Thursday, June 17, 2010

Republican State Convention: The Immigration Platform

Next weekend the Republican Party of Iowa will come together in general convention in Des Moines.  The state platform committee has been busy for the last several weeks working on a party platform.  Those guys bust their tails.  Those of us who have run large conventions always come to appreciate the genuine effort the platform people contribute every two years.

In the past my party responsibilities prohibited my serious and active participation in the platform debate.  This year, by virtue of Al Gore's greatest invention (although the global warming hoax has been big for Al and Tipper and Lori) old Uncle Teddy can virtually participate from the comfort of a nice, soft reclining chair.

On almost every issue perhaps clarity and brevity would give us a document by which to define ourselves and attract new supporters.  In the era of the thirty second spot and Mayfly life cycle attention spans we need more of a sound bite than a manifesto.

Wouldn't the following be a pretty simple clear statement of immigration policy for Iowa Republicans?

  1. Enforce English as the official language of the state.

  2. Progressively impose employer fines, suspension of business activity and asset forfeiture for employing illegal aliens based on employer assets.

  3. Adopt Arizona 2281 (anti-ethnic division legislation).

  4. Fund "New American" programs for English education and cultural assimilation through the funds collected from aforesaid progressively imposed employer fines, suspension of business activity and asset recovery.
This would take no more than thirty seconds to tell the voter and can be easily and readily explained in less than three minutes (if one avoids the use of cliches and tag lines).  A simple and clear statement also provides a readily measured metric by which to judge our nominees when they become our public officials.

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