Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Had the Lord not meant them to be shorn………

………… He would not have made them sheep. So goes the operating premise of Democrat Supervisor John “Boss Hogg” Mauro and the Polk County Democrat Machine.

As some may recall from our
March 22 post, Boss Mauro has already persuaded the Democrat run state government to give him-that’s right GIVE HIM-$4.265 million to build a FOR PROFIT apartment complex in Des Moines. In light of the CIETC scandal, the Prairie Meadows scandal and the union payoffs scandals your average garden variety tax grifter-who is coincidentally implicated in all of the foregoing cons-might give up looting.

Not the architect of La Machina, however. Never one to exercise restraint in pursuit of the self-beneficial tax dollar, Boss Mauro has now asked the Democrat run City of Des Moines to provide him with
a bridge loan of a quarter million dollars because his other tax subsidized loans and gifts haven’t been enough to provide him with a sufficient profit margin. So Boss wants, and probably will get, the taxpayers to loan money to a project that is already way off budget. No wonder Boss hasn’t done what other businesses do when they don’t cash flow-visit a bank. OK, not all other businesses. Des Moines Democrat Sen. Jack “welfare isn’t just for poor people” Hatch also gets to use the public treasury like a private lender-but you know, the rest of us business owners who don’t have the taxpayers to subsidize their personal asset acquisition .

Some other facts of interest have been revealed about the FOR PROFIT project Boss Mauro is building with your money. For example, in addition to owning a multimillion dollar asset with virtually no debt, he is taking a $661,000 “developer fee” for building the project. I’m guessing those developer fee payments are a priority for the funding, don’t you? Interestingly, Chris Hensley appears to be the only one posing meaningful questions about this latest outrage. Starting to sound like Archie and the CIETC gang isn't it?

Mauro’s open self-dealing and the rest of the Democrats cooperation in it really demonstrates the sense of invulnerable contempt that they feel for the electorate. It is now readily apparent that the PCDM has construed their re-election as a mandate for even more mis, mal and nonfeasance.

So line up. Baaaah, baaaah.


Ken R said...

The problem with corruption is that it knows no limits. Everyone participating in a payoff wants theirs as well in an ever increasing orgy of theft. The mafia runs into this problem as do all criminals. Just because guilty politicians help each other out doesn't mean the free ride lasts forever. Unfortunately, taxpayers pay a terrible price for believing the Democrats are the party of postive change and accountability.

The label "Culture of Corruption" briefly stuck on Republicans (rather unfairly I might add) but no imagination compares to what really lies in the dark with what Democrats have in store!

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait for Project Destiny to be implemented by fiat...er, voted in.

What better way to make some extra dough than to throw some paint on a canvas, or to take rejected metalworks projects, call it art and stiff--er, sell it to--the city or county for a hefty sum of regional taxpayers' money. After all, art is subjective and interpretive.

I've lived in several places across the US, and this area by far has the most blatant corruption of which I've ever heard. It may be the most corrupt also, but I can't say for certain since most places tend to keep their corruption somewhat hidden to at least maintain an appearance of decorum.
