Saturday, June 30, 2007

Poll Reset

The Iowa Presidential Forum and the simultaneous appearance of the Ron Paul Revolution in Des Moines are sufficiently significant events to makes it only fair to reset the Presidential poll.

Please vote when you visit the Real Sporer.


Ken R said...

How big was the Ron Paul Rally? They promised a big one and since I'm in Iraq I just want to hear if it was as big as promised.

Is Ron Paul an internet phenom or for real?

Ken R said...

I read Ron Paul's website he had perhaps 1000 people there but at least 500 apparently rivaling those who attended the actual forum.

I am not a Ron Paul supporter but I am interested as to how many really showed up given the hoopla created by his unreasonable exlusion.

I really like Tancredo (if he's really running) and Huckabee (what a great guy!) and we should definitely tab Hunter for SECDEF exactly like Uncle Teddy proclaimed in another post.

I wish I could have been there to see all of these candidates. Now, what happens when Fred makes walks through the door is anyone's guess but it will be more exciting than watching various socialists out pandering each other on the other side.

Anonymous said...


Don't believe the hype from the Paul event.. Yes..he had about 5-600 people there...

Most of them were bussed and came in from out of state.

These weren't Iowan at that event.. as evidenced by a large group of people holding "Florida for Ron Paul" signs..

Paul isn't going to do crap in Iowa.

Ken R said...

I did wonder about the out of town element. Ron Paul must campaign in Iowa and find Iowans or he will get trounced on Caucus night. I guess he can try and win in every state but Iowa but it really doesn't sound like a good strategy if that is their plan.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul's people are the lowest class kind of political activists. Not only are they an obnoxious, cadre of spamers but they are also childish vandals. I attended a forum and when I arrived at the hotel across the street to find several rowdy Ron Paul flunkies lurking in the parking lot drinking and yelling at traffic. This alone would not bother me but when I returned to my vehicle (which does sport a bumper sticker for another candidate) I found that my car had been scratched with a key and a beer bottle had been placed under the back tire on the passenger side of my vehicle. Its clear to me that ICA and the ITR made a good decision in not allowing Paul and his supporters to attend the forum. The TOTAL lack of respect for those who disagree with them and their propensity for violence and harassment are a TOTAL DISGRACE to both the Republican party AND Mr. Paul’s (I refuse to call him a Congressman because that would give him more respect than he deserves) office!

As these riffraff travel the country and continue to spam internet polls and harass anyone who wont follow them I hope more people realize what a low class operation Paul is running and do what they should do ... Kick him and his people out of the party! Ron Paul AND his pack of 7th grad vandal/supporters can FUCK OFF! You don’t see Romney, or Tommy Thompson or Sam Brownback supporters acting like angry children who didn’t get a cookie do you?

He's just DAMN lucky I cant fully prove what his people did or I would be sending an assessment for the damage to my car to his rinky-dink campaign office for reimbursement!

Ken R said...

I have certainly witnessed a high level of classless behavior from Ron Paul supporters on the DSM Register's blog. I would be pretty upset if they'd keyed my car. If Ron's supporters are truly like that he doesn't have long in this race. I guess we'll see soon enough.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't have long to begin with as it is!

He's making the same claims that Dean did in 2004..and we saw what happened there...fell flat on his face.

Same thing is going to happen here with Paul..

Robert Elart Waters said...

Ron Paul is, along with Rudy Giuliani, one of the two Republican presidential candidates for who I would not vote this November. He's an extremist with an alien agenda, and he has no real support either in Des Moines, in Iowa, or in the nation as a whole- no matter how his partisans may "stuff the ballot box" in your poll, Ted!

Anthony Ludlam said...

I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and I must say I've never seen any of the organized supporters engaging in any kind of foolery. In fact myself, and all of the people that i associate with dissuade that kind of behavior.

As for the spamming... why is it that people think that there's only like 10 of us and we're all super computer savvy people who have nothing better to do than look up and hack polls? Since we're hacking polls doesn't it concern you that we might use our uber l337 hacker skills to hack the computerized voting machines?

I think it's cute though that you didn't see who did it but you're condemning Ron Paul supporters. Not a big fan of assumption of innocence hmmm?

Why don't you just organize better? I'll be back if i remember to gloat about the,
"Paul isn't going to do crap in Iowa," type quotes.
