Saturday, July 07, 2007

Liberal but fair coverage of the Iowa immigration debate

Although the source is usually on the other side of the aisle, an editor at the liberal American Prospect recently published this most fair-minded article about the immigration debate in Iowa.

Liberals rarely reach beyond xenophobia to describe the Republican, particularly Heartland conservative, attitudes about the complex subject of immigration but Ms. Franke-Ruta has looked behind the template.

I would, however, disagree with the author on one of her conclusions, most of us think that Hollywood liberals remain the face (in Rosie’s case, quite literally) of the cultural sprint to Gomorrah, as
her own writings have illustrated.

Thanks to GFR for reminding the voters why Iowa excels as the national hiring committee for our future presidents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rosie the poster girl for the left. Ann Coulter the poster girl for the right. No wonder there are so many independents.
