Thursday, September 20, 2007

Murtha, red faced lying cad.

You know I love to berate the cad John Murtha. Seldom is every deficiency in the body politic manifested in one person but Murtha has ‘em all, a veritable super infection of contagious duplicity.

The case against the Haditha Marines is
falling apart. Nearly all of the charges against nearly all of the Marines involved in either the false “rampage killing”, as the liberal press described the Haditha incident, or the “cover up” that the MSM running dogs fabricated from the fog of war have been dismissed. All indications are that the few remaining charges will also be soon dismissed.

Murtha, the morally repulsive toady of appeasement and purveyor of pork, rushed to proclaim the Marine brothers in arms he claims to love guilty of murder when it suited his political needs. That was low, but arguably truthful when uttered.

Now that the case against the Marines has disintegrated Murtha and Murtha’s claims exposed as lies, ABSCAM Murtha demonstrates that his cowardice extends beyond the geo-strategic policy of appeasement he advocates. Rather than apologize for his defamation of American heroes Murtha now claims that an anonymous source in the military mislead him.
Hot Air and Wake Up America have great coverage of this story.

If Murtha is lying about the unnamed source (most likely) then he needs to apologize for repeating a defamatory lie. If not and he rushed to spread a defamatory lie based on an anonymous source then he needs to apologize and pay damages for his grossly reckless disregard of the possibility that the anonymous source was incorrect before globally broadcasting a false murder accusation. If ever someone deserved to find the word “Defendant” after his name in a civil defamation case it is ABSCAM Murtha. Never mind the propaganda bonanza with which a United States Congressman’s accusation of murder provided to the global Jihad.

Congressman Murtha needs to shine some light on what lead him to tell such a monstrous lie; he needs to apologize to the Marines and the nation for that monstrous lie; and then he needs to resign. Be gone you damn curse, begone!


Anonymous said...

Murtha's attitude is only the tip of iceberg of the today's hang our troops out to dry attitude. Are you familiar with the Ilario Pantano case?

Today's military is run by clerks and lawyers. No way under our current hang 'em out to dry military law policy can a Patton or Sherman rise to the top to deliver victory.

We could have won in Iraq and Viet Nam had we not hamstrung our troops with outdated rules of engagement designed for wars against nation states with established chains of command subject to a sovereign.

Had Lincoln and FDR fought under our current military doctrine there'd be no United States and the Nazis and Japanese Imperialists would control most of the world.

One of the first things I plan to do in the White House is withdraw the United States from all laws of war agreements which preclude us from having a military doctrine designed to achieve definitive victory as quickly as possible.

I'm down on the administration over Iraq largely because it wants to play neocon but refuses to make the policy changes required to fight to win. Hence makes no sense to squander blood and treasure.

In a Klein administration the JAG will be a lot smaller! To justify the size of its TOE and budget today's JAG has to beat the bushes for new cases.

Anonymous said...

Well why don't we just completely privatize our armed forces? Hell we are paying top dollar to Blackwater etc. and a mercenary force doesn't have to follow any rules of engagement!. In fact we can bring all the troops home know and let the estimated 180,000 mercenaries carry the load.
What I like about the neocon mindset is that you support the actions of the FEW troops that cross the line of professionalism into atrocity yet will deny these same guys the needed support and services .
Ted wants these troops to skate so he can make good fees defending them when they commit the same crimes back home.
Murtha should apologize only Boehnor apologizes for claiming that the troops death are a small price to pay.
Typical GOP attitude of of sacrifice is worth it as long as it doesn't impact me!
I love the new magnets appearing in guys bathrooms that say" "Official GOP Meeting Room"

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dr. Klein, that's a large order for when you get into the White House. How do you expect to do all that from a tourist line?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous--Let's take first things first. First gotta to do well in the caucuses. Assuming the Iowa GOP doesn't play dirty tricks to conceal my votes, should I make a serious showing in a deadlocked convention the party might come to its senses and turn to a real outsider who could beat Clinton.

The electorate is yearning for an authentic outsider with really new ideas. Without such a GOP candidate I think Clinton will handily beat any of the current GOP favorites.

Anonymous said...

We do need a candidate that can beat the democrats next year. Unfortunately, we don't have one yet.
Maybe Sen. Grassley should run. He's honest, hard working, and you can trust him to do what's best for the American public. He also has more experience than a lot of people in this race.

Anonymous said...

Murtha is a great argument for fragging.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous--Beats me why the Iowa GOP doesn't give me the same exposure as the "credible" candidates which you and I think can't win!

Yesterday while handing out brochures to folks at the Polk County courthouse was amazed how many took to my message we need to restore stable, affordable middle class family life, and think both major parties are run for the sole benefit of big money interests.

The party would get tremendous buzz letting a real outsider get exposure. Right now I sense the public is totally bored to tears with our candidates.

Anonymous said...

which kind are you Sphincter?

Anonymous said...

Why the GOP kind of sphincter Brave anonymous lap dog. With exception that I don't think or talk out of my ass and I don't bend bendover for Craig, Mc Connell Grahm and all the other little closet queens in the GOP.

Remember, them being gay isn't the problem it's the hypocrisy right Senator Vitter?

Now lap dog go clean up your party.

Start with the sex offenders and other felons at the old mortuary on east 9th street
