Friday, October 05, 2007

Iowa Caucus Date Has Not Changed!

Recent rumors that the Iowa Republican Caucus ’08 has been moved to January 3 are not accurate. No official action has been taken. No action will be taken for at least ten days.

Moreover, I think it is fair to say that any ultimate decision by RPI will be made only after consultation with IDP leadership. Our party desires to act as closely as politics permits with the IDP leadership in the interest of the state of Iowa.

We are also mindful that our local county leadership needs to have a decision as soon as possible for planning purposes. I anticipate that the decision will be forthcoming before the end of October.

Remember, Iowa is only one player in a national game and our decisions also affect many others. Most of the SCC understands that we also must cooperate with other states if we are to expect or even request their cooperation with us.

If the Caucuses do move it is also fair to say that January 3 and January 5 are the leading candidates for the new schedule. Feel free to let me know what you think of those dates.


Anonymous said...

Off topic, but what do you guys/gals think about the Log Cabin R's ad about Romney? - Seems brilliant to me.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but what do you guys/gals think about the Log Cabin R's ad about Romney? - Seems brilliant to me.

Anonymous said...

I personally would be in favor of moving the Caucus to January 5. January 3 would not be too bad either, but I think it would be desirable to have a few more days off between New Years and the Caucus.

I think having it in December would be a huge mistake, and would result in a poor turnout. Although a December caucus would technically not happen on Christmas day, I think most people are like me in that they do a lot of family activities during most of the month of December. I think a December caucus would create a lot of schedule conflicts, and I feel most would choose to participate in family events over the caucus.

Anonymous said...

The question is about the new ad is Do the log cabin republicans think romney has changed or do they know the real Romney? Even better question, is this an attack ad or an endorsement ad. I quess with Romney you never really know the truth.

Anonymous said...

Ted--Either January date is fine for me. Suggest the Central Committee seriously consider going in mid-December. Would be better for turnout and to highlight the importance of the Iowa caucus process.

Anonymous said...

The log cabins thought they had a champion in Mitt back in the gay 90s.

Now in sterotypical fashion they are retaliating for having been jilted by Mitt.

Hell hath no fury ...........

OK, Papa Bear, did I do well?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter when the caucuses are, Quack Klein will kick all of the other candidates' asses!

I say we have them tomorrow!

Quack Klein rEVOLution!
