Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Independence Day Topic-The Great Eight

In honor of the day of our Nation’s birth (more or less), and with so many jockeying for that “44” on the jersey on both sides of the aisle, let us take stock of the historic competition.

As we tune in the political channels on this our 231st Birthday we are presented with quite a Presidential Menu. The Dems have to answer the question-keep “All in the Family” or switch over to “The Fresh Prince”. We Rs also have quite a vast menu. Rudy (whose more like Costner in the Untouchables, with just a touch of Nathan Lane from the Producers) is clinging to a lead over the laconic and devilishly clever Arthur Branch, with Mitt campaigning “Down and Derby”.

The Real Sporer fancies himself a historian and his choices well informed. We call this the “POTUS Great Eight” and the following get my vote:

8) Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower-ended the Korean War on our terms; maintained prosperity and kept the conflicts low intensity and light on casualties. A third term for Ike and no Castro.

7) Thomas Jefferson-the ironic pacifist who sent the country on its first imperial war, doubled the size of the Nation and created political dominance for almost a generation.

6) Harry Truman-remember this Democrats and other jihadists, he left office at 19%. America was calling and we got George W.

5) Ronald Reagan-won the Cold War, comrades, and damn near single handedly at that while turning around a depression. The most elected two term President in history, won 94 states.

4) TR-the bio says it all, "Theodore Rex" America’s greatest Renaissance man, created modern America and the two ocean navy and the Canal through which to provide global dominance.

3) FDR-although he brought socialism to America he also saved the world. Hard to top that one.

2) George Washington-not the "Father of His Country" for nothing. He's the reason we have not yet become the socialist one party state for which Evita pines on the balcony of the Casa Rosada up in Chappaqua.

1) Abraham Lincoln-Be honest, when you have a mental impression of the face of God it looks a lot like Abe's in the Lincoln Memorial.

So voice your opinion as to the "POTUS “Great Eight”. If you disagree with the Real Sporer, on this one, you might generate some real debate by giving voice to the basis of your disagreement.


Anonymous said...

You can drop Reagan from the list. He did not win the cold war single handedly. The USSR was a walking dead man. Remember how RR said he couldn't meet with them because they were always dying?

When Gorbachev came on the scene he began the changes that led to the disintegration of the Russian empire. The USSR was always overrated by the CIA, especially by hawks like the Committee on the Present Danger.

What can RR really put in his biography? That he waged illegal secret war in Central America, traded arms for hostages, sent the federal debt to record highs, was insensitive to blacks, AIDS victums and the environment.

He also appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court. Our consolation prize, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Uncle Ted but Washington is #1 and Lincoln #2.

Lincoln wouldn't have had a country to save if it wasn't for Washington. He is far and away the number one President we will ever have.

Anonymous said...

Cool. It is "history day" today. I have Iced Earth's "The Glorious Burden" blaring on my stereo, much to the chagrin of my late-waking neighbors.

Have to disagree with you on a few of these Ted. Drop FDR off the list entirely. Not only did his socialist economic policies actually make the depression WORSE, he maneuvered us into WW2 and we won that war despite FDR's best efforts. See Thomas Fleming's brilliant "The New Dealer's War."

Take Eisenhower off. He gave us Richard Nixon, which was his best accomplishment. He is Bush without the disasterous policies. Ike showed that, in the 50's, we could go eight years without a president.

Washington should be number one. Nobody else comes close. Take anyone off your list and we still have a country. Nobody besides Washington could have held the Continentals together after the disasterous 1775-1776 continued retreats. Washington ended 1776 on a high note with victories at Trenton and defeating the Hessians on Christmas.

After the war, his power was absolute and his rule would have been unchallenged and HE GAVE IT UP and went home to Valley Forge. His giving up command and holding back a soldiers rebellion over pay are two of the most poignant moments in American history.

Truman, say what you will about him, he had balls. I respect that.

I would put Andrew Jackson on that list. He was a tough SOB and nobody screwed with him. He killed off BUS2 and his veto message is a conservative/libertarian manifesto to this day. Before he died, he said that there were two things he regretted: that he had not shot Henry Clay and hanged James Calhoun. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Jackson killed way too many many Indians to be "great." The Trail of Tears is not one of our Nation's prouder moments.

(also, Washington returned home to Mount Vernon, not Valley Forge)

My vote is for Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

Doh! Got the two mixed up. It was early and I was hung over. Cut a brother some slack.

Jackson was also the only President to simply ignore a Supreme Court ruling. This perhaps drew of the (again) brilliant message vetoing BUS2.

Jackson also attempted to make peace with the indians and among the indian tribes in the South. He failed becase the Red Sticks would not stop killing other indians. Many indians regarded Jackson as a hero. See Remini's "Andrew Jackson and his Indian Wars."

Anonymous said...

Hillary is "outraged"?

Let us just take a quick walk down memory lane shall we?


Anonymous said...

Any bets on whether Hillary would pardon me? I say its even money given she hates my dad.


Cedar Waxwing said...


Man, you have absolute delusions of grandeur my friend..

Do you not recall how Reagan would NOT back down at Rejakavik? Gorby wanted the US to take Star Wars off the table....and Reagan would not budge..

Why? Because he knew that the USSR would not be able to maintain a high state of military readiness all the while trying to feed/house/otherwise provide for the Soviet people...

Reagan knew that communism was a failed philsophy and that it could not bring forth the freedoms and liberties that would bring prosperity to the USSR. Perestroika and glasnost were not going to bring the USSR into the modern world economy at the time.

Do you not recall Reagan standing at the Brandenburg Gate..and with a presence of force only he could project..told Gorbachev to "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!"...

Reagan's aides all tried to get him to delete the "tear down" line from his speech..they called it "too provocative"....Reagan held his ground..because he recognized that if the United States did NOT stand up before the tyranny of the USSR and challenge them...that our moral authority as the leader of the free world would be sacrificed.

Reagan's tax cuts..(which he pushed through a DEMOCRAT congress mind you...) helped to bring forth a period of economic prosperity in this country the likes of which hadn't been seen in decades...

Reagan put America back on the map..after the cynicism of the late 60's and 70's..Reagan gave people something to believe in about America again...

How else Spotlight can you explain Reagan's overwhelming electoral victories in 80 and the landslide of 84..(Lest you forget Fritz Mondale could only win Minnesota and DC)..

Cedar Waxwing said...


Man, you have absolute delusions of grandeur my friend..

Do you not recall how Reagan would NOT back down at Rejakavik? Gorby wanted the US to take Star Wars off the table....and Reagan would not budge..

Why? Because he knew that the USSR would not be able to maintain a high state of military readiness all the while trying to feed/house/otherwise provide for the Soviet people...

Reagan knew that communism was a failed philsophy and that it could not bring forth the freedoms and liberties that would bring prosperity to the USSR. Perestroika and glasnost were not going to bring the USSR into the modern world economy at the time.

Do you not recall Reagan standing at the Brandenburg Gate..and with a presence of force only he could project..told Gorbachev to "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!"...

Reagan's aides all tried to get him to delete the "tear down" line from his speech..they called it "too provocative"....Reagan held his ground..because he recognized that if the United States did NOT stand up before the tyranny of the USSR and challenge them...that our moral authority as the leader of the free world would be sacrificed.

Reagan's tax cuts..(which he pushed through a DEMOCRAT congress mind you...) helped to bring forth a period of economic prosperity in this country the likes of which hadn't been seen in decades...

Reagan put America back on the map..after the cynicism of the late 60's and 70's..Reagan gave people something to believe in about America again...

How else Spotlight can you explain Reagan's overwhelming electoral victories in 80 and the landslide of 84..(Lest you forget Fritz Mondale could only win Minnesota and DC)..

Anonymous said...


Lincoln was the greatest traitor to the fundamental concept of our Representative Republic in our nation's history.

Lincoln was right about slavery, it was an abomination. (Do some reading, old Abe couldn't have given a crap about slavery)

The Civil War didn't start because of slavery. History shows otherwise.

The civil war started because the South was disproprtionately taxed and they were sick of it! (Note: this may sound familiar as it sorta lead to our infant nation fighting for it's independence from the food flavor disabled British)

Lincoln seized on two historic political opportunities:

1. The South leaving the Union. He defined maintaining the Union as a noble cause.

2. Slavery. As with many politicians, Abe thought, "I can use this moral issue to make a mammoth Federal Government power grab!!!"

Well, it worked, the Federal Government began a rapid and continuous destruction of our Representative Republic at that point in history. A destruction and growth that has not slowed, much less stopped!

As a "Republican" which I most certainly am, I despise the fact that many label Abe as one of our party's founding fathers.

The fundamental belief of being a "Republican" is in the Representative Republic form of government. Our nation's founding fathers did NOT set up a democracy on purpose. They knew states' rights were important, that a direct election of the U.S. Senate was a problem, and many other premices of a Representative Republic were important in establishing a government free of tyranny.

Well, here we are and the gigantic Federal Government stops just short of telling you when you can take a crap.

Thanks Abe.

Lincoln should be off the list!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lincoln's successors weren't Big Government leaders. During this time, the big business trusts wielded at least equal power to the Executive Branch at this time.

The real Big Government pushes that continue to this day began with TR (1901-09) and especially Mr Income Tax Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921).

Between Lincoln and TR we have...

Andrew Johnson, so weak he couldn't lead to big government even if he wanted to, which save continuing Reconstruction, there's no evidence he did.

Ulysses Grant, again weak due mostly to Clintonesque corruption of his administration. Hands off in regard to the big business tycoons.

Rutherfraud Hayes, again weak after winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote.

James Garfield, assassinated before he had time to do anything.

Chester Arthur, lassez faire all the way. Hands-off govt

Grover Cleveland, lassez faire, hands-off

Benjamin Harrison, Took me forever to remember his name as I kept wanting to say William Henry! Weak weak weak.

Grover Cleveland again

William McKinley, allowed himself to be led into war with Spain but at home, very hands off government.

Anonymous said...

The first 9 administrations following Lincoln were laissez faire, hands-off leaders.

Business did whatever it wanted during this time.

Lincoln may have done the same, but he had THE American war to win. Remember more Americans died in the Civil War than WWII, and the American population almost tripled between this time. Big attrition between 1861-65. Lincoln wasn't going to end slavery at first, he ran on the platform to stop the SPREAD of slavery, but Lincoln wasn't going to let the South undo the United States. A few Southern states had left the Union during Buchanan's last days in office. Lincoln reacted with strength, and this is not a bad thing. Lincoln should be #2 because he preserved the Union and was very shrewd during his political career. I do think Washington should be #1 though, but that's another story.

Anonymous said...

From Rasmussen Reports

Sunday, July 01, 2007

During the month of June, the number of people identifying themselves as Republicans increased and the number of Democrats was little changed.

That’s the first time in 2007 that the number of Republicans has increased. The gap between the parties the smallest it has been since last July.

It’s interesting to note that the number of Republicans increased during the same month that the President’s Job Approval fell to another all-time low.

The survey also found that the number of people identifying themselves as Democrats fell two-tenths of a point to 36.1% in June.

Only once since January 2004 has the number of Democrats in the country been lower (35.9% in December 2005). Democrats gained about two percentage points of support during 2006 and peaked at 38.0% in December of last year.

Since actually taking control of Congress, Democrats have given back all of those gains.

Anonymous said...

More from Rasmussen:

The immigration debate appears to have helped the Republican Party while hurting the President and other supporters of the “comprehensive” reform legislation.

Prior to the debate, 47% of voters trusted Democrats more on the immigration issue.

Following the failure of the Senate bill, just 39% trust the Democrats more on the issue.

In fact, among unaffiliated voters, Republicans are now trusted more than the Democrats on immigration.

The only other issue where the GOP can make that claim is national security

Anonymous said...


I realize a lot of people believed in (were fooled by) the grandfatherly actor-President, and Mondale was a snooze. So RR got re-elected.

But he did not win the cold war single handedly as claimed by the blog post. The USSR was a paper tiger, rotting from the inside. Gorby could see that much and when he tinkered with it, it collapsed.

Anonymous said...

Bravo grants top $2 million

The Bravo Greater Des Moines board of directors has approved $2 million in cultural enrichment grants to 47 regional arts and cultural organizations.

Eight area jurisdictions have 28E agreements with Bravo to share a portion of their hotel/motel tax proceeds to support local arts and culture initiatives. The group's mission is to improve the area's arts and cultural community as well as the local quality of life.

The 2007/2008 grant recipients include Blank Park Zoo ($440,000); Civic Center of Greater Des Moines ($300,000); Science Center of Iowa ($225,000); Des Moines Art Center ($210,000); Des Moines Botanical Center ($195,000); Living History Farms ($130,000); Des Moines Symphony ($85,000); Des Moines Playhouse ($65,000); Salisbury House Foundation ($50,000); State Historical Society of Iowa ($40,000); Des Moines Metro Opera ($35,000); Hoyt Sherman Place ($30,000); Des Moines Arts Festival ($20,000); Iowa Public Radio ($20,000); and 33 other organizations.

Anonymous said...

iowa public radio gets $20,000??? How does the fairness doctrine apply to that?

Anonymous said...

July 5, 2007
New NC Poll: Edwards Slides
Posted by TOM BEVAN

The Democratic firm Public Policy Polling is out with a new '08 robo-call survey in North Carolina.

On the Democratic side, PPP's survey of the 3 top tier candidates shows Barack Obama trending upward while John Edwards is losing steam in his home state:

Obama 27 (+5 vs. last poll June 4)
Clinton 27 (+ 1)
Edwards 26 (-4)
Other 10 (-1)
Undecided 11 (nc)

As you can see from the chart in the PPP document, Edwards peaked around 40% in late March/early April after announcing the recurrence of his wife cancer and has declined in every successive survey.

Anonymous said...

On the Republican side, the results look a little screwy, since PPP added Newt Gingrich back into the mix after an extended absence, everyone lost ground except for Fred Thompson and undecideds jumped in a significant way:


Thompson 34 (+9 vs. last poll June 4)
Giuliani 15 (-10)
Gingrich 13 (no trend)
McCain 7 (-7)
Romney 6 (-8)
Other 5 (-4)
Undecided 21 (+20)

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Fred Thompson has Andrew Dorr on his team which guarantees him a victory in Iowa wait...

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that Jim Gilmore was going to run for president. Can anyone confirm if that is true?

Anonymous said...

Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Thursday, July 5, 2007 2:56 p.m. EDT
Obama: Judge Merit to Increase Teachers Pay

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama told the largest teachers union Thursday that performance-based merit pay ought to be considered in public schools.

Teachers at the National Education Association's annual convention have expressed concerns about merit pay, which is gaining favor with lawmakers, including those currently rewriting the No Child Left Behind law.

Anonymous said...

Yes, business did pretty much whatever it wanted during the days after Lincoln. Problem is, they started getting lazy. These large corporations, such as railroads, which had proved their usefulness during the Civil War (or The War of Northern Aggression, depending on your side of the Mason-Dixon line). Competitors began coming in and providing better, faster and less expensive railroad service. What did the corporations do? They bought off the legislatures and were awarded government monopolies for their efforts.

See. Government interference stifles competition.

Anonymous said...

A family of snow white colored albino squirrels have been taken in as mascots of the town! Imagine the reaction of those making a living off the race card.

Jesse Jackson needs to get to Georgia fast.

Anonymous said...

News flash: Civil War is over. The North won.

Thus perish all traitors to the Union.

Does this include the DemocRats?

Anonymous said...


Do you think, therefore you are?


Anonymous said...

Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Thursday, July 5, 2007 12:46 a.m. EDT
Tancredo in Iowa: 'Enforce the Law' on Immigration

Presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo is a long shot to gain the Republican nomination, but he’s getting the attention of GOP voters in early caucus state Iowa with his stand on one key issue – illegal immigration.

"I have a solution” to the illegal immigration problem, he told a recent gathering in Des Moines. "It’s a radical one. Scary. Enormously controversial. It’s called: Enforce the law.”

The Colorado congressman had earlier railed against the immigration bill that died in the Senate, saying it amounted to "instant amnesty” for millions of people in the country illegally.

"Blunt talk like that is a big part of Tancredo’s appeal,” the Los Angeles Times observes.

After hearing Tancredo’s Des Moines talk, Diane Watson said she is one Iowa resident who plans to vote for Tancredo. "He wants to protect the country,” she said.

A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg survey in June found that about 40 percent of Republicans who plan to vote in the party’s primaries believe immigration is the most important issue facing the country.

Tancredo said he has a straightforward approach to solving the illegal immigration problem, according to the Times:

First, secure the borders with fences, armed guards or whatever else it takes. Then go after businesses that hire illegals and hit them with large fines and even criminal charges if necessary.

Also, he favors bringing criminal charges – for aiding and abetting – against mayors and city council members in "sanctuary cities” that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents.

Tancredo recently charged that GOP rival Rudy Giuliani tried to make New York a "sanctuary city” when he was mayor there, an allegation Giuliani’s campaign called "inaccurate.”

When these measures are put in effect, Tancredo says, jobs will dry up and illegal aliens in the country will go home.

"Attrition through enforcement,” Tancredo calls it. "If people cannot get the thing for which they came – a job – they go home.”

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, a Republican who despises Lincoln? Now I've heard everything.

Mr. Sporer, I'm impressed that you included FDR on your list. Of course he did not bring socialism to America, or else we would have universal access to health care, like every other western democracy has. Still, nobody's perfect.

Hard to choose between Washington and Lincoln in terms of greatness. Washington made sure we had elections to choose our presidents, so I might give him the nod. But Lincoln made sure we held a presidential election even in the middle of a war, which set an incredible precedent.


Anonymous said...

July 4, 2007, 5:05 pm
Biden Talks Tough
By Adam Nagourney

DES MOINES — Joseph Biden, the Delaware Democrat running for president, is a man of strong opinions.

During a campaign event in a Des Moines backyard today, Mr. Biden had some choice words for President Bush and two of the Republicans running for the White House.

“This guy is brain dead,” Mr. Biden said to surprised applause and laughter from the crowd. “I know I’ll be quoted, I’ll be killed for that.”

A few minutes later, Mr. Biden turned his sights on Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, and a Republican running for president. “I can hardly wait to debate Rudy Giuliani if he is their nominee,” he said. “Because I will eat his lunch. The next time I hear a Republican talk about us being tough on terror – give me a break!”

Finally, Mr. Biden’s target was Mitt Romney, the Massachusetts Republican running for president. “I found Romney’s statements yesterday profound – crazy — when he talked about going to war with Iran,” he said. “Why are we talking about going to war with Iran?”

Anonymous said...

Isn't Joe Biden the same guy that got the face lift and the hair plugs?

How can he talk tough about the war and believe that the United States is too weak to win it? How can you be a tough guy when you are as vain as Joe Biden?

How can you be tough when you don't believe in toughness. Just who is he talking to. It's R's that care about being tough with our enemies. D's want to apologize to them.

Anonymous said...

McCain spokesman Danny Diaz said the senator remains committed to competing in Iowa. No previous caucus winner has cut his staff so deeply and gone on to win.

"This campaign is 100 percent completely committed to success in Iowa, and we believe we're in a strong position to do so by virtue of the fact that we have the best candidate and the most experienced candidate," Diaz said

Anonymous said...

Rock group Arctic Monkeys have become the latest music industry stars to question whether the performers taking part in Live Earth on Saturday are suitable climate change activists.

"It's a bit patronising for us 21 year olds to try to start to change the world," said Arctic Monkeys drummer Matt Helders, explaining why the group is not on the bill at any of Al Gore's charity concerts.

"Especially when we're using enough power for 10 houses just for (stage) lighting. It'd be a bit hypocritical," he told AFP in an interview before a concert in Paris.

Bass player Nick O'Malley chimes in: "And we're always jetting off on aeroplanes!"

Anonymous said...

July 6, 2007
Edwards' Lesson
Posted by TOM BEVAN

When news broke that John Edwards went to work for a big hedge fund after leaving the Senate, Edwards explained - rather lamely - that he did it to "learn about financial markets and their relationship to poverty."

It turns out Edwards did learn something after his time with the hedge fund: his colleagues aren't taxed enough. (see below)

Edwards to Propose Plan to Boost Fund Managers' Taxes (Update1)

By Kim Chipman and Ryan J. Donmoyer

July 5 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards embraced the idea of raising taxes on the managers of private-equity firms and hedge funds.

Edwards, who has made economic fairness a central issue of his campaign for the Democratic nomination, said he would announce within 10 days his position on a House bill that would force fund managers to pay taxes as high as 35 percent on their share of profits instead of the 15 percent capital-gains rate most pay now.

Edwards received $182,250 in campaign contributions from employees of Fortress, the hedge fund for which Edwards worked, in the first quarter, making the hedge fund his biggest financial backer.

Anonymous said...

We are all watching Obama's tightrope walk, his attempts to appeal to the white majority while maintaining some semblance of integrity regarding the plight of black Americans.

It's a heavy burden. In contrast, Hillary Clinton is on relatively sure footing.

Obama must tilt away from clarity and passion about issues disproportionately affecting blacks while Clinton is free to perform the black candidate's role.

In last week's debate, it was she who took on the traditional black candidate's persona, she who was both passionate and rhythmic in her cadence.

Her endings built to crescendos. Be it real or pandering, Clinton can openly connect and show solidarity with black Americans in ways that Obama cannot.

There is no better example than Clinton's comment about the disproportionate effect HIV has on black communities. She said that if "HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34, there would be an outraged outcry in this country."

For Obama to have said the same words in the same fiery manner could have been political suicide.

By forfeit, Clinton essentially becomes the black candidate; it's not a space America would allow Obama to fill.

Anonymous said...

so, america won't let obama be the black candidate. america all got together and decided who got to be the black candidate and it was decided by america collectively that there are white candidates and black candidates and the white woman gets to be the black candidate and the black candidate gets to be the white candidate.

Geez....why is it always categories and color lines with democrats?

Anonymous said...

Does Giuliani Even Need To Win Iowa or NH?

by Todd Beeton, Thu Jul 05, 2007 at 09:50:12 PM EST

On a conference call with reporters this morning, Rudy Giuliani campaign manager Mike DuHaime boasted that his boss is the candidate best positioned to challenge Democrats in the blue states, make them spend money where they ordinarily wouldn't and "fundamentally alter the electoral map." It's a fair point since Giuliani clearly has appeal in the less conservative parts of the country, but I wonder if DuHaime wasn't speaking as much about his primary strategy as he was about the general.

For one thing, look where Giuliani has been spending the bulk of his time:

Giuliani was campaigning in Florida on Thursday. Campaign aides said Giuliani has made 11 trips to Florida and another 11 to California. He has made only five visits to New Hampshire and four to Iowa.

The challenge for Giuliani is how to avoid falling victim to the traditional post-Iowa slingshot effect the winner usually enjoys in order to stay alive until Feb 5.

If he can, he would be in good shape to win the GOP contests in the prized blue state primaries that are scheduled for that day including California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey and New York and leave that day in excellent position despite not having won Iowa or New Hampshire.

But can he get there?

First Iowa. Giuliani has said he will compete there but by pulling out of the Ames straw poll next month, he's already essentially conceded first place to Romney and lowered expectations for his own performance.

I gotta think Giuliani could leave Iowa with a 2nd or even 3rd place finish and still be in good shape for Nevada where he is currently polling 14 points ahead. If Giuliani plays it right, could Nevada be his Iowa?

Anonymous said...

"They've launched over 300 investigations, had over 350 requests for documents and interviews and they have had over 600 oversight hearings in just about 100 days," Stanzel said.

Anonymous said...

By LISA CORNWELL, Associated Press Writer
26 minutes ago

CINCINNATI - A federal appeals court Friday ordered the dismissal of a lawsuit challenging President Bush's domestic spying program, saying the plaintiffs had no standing to sue.

The 2-1 ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel vacated a 2006 order by a lower court in Detroit, which had found the post-Sept. 11 warrantless surveillance aimed at uncovering terrorist activity to be unconstitutional, violating rights to privacy and free speech and the separation of powers.

Anonymous said...

What is The Spotlight Project?
The Spotlight Project enables the progressive blogging community (bloggers, commenters, and lurkers) to quickly and easily forward blog posts, along with their own comments, to nearly anyone in the media.

The Spotlight Project exists to focus attention on the traditional news media. Specifically upon the media's lack of aggressive investigation and reporting of the Bush administration, the Republican controlled congress, and the influence of corporate money on the political process.

For years, conservatives have accused the media of a liberal bias. However, an analysis of reporting clearly shows that the traditional news media consistently favors Republican and establishment causes and either ignores or denigrates progressive causes. One has to look no farther than comparing how the press treated the Clinton Whitewater deal versus numerous Bush scandals such as warrantless wiretaps, signing statements, torture, etc that upend the constitution. (Visit our collection of Media Critiques for more detail.)

In contrast, the progressive blogging community is very effective at fact checking, in depth analysis, developing stories that the traditional news ignores and identifying the press's regurgitation of Republican talking points.

The Spotlight Project works by enabling the progressive blogging community to more efficiently communicate with the traditional news media, their advertisers, and politicians. The hope is that with enough voices we can reinvigorate the fourth estate.


Anonymous said...

The Spotlight Project believes that a truly independent and aggressive press is the best tonic for the current political situation.

Jamison Foser of Media Matters for America has written a series of articles that provides a very good overview of how the media shapes public opinion and of the disparate media coverage between progressive and conservative causes.

The series starts with the simple statement "The dominant political force of our time is the media", it then provides numerous examples of how the media supports the right and disparages the left, and finally ends with a number of suggestions about how we can make a difference.

Read the entire four-part series. Parts I, II, III, and IV.

"Media Matters" by Jamison Foser
...The dominant political force of our time is not Karl Rove or the Christian Right or Bill Clinton. It is not the ruthlessness or the tactical and strategic superiority of the Republicans, and it is not your favorite theory about what is wrong with the Democrats.

The dominant political force of our time is the media.

Time after time, the news media have covered progressives and conservatives in wildly different ways -- and, time after time, they do so to the benefit of conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul Tops McCain in Cash on Hand

July 06, 2007 1:14 PM

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos Reports: Though often regarded as a longshot candidate for president, Republican Ron Paul tells ABC News that he has an impressive $2.4 million in cash on hand after raising an equal amount during the second quarter, putting him ahead of one-time Republican frontrunner John McCain, who reported this week he has only $2 million in the bank.

In an exclusive interview taped Friday and airing Sunday on "This Week," Paul said his campaign is on a better trajectory than McCain's.

"I think some of the candidates are on the down-slope, and we're on the up-slope," said Paul.

Paul's cash on hand puts him in third place in the Republican field in that important metric, although he is well behind leader Rudy Giuliani, who has $18 million in the bank, and Mitt Romney, with $12 million.

Paul, who polls show with support in the low single digits, said his surprisingly strong fundraising is the best measure of his support.

"I think people have underestimated the number of people in this country who are interested in a freedom message," says the Republican congressman from Texas, who has strong libertarian leanings.

Anonymous said...

July 06, 2007

McCain's New Hampshire cuts

Sen. John McCain's campaign team in New Hampshire has been trimmed back from 15 paid staffers to nine as part of their financial restructuring, according to a McCain source familiar with the situation. Consultants there are either now working pro bono or at a reduced rate.

As with both the national staff and in other early states, the cuts were focused on those aides who were not handling core duties. So state director Jim Barnett, who took over in May, remains along with his field staff and press secretary. Also still closely involved is Mike Dennehy, who had been McCain's national political director and is now working as a consultant back in his native New Hampshire.

In an interview, Dennehy said morale was still up among McCain backers despite the layoffs. "People in New Hampshire don't care about finance crap," he said. Of 517 volunteer phone calls made last night, only one person mentioned the recent unpleasantness, Dennehy pointed out.

Another McCain source, seeking to paint a positive picture, stressed that "the staff we have [in New Hampshire] now is less than half the size we had in 2000."

Longtime McCain aides like to recall that in the early days of that campaign, the long-shot candidate had few people show at his town hall meetings and just a handful of staffers. In the weeks ahead, McCain's crowds will certainly be bigger in New Hampshire then back in 1999, but his entourage will likely have a decidedly old-school feel.

Anonymous said...

Come on. Give the (un-named) former Iowa state chairman a break. This has to be very hard news on the guy as this is the latest in a long series of political disapointments. First he got passed over by Lightfoot in favor of Almo whatshername, then passed over by Gross for Debbie whatshername, then passed over by Nussle for Bob Vanderwhatshisname. Now this soon after disention in the ranks amongst his business partners over his nationally reported upon remarks about Mormons. Apparently the clients frown on that.

Give the guy a break and if you see him perhaps a hug. He's a veteran afterall.

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Anyone else notice that Eddie Failor is now an "unpaid" consultant for Juan Petain? I have to ask...why is the VP of Iowans for Tax Relief supporting a guy who opposed tax cuts?

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Fri Jul 6, 7:29 PM ET

Fred Thompson, who is weighing a Republican presidential bid as a social conservative, "has no recollection" of performing lobbying work in 1991 for a family planning group that was seeking to relax an abortion counseling rule, a spokesman said Friday.

The Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site that Thompson was retained by National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association to lobby the administration of President George H.W. Bush to ease a regulation that prevented clinics that received federal money from offering any abortion counseling.

At the time, Thompson, a lawyer, worked as a lobbyist at Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, a Washington firm.

"He may have been consulted by one of the firm's partners who represented this group in 1991," Thompson spokesman Mark Corallo said Friday in a statement. "As any lawyer would know, such consultations take place within law firms everyday."

The newspaper cited minutes from a meeting of the association when Thompson's work was discussed as well as the recollections of five individuals.

Judith DeSarno, the association's former president, told The Times that she had specific memories of discussing Thompson's lobbying work with him in phone conversations and during meals at Washington restaurants.

Minutes of a Sept. 14, 1991, meeting of the association, cited by the newspaper, states: "Judy (DeSarno) reported that the Association had hired Fred Thompson, Esq., as counsel to aid us in discussions with the administration." According to The Times, DeSarno said Thompson told her he discussed the abortion restriction with John Sununu, then chief of staff to Bush.

Sununu told The Times that he didn't recall Thompson ever discussing the abortion restriction with him. "In fact, I know that never happened."

"It is not unusual for one lawyer on one side of an issue to be asked to give advice to colleagues for clients who engage in conduct or activities with which they personally disagree," Corallo said

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