murtha, Howard Dean, John Kerry and the whole crowd. Ted Kennedy has parlayed his expostulations of American moral failing and defeat into a septuagenarian achievement of his career objective of rock star status, albeit on Al Jazeera. Read the floor debate when the Democrats passed the “Defeat on Demand” war resolution.

In response, Al-Qaeda released it latest epistle on the state of the war. They claim the Democrat War Resolution places them-the terrorists not the Democrats-on the
eve of victory, although the Democrats also express a shared definition of victory with Al Qaeda as well.

What conclusions are possible from this confluence of Al Qaeda/Democrat Iraq policy? Shouldn’t the burden of demonstrating one's patriotism fall on those who share a political position with our national enemies? We'll have to wait for their answer, though. They’re all watching CBS and NBC blame the Kansas tornados on W right now.


Anonymous said...

Al-Qaida experts agree: When we sent our soldiers to Asia (twice!), we did exactly as bin Ladin wanted. So he has trapped you. If you stay, he is content. If you leave, he claims a victory.

Do you stay forever? What victory can you ever possibly claim without capturing bin Ladin himself? Bush isn't even interested in that.

Your post is trash talk: It equates war critics with the enemy.

Patriots do what is best for their country, regardless of what Al-Qaida says.

Anonymous said...

It equates war critics with the enemy.

Yup. It does. And it is so.

I'm so glad I'm not a self-hating american like so many on the D side.

35% of people who identify themselves as democrats believe that Bush knew in advance about 9-11 and wanted it to happen.

They really believe that.

I guess when you are essentially a nihilist, that believes in nothing, that kind of insane belief system could take root in the emptiness of one's soul. that democats could believe such a heinous evil act could be done in cooperation and with full support of any american president is about as sleeping with the enemy as you can get without actually taking up arms personally.

Democrats are working to defeat america. they are self-hating americans, who are not patriotic to america. they are patriotic to their own selfishness and self-centeredness.

Sex - Drugs and Rock and Roll really does define their depth. It hasn't improved over the years.

the very generation that brought up defeat in viet nam, wish to do it again with islamofascism.

Well, I guess that's ok if you really want the islamofascists to rule america.

Anonymous said...

Trying to be like Ted.

Anon your position is a combination of fantasy and rationalization of the mindless hatred of Republicans.

You really think that bin Laden wanted to be deprived of the diplomatic, economic and military assets of Afghanistan?

Do you think that the global terror network wanted to lose its financial, diplomatic and military aid from Iraq.

We're still in Europe 62 years after the defeat of the Nazis and 20 years after the fall of communism, Korea 54 years after the end of the war, and Yugoslavia 10 years after the war there. We stay until the job is done, how ever long it takes.

Otherwise we just have to go back and do it again. That's the lesson people who actually study history learned from World WAr 1.

Teddy, are you proud?

Anonymous said...

But Spotlight, if you talk like that and call your fries "french" then the terrorists have already won!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ted Wannabe,
Which part of my comment was fantasy?

I think your dream of a world run by the American military is a fantasy. May I refer you to two books: Unconquerable World, and Sorrows of Empire.

You are also fantasizing about Saddam's aide to "the global terror network". Boy! How that reminds me of the global communist conspiracy talk of a generation ago. That's what got us into the Vietnam quagmire.

Anonymous said...

You get 'em spotlight. To think the Mc Carthy hearings were about a bunch of communists in Hollywood! Imagine a Hollywood film industry dominated by a bunch of Pinko's. And that other baloney about the Soviets wanting to set up Satelite States in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Oh wait that was all true! NEVER MIND.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Spotling, not to speak for another, even an imitator, but I suspect the fantasy is idea that bin Laden and the global terror leadership (loosely defined and consituated as it is)want a large and aggressive US military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan and the other areas of the Mid East where we are busy killing Islamofacsists. Your statement has no contextual or historical basis in fact.

The other fantasy is the idea that Saddam, himself a terrorist rougue, wasn't involved in helping terrorists around the world. The fact that Saddam wasn't involved in 9.11 doesn't disprove his 30 years of helping other terrorists.

Perhaps you can tell us what you think Zarqawi, Nidal, etc... were doing in the terror training camps in IRaq. Or better yet, why the Clinton State Department listed Iraq as the No. 2 state sponsor of terror in the world?

Anonymous said...

It is commentary like this that kept me home during the last election. Accusing your opponents of being the true enemy is pretty low .... even for you Sporer.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5/8

Sorry to hear you are so sensitive. What did Sporer say that wasn't factually accurate.

If you find the consistencies between your position and the Al Qaeda's uncomfortable, the solution isn't to hide from the facts but perhaps a reconsideration of your position.

Anonymous said...

Sporer asserts,"we are busy killing Islamofacsists" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Why then do most Iraqis think its OK to kill Americans? Why is our world wide approval rating lower now than it ever was? I bet Osama is happy about that.

Those two facts provide BOTH context and history.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Most Iraqis don't think any such thing. Most simply would like to see the US out of Iraq-but not before defeating the terrorists among them.

The lack of popularity has a variety of causes. One obvious source is jealousy. Another is the nature of war. Of course those against whom we are much more aggresively fighting are more inclined to hate us harder. WE probably weren't very popular in Hamburg and Tokyo during the WW2 bombing.

By the way, why are conservative political parties winning all over old Europe?

Part of it is the nihilistic self loathing nature of the post modern liberal. The sillinesss of radical chic has become the mainstream as liberals effectively control academia and mass media. This blows things like Abu Ghrib and Katrina way out of context instead of defending one's own country for Christ's sake.

America has problems, we aren't the problem.

randycrawford said...

In order to elucidate the Al Qaeda/Demon confluence of forces, one needs merely to humbly and respectfully solicit a sincere and heartfelt rendition of the gospel truth from Obama-bin-Clinton, the command structure which is only a couple of times worse than its inspirational namesake. If they can't explain their own insanity, who can? Like Mussolini and Hitler, birdbrains of a feather flock together.
