Saturday, August 18, 2007

Newt’s Genius

Love him or hate him, you have to admit Newt Gingrich is a genius. Newt has spent the last week recommending the increasingly politically passive White House to take a bold political step to implement a badly need public policy.

Newt wants W to exercise his Constitutional powers to call Congress back into session to pass a single immigration bill. The legislative agenda would simply require all local law enforcement officials to check the immigration status of anyone charged with a felony in the United States. The Real Sporer would suggest enforcement by simply denying any federal funds for anything going to any jurisdiction that is found to have willfully failed to comply with the federal legislation.

The political impact would be tremendous. Democrat open border advocates like Pelosi/Reid/Kennedy and the increasingly lunatic Russ Feingold would be backed into a corner. The Dem’s complaints about the Iraqi Parliament taking a thirty day vacation would appear even more shallow (if one can find less depth than Dem leadership has heretofore displayed) if the Dem leadership complained about returning from vacation. The President would appear large and in charge, responding to a current flash point with an incredibly popular solution. Few would say the White House couldn’t use a popular crusade right about now.

Come one Mr. President-you can do it!


Anonymous said...

I agree to a point. Newt is a genius. The Contract with America was the greatest piece of propaganda since Jackson's veto of BUS II. Anyone that talks as much as Newt is bound to say something profound from time to time. It is a "monkeys with typewriters" thing.

However, his buying into global warming and his fraternization with Hillary tells me that the guy cannot be trusted.

Read Tom Coburn's book "Breach of Trust." That will tell you everything you need to know about Newt.

Anonymous said...

What's genius is that Newt has somehow convinced the party to whore out his appearences... cough, er um, book sales, at the state party booth at the fair every year.

Anonymous said...

"Four years into our occupation, we have failed on every promise, while we have substituted Baath Party tyranny with a tyranny of Islamist, militia and criminal violence. When the primary preoccupation of average Iraqis is when and how they are likely to be killed, we can hardly feel smug as we hand out care packages."

Sunday NYT editorial by US soldiers in Iraq

Anonymous said...

Speaking of immigration. This from Romney's website:

"We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America."

I agree with the man. But, this obviously means implementing a national id system. For an id system like that to work, it must include everyone in this country legally - both citizens and legal residents. Otherwise it ain't gonna work. - How do you R's feel about that reality?

Anonymous said...

"Madison, the father of the Constitution, noted in a speech to the first Congress that “wanton removal of meritorious officers would subject” an official to impeachment."

Anonymous said...

Newt's idea would require Bush to grow a backbone. Pretty unlikely at this point.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the president has the political capital to get a special session of congress to do his bidding on what what is in fact an excellent idea.

The key to Republican survival is to stop wasting our energy on calling Nancy Pelosi and her gang bad names, and get to work on a practical agenda to restore stable, affordable middle class family life. If we learned anything from the market meltdown, ordinary people are drowning in debt.

For starters we'd look real good were the administration to step in to block the purchase on antitrust grounds of Sallie Mae by Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and the Flowers PE group. The voters would take notice the GOP is very concerned by today's sky high education costs. (Disclosure--I own and manage portfolios containing B of A and JP Morgan shares. But as a father and grandfather, the interests of my children and yours trump damaging their interests.)

Were I president a through reform of the student loan mess would be a priority issue.

Anonymous said...

Wow Mark Kline .... Are you still alive?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous--I'm alive and well returning to Des Moines following Labor Day to campaign to win the caucuses. When the party refused my $15,000 check for a ballot line at Ames, made no sense for us to endure Iowa's Turkish bath like summer. So I returned to balmy Oakland and my core team members went home or vacationed. Too bad there's no way to post here pictures of my truly unique very colorful and imaginative garden.

Don't understand your comment reacting to mine on student loans. Kindly explain.

Anonymous said...


You need to post a new piece this one is getting old not to mention the crazy direction of the responses.

Anonymous said...

Why does Warner (R) hate the troops?

Ken R said...

Check out Basu's column about Angry White men today.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you got a mention in the column.

Ken R said...


Thanks for reading it but it is doubtful Rekha will do a study of Polk County divorces per my challenge since her commitment to Civil Rights ends with women. Additionally, she gives no indication she cares whenever women have superior rights as demonstrated in her numerous columns against judges who've given custody to men.

Her column was really designed to help help Hillary but few people bit on that one. Rekha opened a much bigger storm than she wanted on this one. The Hillary people wisely begged off as they don't want this one tied around their necks.

Ken R said...


Thanks for reading it but it is doubtful Rekha will do a study of Polk County divorces per my challenge since her commitment to Civil Rights ends with women. Additionally, she gives no indication she cares whenever women have superior rights as demonstrated in her numerous columns against judges who've given custody to men.

Her column was really designed to help help Hillary but few people bit on that one. Rekha opened a much bigger storm than she wanted on this one. The Hillary people wisely begged off as they don't want this one tied around their necks.

Anonymous said...

I don't even bother reading Rheka "I am the only widow who has ever lived" Basu. She personifies the term "useful idiot."

Anonymous said...

Teddy, update the damn blog.

Anonymous said...

Here's a new one from The Religion Of Peace:§ion=subcontinent

Anonymous said...

Senator Craig. Another real traditional values conservative...

Anonymous said...

Ken R said...

I ran into Senator Feingold yesterday and we had a 1 min conversation once he realized I was from Iowa (I live in Uganda now and he's over here on a fact finding mission).

Russ Feingold had one question for me once he realized my connectivity to Iowa Republicans. He wanted to know who I would support for President.

I told him Mike Huckabee or possibly Tom Tancredo but if I had to pick I'd go with Mike. He smiled and said, Mike's really moving up these days.

Anonymous said...

Im not sure if an endorsement from Feingold is a good thing for Governor Huckabee ... Look at what the Feingold association did for McCain's campaign.

Although it could be worse. He could have won the Castro endorsement ... HA!

Anonymous said...

Should any one feel disposed to doubt the veritable circumstances here recorded, let him cross the East River to the Wallabout, and farmer J---- will row him out to the very place where the poor Frenchman's lots still remain under water.. , the significance of any hysterical phobia or of an agoraphobia.. Let us recapitulate by saying that we call such a stream of thought a foreconscious one, that we believe it to be perfectly correct, and that it may just as well be a more neglected one or an interrupted and suppressed one.. How much money will you want, Mr. I remember walking up Fifth Avenue with him one Sunday afternoon just after he had shown me a letter from the man who was then Comptroller of the Currency.. Oh, said he blankly, and took the water up to the Ellsworth suite.. Denham, who volunteered the letter, assured me that Mrs.. In defence I remove her hand.. Miss Lydia threw up her hands in silent despair. Stockton's story, His Wife's Deceased Sister (January, 1884, Century ), who had written a story so good that whenever he brought the editors another story they invariably answered in substance, We're afraid it won't do.. But this was when they had all gone back to their old home; for if Mr.. But we must acknowledge that symbolism is not a result of the dream work, but is a peculiarity probably of our unconscious thinking, which furnishes to the dream work the matter for condensation, displacement, and dramatization.. The Major put on his glasses and read the line in the cast of characters that her fingers indicated.. So that evening, as they sat in the theater listening to the lively overture, even Miss Lydia was minded to relegate their troubles, for the hour, to second place.. it is devoid of memory.. Jis' take th' Jonesville Banner an' th' Uticky Clarion along with ye.. There he stood, returning the pig's idiotic stare with an interest which must have led to the presumption that never before in all his varied life had he seen such a singular little creature.. Our friend, however, was not a little perplexed to find his property.. No foresight may predict it, and the sensation always is genuine.. I have, announced Abner, pompously...

Wild Onion said...

Huckabee supports a national ban on smoking in public places. I'm not sure he's who we want protecting our liberty.

We're talking about that today over at

Anonymous said...

More importantly than that relatively dead issue:


A Polk County judge on Thursday struck down Iowa’s law banning gay marriage.

The ruling by Judge Robert Hanson concluded that the state’s prohibition on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and he ordered Polk County Recorder Tim Brien to issue marriage licenses to several gay couples.

“It’s a moral victory for equal rights,” said Des Moines lawyer Dennis Johnson, who represented six gay couples who filed suit after they were denied marriage licenses.

Camilla Taylor, an attorney with Lambda Legal, a New York-based gay rights organization, said the ruling requires “full equality for all Iowans including gay and lesbian Iowans and their families.”

“The Iowa Constitution has lived up to its promises of equality for everyone,” she said.

The county is expected to appeal the ruling to the Iowa Supreme Court.

Johnson argued that Iowa has a long history of aggressively protecting civil rights in cases of race and gender. He said the Defense of Marriage Act, which the Legislature passed in 1998, contradicts previous court rulings regarding civil rights and should be struck down.

He said some of the case history in Iowa suggests that marriage is a fundamental right and as such, the state can’t choose who people can or cannot marry.

Johnson said the Defense of Marriage law is “mean spirited” and was designed only to prohibit gays from marrying. He said it violates the state constitution’s equal protection and due-process clauses.

Lambda Legal, which spearheaded a same-sex marriage drive across the country, filed the lawsuit on behalf of the gay and lesbian couples in Polk County District Court on Dec. 13, 2005.

Roger J. Kuhle, an assistant Polk County attorney, argued that the issue is not for a judge to decide.


So there you have it. This is the cost for our failure to win the last election! The complete and total annihilation of our very culture.

If ever there was a time for action, now is that time! Rather than worry about what presidential candidates flip-flopped on what issue and who the most conservative the Polk County GOP now have a MAJOR battle to fight.

We'll need to start organizing get out the vote drives to remove Judge Hanson from his judicial post next election. Its EXTREEMELY difficult to remove a judge unless they royaly fuck up and I would venture a guess to say the Hanson did just that.

The only real saveing grace here is that according to the story, Hansen ordered Tim Brien to start issueing licenses .... That will slow down the process as Brien has not been the Polk County Recorder since last January.

Anonymous said...

"The complete and total annihilation of our very culture."

Really? Those darn gays are some powerful people.

I'm glad to hear we have the Iraq mess all cleared up, our schools are in top shape, health care problems are solved, budget is balanced, and we have achieved energy independence. Now that everything else is solved, we can start worrying about what our neighbors do in their bedrooms and what sort of official recognition their relationship has.

Anonymous said...

So maybe Larry Craig can move to Iowa and marry someone he really loves. Then he can run against Harkin, since no one else wants to.

Anonymous said...

Ken--Huckabee's no friend of divorced dads and men's rights generally. Mystery to me why men aren't voting their interests, namely family stability and their children's welfare following divorce, as do women and other identifiable ethnic groups do. Meryl Streep's Clintonian character, Senator Eleanor Prestiss Shaw, got it right in the remake of the "Manchurian Candidate" saying, "Where are all the men?"

Anonymous said...

Ken--Re Huckabee supposedly "coming up" isn't showing up on either the British bookie odds or the Iowa Electronic Markets. He places 6th at 25/1 behind Ron Paul at 20/1 on Ladbroke's board. Doesn't register at all on the Iowa Electronic Markets. The betting odds are more reliable than the polls because money talks and B.S. walks. The other big unresolved sampling problem of American polling is the cell phone calling ban.

Ken R said...

The real money is that the next President of the United States will win the Iowa Caucus just like every modern President before him (or her). Your excuse that you could've won the straw poll if they allowed you to participate is fanciful considering you should've had 5,000 people in the parking lot to protest if you had an organization. Likewise, Ron Paul was exposed as a pretender when real votes were counted.
Mike Huckabee showed he has support and will run strong enough to challenge front runners with the Iowa Caucus deciding the real winner. As for your sour grapes about Iowa Republicans you were warned to run a “Real” campaign and not a campaign following other candidates. You were told if you ran negative advertisements against the Iowa Republican Party you'd be excluded. For you to claim Iowa politics is irrelevant compared to British book makers is lunacy. I am 100% sure the British don’t know a thing about American politics. Don’t even get me started on the whole Jewish angle you’ve been playing with at least one article I’ve read insinuating it is racism that caused your campaign to falter.

Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting how Sporer champions solid conservative values in his politics, while he represents scumbags professionally. Talk is cheap and his words lose all power when you see the complete lack of professional responsibility he displays in representing his clients. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

update you blog!

Anonymous said...

sounds like anonymous 6:04 has been on the losing end of a closing argument. You sound jealous and vindictive.

Anonymous said...

Ken--Couldn't see the point of making a serious showing at Ames absent being on the ballot. Pretty rich for the GOP to exclude me at Ames for criticizing the party when it openly mistreats me. After the party refused me a ballot line at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Memphis in 3/06, listed my write-in vote in which I handily beat Guiliani, Brownback, Gingrich, and Tancredo as "Other". Then I got pulled off Ted's straw poll when I reached 52%. I've got a right to be very angry. We're returning for the caucuses which I think absent dirty tricks by the party I'll win outright or do very well. Seen my ad on which is also running the national weekly edition of Wash Times? Are blacks, Jews and other minorities welcome in GOP so long they behave like behave like servile houseboys in the master's mansion?

Ken R said...

I can't agree with you at all in this endeavor since you are not running a campaign as much as a personal protest. Nobody knows who you are which is probably and important campaign consideration if winning the presidency is the goal.

Anonymous said...

Mark I HIGHLY doubt it was you who drove the numbers for "other" in the Memphis straw poll last year ... Keep in mind that you were in Tennessee at a time when 100s of names were being mentioned as potential candidates, many of which were FROM Tennessee. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if 75% of those votes that you claim were "yours" went to Fred Thompson, Lamar Alexander and other prominent Tennessee politicians who were not at the time mentioned for the 2008 ballot.

As for Ted's straw poll, its fairly clear that you hacked the total simply by deleting cookies and voting again and again .... This blogs total readership is maybe 30 or 40 people ... Most of which are directly involved with the Polk County GOP, none of which support your campaign. So who was voting for you?

Also, because the readership of this blog is around 40 people, I have a hard time takeing your argument seriously when you say that victory here would have brought you "name ID all across Iowa."

If anything, you're building your name by showing up at central committee meetings and picking fights with the local county chairman and the entire local committee ... Hardly something to brag about.

John Cox has more support than you do and he collected a whopping 41 votes at the straw poll. That should tell you something about your level of support out there

Ken R said...


Dr. Klein didn't hack the site but the members of pushing him since we thought he was a viable candidate actually aware of our issues. See

So the votes were real but Dr. Klein but they were simply meant to make the point that Non-Custodial Parents could be a voting bloc. Unfortunately, we were mistaken and Dr. Klein's statements indicating he's a viable candidate this late in the game stagger the imagination.

There is no grand conspiracy Dr. Klein. You never launched a campaign so nobody knows you to even reject you. There was never a chance you'd be President but if you'd run a good campaign and focused on non-custodial parents in a way other than attacking Ted Sporer and the Iowa Republican Party you might have made a name. I have yet to understand why you didn't buy an autodialer and at least build some Name ID or something.

The Iowa Republican Party did you a huge favor by saving you $15K. You were never getting on the stage with the real candidates or the real candidates would not show. I tried to tell you have to run a campaign but you kept telling me you had a plan. I'm still waiting to see your plan which so far seems limited to a few cheap negative newpaper ads and wasted air time on Christian radio.

Will you still insist you will be President when the election is over?

Anonymous said...

Ken--It's for the voters to judge my viability. If the Iowa GOP was so confident I'd crash at Ames, they'd have taken my $15,000 as they did John Cox's who only got 48 votes for the $2 million he's spent thus far.. I'm betting I could win the White House mobilizing the divorced fathers, male voters generally, and the much of middle class political center fed up with today's professional political class owned and operated by special interests. Ken, I don't play impossible odds but I will play remote ones if the prize is big enough and bet is within my means. FYI I'm funding my effort out of current income supplemented by money in a savings account designed for having fun. All I ask of the Iowa and national GOP is to give me a FAIR SHOT at the caucuses. I'm a very decent guy. If I lose fair and square, I'll take the loss with grace and back the party in the election. I'll send you via your e-mail my latest Wash Times full page. Would appreciate your comments and request you circulate it. Ken, who but me would help you with policy change to relieve the utterly heartbreaking unjustified abuse you've suffered in family court? I have a plan to win. Been the story of my life to being underestimated by opponents.

Anonymous said...

Someone get me the shit that Klein is smoking.

Puff puff give, Klein, puff puff give....

Anonymous said...

Um .. Uncle Teddy? Its time to wake up and lead the party again ... Traditional Marriage is under attack in Polk County ...

Ken R said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken R said...

Doc, you have a heart of gold but your logic is over the edge here. What voters? Who knows who you other than a select few and good Lord, why are you running ads in other states when they don't vote
in the Iowa Caucuses? If you had 500 million dollars you could skip Iowa but since you are about 499 (or more) short you should've concentrated your meager resources where they matter. Why not run newspaper ads in Tel Aviv and Moscow for all the good they'll do you. Is this an ego trip for friends or do you just like wasting money? Well, it's your money to waste I guess so do with it as you please and you do have a great story to tell the grandchildren but if it were me I'd at least buy some name ID for all the money being spent.

Anonymous said...

Ken--My logic is not over the edge but over the horizon. People like me transform civilizations and move history.

Anonymous said...

Real Ted is laying low while the family values chickens come home to roost. He is smart enough to know when to take a vacation or needs to concentrate on making money.
Wait until the other shoe drops on Iowa family values hypocrits. As larry craig said in his press conference." I am not gay! I am a pervert" many GOPers will follow. Wait until the sex scandals hit our Iowa family values spokesman

Anonymous said...

The GOP's approach to family values is utterly naive and self defeating. Sound policy rather than moralizing and finger pointing is the way to induce good people to do the right thing. We need to tranform the GOP back to an Eisenhower model. Reagonomics wrecked the party by turning it over to buccaneer banking and military industrial interests who see the government and the middle class as their personal piggy banks. They destroyed stable, affordable middle class family life which in turn led to our astronomical divorce rate, low marriage formations, the surge in out-of-wedlock births and the collapse in conventional sexual identity.

Anonymous said...

Reagonomics wrecked the party by turning it over to buccaneer banking and military industrial interests who see the government and the middle class as their personal piggy banks.

Yet another reason you will never be president.

Anonymous said...

They destroyed stable, affordable middle class family life which in turn led to our astronomical divorce rate, low marriage formations, the surge in out-of-wedlock births and the collapse in conventional sexual identity.

Check your premise. Reaganomics (which was basically Keynesian in its operation) did not lead to the decline in personal responsibility.

You obviously did not study basic economics in med school.

Anonymous said...

Might not have made my pile enabling me to retire in my late 40s had I not gone against the received economic wisdom of the day. Money chases me because I really know my financial oats. This excerpt from my posting in a New York Times blog is pertinent.

"...My comment about Tony Snow’s money problems suggests the reason we’re governed by mediocrities and/or crooks. For what it’s worth this story illustrates my point. Was very obvious to me 2 years ago subprime mortgage situation was a catastrophe waiting to explode. When the Senate Banking Committee denied my written request to testify against Bernanke’s nomination for Fed chief, was offered a private meeting (with) the GOP and Democratic staff chiefs and their assistants to express my concerns. My guess is the chiefs made around $100,000 and assistants about half that.

Came away from the 2 hour meeting with the impression these folks were really clueless about how the economy actually works. Presumably if they really knew their stuff they’d be making the big bucks on Wall Street. Everything I warned them about at the meeting came true in spades in recent market meltdown."

That everytime I'm allowed on a straw poll ballot I win or do very well suggests given a fair chance I could win the White House. Americans would take to me because I'm a really nice guy and a fresh face with new ideas, always very frank, well seasoned by life, and unafraid to duke it out, if necessary, with the Big Dogs. Would whip Hillary. A no brainer choice between voting for a clone of the difficult ex, current nuisance wife, or daughter-in-law versus a father, grandfather, physician and psychiatrist.

Anonymous said...

Also pertinent is this New York Times blog entry:

"Deal Book: “We are not using the b-word,” he said, referring to the talk of bailing out lenders.

A rose by any another name is still a rose.

The key unanswered question is will the bailout be accompanied by regulatory reforms to prevent further inappropriate use of subprime loans. My guess is that won’t happen. Senator Craig will have endure a couple more weeks of abuse to keep the folks distracted while the Big Boys work out their deals to ensure the continuation of socialism for the rich and free enterprise for rest of us.

For the realists I continue to recommend buying the mega financials on dips.

— Posted by MARK KLEIN, M.D."

Because I really know my financial oats with an all volunteer team I eschewed fund raising for this part of my presidential campaign.

In Klein Administration we'd again be the stable and prosperous country I remember coming of age during the Eisenhower era.

Ken R said...

Stop the presses!!!! Hunter Wins Texas Straw Poll.,,-6890955,00.html

Hunter - 534
Fred Thompson - 266
Ron Paul - 217
Mike Huckabee - 83
Rudy Giuliani - 78
Mitt Romney - 61
Ray McKinney - 28
John Cox - 10
John McCain - 8
Sam Brownback - 6
Tom Tancredo - 6
Hugh Cort - 3
Mark Klein - 0 (while not specifically mentioned in the story I thought it might be an oversight or possibly part of Ted Sporer's grand conspiracy to prevent Dr. Klein's runaway victory)

In Dr. Klein's upcoming administration we absolutely must fix these darn strawpolls that give a bunch of no names such as "Tool and Die Maker" Ray McKinney a stronger finish than the real leader (Dr. Klein).

Thank God it will all be over soon and we can have our real President. Now where did I put that remote control not to mention that cure for cancer I came up with and wrote on a yellow post-it note!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re this comment above "For the realists I continue to recommend buying the mega financials on dips" I particularly recommend Bank of America. (Disclosure--I hold substantial B of A postions for myself and in fiduciary accounts I manage.)

Also recommend Fording Canadian Coal Trust (FDG) which I also hold personally and in fiduciary accounts. Pays a solid very high QUALIFIED dividend. Extremely well managed company with significant royalty interests in Canada's top metalurgical coal mines. Fording sells significant amounts of coal to the orient. It will benefit as global warning extends the Canadian shipping season on the St. Lawrence Seaway and the likely opening in the foreseeable future of the Northwest Passage to regular commercial transportation.

Anonymous said...

Ken--Beats me why you're so down on my case. The GOP's unqualified backing of the feminists' demand government policy to stick it hard to divorced men, particularly fathers, screwed you but good. I'm the only political friend you have.

Huckabee, who you and the conservatives are so in love with these days, danced the feminists' tune as Arkansas governor. Don't believe me? Just ask the Arkansas divorced fathers Huckabee impoverished, unjustly imprisoned, and who lost effective contact with their children.

His show biz Mr. Nice Guy jokes and crooning is to win the middle aged GOP women's vote. To paraphrase the Oscar and Hammerstein lyrics in Oklahoma "(male voters) in love with a virtuous man (are) doomed to weap and wail..."

Didn't know about the Texas straw poll until you mentioned it. Only way to do well in such polls is to be on ground with local support. I've made no effort thus far in Texas.

Re Ted's straw poll why the cold shoulder if I'm such a nothing candidate? Putting my money where my mouth is I'll give him 10/1 odds on a $100 bet two weeks following my return to Des Moines later this month back on his straw poll I'll lead or place in the top 3.

Ken R said...


I am trying to save you some money as well as shock you into reality. Your chance for any success at all passed with the Iowa Straw Poll since the real money and candidates will really go into overdrive in the coming months. If you have money to throw away give it to Tony Taylor so he can start a national PAC for divorced fathers since at least that investment will endure unlike your plans to be President.

As for being my friend what is that worth? You live in California and I assume the day after the 2008 election I hope you accept the result without a recount. I live in the world of reality and I want to change the laws destroying our county. Children Deserve Both Parents and my efforts support that and not someone who believes he will be President despite the fact he has no organization, support or name ID.

I suggest you save your money and if you want to do some good set up a PAC that will do some good. All other money spent to be "President" defies logic. It is not mean to tell the truth at some point. Don't you care enough about your children and your grandchildren to stop spending their inheritance on this pipe dream?

Anonymous said...

Ken--How sweet your concern for my children's inheritance. They're already very well set up. They'll have no complaints about what they'll get from me when I croak. FYI my net worth and income substantially increased since I started campaigning two years. I'm completely long debt free. Having guessed right about the recent credit meltdown anticipate a banner year in the market.

You're not living in the real world believing that anything short of a committed fathers rights activist like me in White House will bring reform. The major candidates of both parties are totally in the radical feminists' back pocket.

Likely the next administration, regardless of the winning party, move to remove the right to vote and curtail other basic civil liberties from fathers not in 100% compliance with family court orders, or who are under restraining orders.

Already the federally funded family court Gestapo is cancelling drivers and professional licenses ofr errant fathers. Prewar German Jews made more rights to a passport than American fathers on the State Department's ban list for child support arrears.

Already writing my memoirs. "Gulliver's Travels" will be the title of the chapter on campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination in Iowa.

Get real, Ken, and return to my camp. Otherwise you're likely to remain a man without a country.

Anonymous said...

GOP leadership--Clinton could castrate the Republican Party for decades to come by suspending the right to vote for fathers in child support arrears, under restraining orders, or not in 100% compliance with family court orders.

Given today's virulently anti-male cultural zeitgeist would be a piece of cake to get done. Were that not the case otherwise solid guys like Ken Richards, himself in likely permanent exile the result of Iowa's vicious anti-male divorce courts(!!), wouldn't be so down on my case.

Much of the GOP base are blue collar and middle middle class men a large percentage of which are divorced fathers just barely getting by.

The road to victory is via the male vote. I could bring that plus much of female vote. To younger women I'm the caring father and grandfather they never had following a parental divorce, and to older women nothing sells better than older seasoned, very well educated guy who knows the score, has their number, and will stand up for himself.

Ken R said...

Good luck and I wish you well but I am voting for Mike Huckabee if I am around for the Caucuses.

Anonymous said...

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick, Teddy. Update the blog!

Anonymous said...

Ken--Thanks for the kind sentiments. Given the low turnout at Ames and the Texas straw poll the other day your vote will be sorely needed at the Iowa caucuses if only to help show the GOP is still alive!

I say again were the GOP to open its nominating process to all allowing an ideological free-for-all we could beat Hillary Clinton. Her negatives are so apparent Clinton got totally slammed yesterday in the New York Times Caucus blog readers.

Our major problem is our message is stale and dated. "Family values" becomes meaningless when a badly run economy combined with federal incentives promoting divorce discourages people from marrying and starting families.

We're also not looking at the gay marriage issue for what it really is. One consequence of disasterous divorce rates and low marriage formations was short circuiting many children's normal psychosexual development. We are not chickens whose lifecyle behavior is genetically hardwired. For humans genes set the limits but the child's environment shapes and determines the outcome.

The widespread collapse of sexual indentity bad policy created resulted in a now grown vast homesexual population seeking love's emotional security.

I'm opposed to gay marriage. Nevertheless reality dictates we offer with an open hand and heart alternatives like full civil union.

The party's very rough treatment of Senator Craig will cost us many votes. We appeared cruel and merciless to a culture in which most ordinary people are struggling with emotional fallout of broken families, obesity related self esteen issues, and impulse behaviors (e.g. overspending, gambling, etc )they know deep down are wrong.

We have a tremendous opportunity in 2008 by really showing by deed we are the party of Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Sporer? This site hasn't been updated in weeks.

Anonymous said...

Which will come first: A new blog entry or a Polk County Central Committee meeting?

Anonymous said...

That last comment is the post of the day!

Anonymous said...

Today is opposite day...

Anonymous said...

Forget the blog Ted ... Give us SOME sign that youre still alive at all!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ted is in the undisclosed area with Dick Cheney.

Anonymous said...

[insert Jepordy theme music here]

Anonymous said...

He took a plane trip with Steve Fossett.

Anonymous said...

If that is true, I have some advice for Uncle Ted:

In between flights, if you have to take a power dump, for the love of Nile Kinnick, DO NOT tap your feet.

Anonymous said...

It's the Bobble-Fred Doll...
