Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crist is outed: McCain is the Governor’s man.

The early story was true. Florida’s wildly popular Governor, Charlie Crist, gave Senator John McCain a booming endorsement tonight.

Endorsements are rarely huge, and this is no Big “O” Oprah endorsement of the even bigger “O” Obama but it’s pretty significant nevertheless. Crist is among America’s most popular governors. The Crist endorsement comes on a big news night only three days before the primary. The timing is sufficiently prior to the election to give it news value through Tuesday but not long enough to become stale.

Crist will bring an outstanding 72 hour team to the field of battle. Much like Stanley choosing sides late at Bosworth Field, the sudden of appearance of Crist field teams and telephone lists, could tilt an otherwise close contest in its final hours. Florida sources have previously advised TRS that Crist runs a presidentially precise political operation. I’m sure Crist didn’t have a McCain epiphany this morning so the Crist trains were undoubtedly already in motion when the news leaked.

In short, this particular endorsement is a huge advantage in a
very close state.


Anonymous said...

Well..put Charlie Crist on Rush's list of people he's going to savage on the air....

Anonymous said...

Indeed, at what point will Rush just take the 6 pieces of silver and endorse Mitt Romney?

Its obvious Romney is his man, which is perplexing considering how much Rush hated Bob Dole and Romney is a Dole conservative if ever there was such an animal, but I guess money talks for El Rushbo.

Anonymous said...

Rush likely can't overtly endorse Romney...Bain Capital has a major ownership stake in Clear Channel, Rush's syndicator...Romney still has very close ties to that company..

For him to do so, might be seen as a corporate contribution to a campaign...

Anonymous said...

Listen to you people. Ridiculous.

In the absence of Reagan, no one has done more as a movement conservative than Rush Limbaugh. Like you, he is free to make up his own mind, and let his listeners in on his rationale.

In fact, most conservative regulars have deep reservations about McCain and his proxy fighter Huckabee. While Romney is not perfect by any stretch, what we know about him should not trouble us as much as what we know about McCain.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I had Rush pegged as a FredHead.

Anonymous said...

Rush pretty much handed the Senate to the Dems with his stupid comments that revved everyone up in Missouri.
He'll be carrying the Republican Party Buckets again in no time.

Anonymous said...

I'll be honest..Rush isn't doing much for party unity right now..

He needs to be VERY there is a world of difference between John McCain and Hillary or Obama...

Yet, if he keeps on this jag about McCain being "just like Hillary" etc etc.. The party will be more and more fractured.

Peggy Noonan was right last week...Huckabee and McCain aren't destroying the party...if anything..the actions that GWB has done in office (except for Iraq) has helped to damage our party far more than either McCain or Huckabee could do.

Anonymous said...

"More recently, Mr. McCain has told conservatives he would be happy to appoint the likes of Chief Justice John Roberts to the Supreme Court. But he indicated he might draw the line on a Samuel Alito, because "he wore his conservatism on his sleeve.""

It's been mentioned twice on the Corner so far today, and I'll bet this quote is rocketing around the Internet a lot today... even if this doesn't burn McCain in Florida, that comment will be in play in Wednesday night's debate...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Anonymous said...

Just voted in the Florida primary...a slow, but steady turn out at my polling place in Bradenton (45 minutes south of Tampa). Campaigning here was light...No calls from the Crist/McCain people or mail either! Only Ron Paul yard signs were out - mostly stuck along the road rather than in actual yards which makes me wonder if a couple people did not put them all out. I was not deluged with the Mitt Romney calls my parents kept getting in CR either. Yes, I am a registered Republican and hope whoever gets the nomination does a better job of contacting voters for the general election!

No chads on my Manatee County ballot - THANK GOD. We had to color in the dots with a marker.

Sara (Ted's Cousin) in Florida
