Friday, October 05, 2007

Birthdaypallooza 07.

The Real Sporer and Hot Spouse were privileged to attend the major Republican red carpet social event of 2007 tonight at Tim Flanagan’s on Ingersoll.

Congrats are due to Timmy, G and AB. Way to maintain the tradition of celebrating number thirty at Flanagan’s.

Talk about a star studded GOP event. M.C. Barth came all the way from the Nation’s capital to spin the tunes. The percussion performance artist from
Sunny Humbucker was spotted backstage banging on the pipe and drape, giving the event even further star power. There were so many A-listers that one’s head simply spun in an effort to see them all. Far too many to mention everyone by name.

Marcus lacked only the 20 year old scotch and some trampy blonds of similar age to not just sound like Deano, but actually be Deano. Even the packed house of Republican glitterati was awestruck.

Although the assemblage seemed ecumenically well divided among several Republican Presidential campaigns one could almost feel pity for the Dems when the superstar crowd gets assembled behind the same guy, who and when ever that occur.

Birthdaypallooza also proves another important point. Republicans really do have more fun.


Anonymous said...

And, chances are, the Republican women actually like men.

Didn't run into any Senators while you were in the head, did you?

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

No, the Republicans at Flanagan's last night come from the narrown stance wing of the party.
