Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Drama of Obama

Are you kidding Uncle Teddy?????

With 77% reporting, Obama is doubling Hillary’s raw vote total, 54-27!!!!!!There is no spin on that one, it’s a thumping.

Then again, the Morris racial gambit theory is probably true and Hillary moves on to Super Tuesday via their familiar race baiting route.


Anonymous said...

The first black president of the United States. I'd vote for him over any of the current Republicans.

Anonymous said...

OK.. Why?

Barack and Hillary really dont have much a difference policy wise..

Are you voting for him simple because he's black? Isnt that what Martin Luther King told us not to judge people by..the color of their skin?

Anonymous said...

After the train wreck from the last 8 years I'm just hoping someone can make the country feel good about itself again. Obama is the type of leader that can do that.

Anonymous said...

... Yeah, until people realize that his unqualified for the job and falls flat on his face.

People said Jimmy Carter would "make the county feel better" after Watergate ... That turned out REAL well.

Anonymous said...

After 8 years of Bush I think a lot of people are ready to take that chance.

Anonymous said...

Thats what Republicans said in 1996 ... There guy led by nearly 20 points through 1995 and early 1996. What happened? They were beaten badly in november.

Here is the harsh truth about Barack Obama ... Right now, hes the hot, fresh candidate but its a LONG way to November. Once he's the Democratic nomminee the romance will die and he's going to have to answer tough questions that he is incapable of answering. People will start to drift from him and he'll get delt a nasty defeat in November ... So bad in fact that both parties will be looking to blame it on something. Unfortunatly, they will both likely say "America wasnt ready for a Black President." Granted, this will not be the case, it will be because Obama simply wasnt ready to be President.

I think America is ready to elect a black President, but if its going to happen, it NEEDs to be a solid candidate not a guy skateing by on a a vague message of "hope."

Black America needs a guy like JC Watts as its first major party candidate. Why? Because Watts can win a general election whereas Barack will ultimatly fail. This will be bad because after Barack is defeated, it will give new credence to the arguement that "America is not ready for a Black President." This statement is false, but in order to break the glass cealing of race, the first Black major party candidate needs to be electable in November. Barack isnt because he's weak once you scratch the surface. Unfortunatly Democrats are too socially nervious and terrified of being labled as "raceist" by Al Sharpton so if Barack wins, he will do so without being vetted by the the primary process which leaves him open to haveing his wings pulled off late in the game, and killed in November.

Unfortunatly, the only November winner with Democratic party has left in the race is currently in a distant 3rd place.

You can drag your feet and say Im wrong but if you be real with yourself and step outside the sound proff echo chamber of the democratic party, you'll see your headed for a nasty loss in November with the current front runners in your party. Youre as suicidal with your Presidential selection as Iowa Republicans have been with our Goubernatorial nomminees for the past 12 years.

Anonymous said...

So now it's Iverson's turn to run the party into the ground? Why do I have the feeling of impending doom?

Anonymous said...

It couldn't get much worse than Hoffmann.

Did anyone see the finance report last week? Democrats had $660,000 and the Republicans had $49,000.

Anonymous said...

If he builds too much of a lead and becomes a threat, Hitlery will have him killed.

That is how the Clintons operate.

Anonymous said...

Sporer really lost.

As an Iowa Democrat, thanks guys. As a friend of Ted's too bad.

Anonymous said...

well, you know the old saying, Repubs? Keep doing the same thing the same way and expect different results? Defintion of insanity. Stu's a good guy, but the Repubs apparently can't turn the page...they continue to look to the past for answers. This won't turn out well, I think, but I'll hope for the best....

Anonymous said...

The SCC is nothing more than a tea party for some good ole boys. Stu needed a job. His Romney gig is over and he has to wait out his time to do lobbying. I recall he has a bunch of buddies on the SCC and they voted him in, most likely.

He's a nice guy though. That's what we need alright. Another nice guy who is afraid to make the decisions that need made.

The biggest clue that this will be a disaster is that Ray Hoffman chose him personally and tried to close the deal without any discussion whatsoever. Why did Ray resign? Why should we trust his personal successor? More of the same.

The Republican voters of Iowa got cheated once again. But, at least Stu has a job now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Teddy

I'm reading about the State Chair election on Cyclone Conservative.

WTF? Unanimous? I highly doubt it.

Please give us the story behind the story. Let us know when Deace has you on so we can hear what went wrong.

Anonymous said...

would love to hear your take on the state chair election, Ted.

Anonymous said...

Sporer won't give us the details. He's one of the good old boys himself. Anything to protect the party.

Anonymous said...

Ted was told to fall on his sword . . . . and he did. Too bad nobody has the stones to rock the boat.

Anonymous said...

Sporer fell on his sword? I doubt it.
