Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sunday Talk Review-Fox News Sunday (Fox)-Chertoff on Terror, Liberal Reactionaries

Chris Wallace demonstrated the difference between a journalist and propagandist in his interview of Mike Chertoff. Wallace began asking probing questions about specific issues surrounding Glasgow. Wallace aksed about the ABC report that we (the US) knew about dangers at Glasgow-which Wallace again described as “misinformation”. The Brit PM, Gordon Brown, linked the attacks to Al Qa’eda today and Chertoff declined to disagree.

Chertoff again made the most important point-are you listening Spotlight-the terrorists want to kill us, they can strike anywhere at any time and the most simplistic of plots can become very deadly. Cars filled with thousands of nails could kill hundreds of people if detonated in the right place, like outside on of the Farmer’s Markets in Des Moines, for example.

Chertoff also reminded the viewer that car bombs aren’t a product of the Iraq campaign, they’ve been around for years, like the first WTC bombing in 93 (Al Qa’eda-remember the powerful Clinton Admin response) and the even more loathsome domestic terror attack in Oklahoma City.

The immigration discussion was better than the one George S. instigated. Wallace provided the opportunity for Chertoff to discuss the Administration’s not insubstantial improvement of border security and immigration enforcement. I’m not sure why the Bush Admin doesn’t talk this up every day, and every day for the last two years, is beyond me. Chertoff did point out that a fence isn’t the only answer-he described a tunnel that was recently discovered.

Wallace asked a great question, would the Admin send component parts of the recently deceased bill to Congress, like the ID cards, etc… Chertoff put the burden of change back on Congress to pass legislation that further empowers and funds immigration enforcement.

The program picked up in a discussion of the “Fairness Doctrine”. Mike Gallagher, conservative talk show host, stated the obvious that the reintroduction of the 1949 “Fairness Doctrine” as an attempt by whiny liberals to silence the opposition.

Mark Green, President of Air America (currently in bankruptcy court) went into the usual liberal jabberwocky that the Fairness Doctrine wasn’t “government regulation” it merely required broadcasters to go through licensing hearings at which their licenses would be based on the broadcaster’s willingness to present ideological diversity in its broadcasts or face license revocation or denial. That is like saying decapitation does not kill a person; it merely removes their head and prevents the transmission of nervous function to the body.

Green’s entire argument is based on talk radio’s conservative prevalence. Green feels that the market has not determined the nature of talk radio and that some unseen force, implicitly Hillary’s vast right wing conspiracy, has conspired to “censor” liberals on the radio waves. Green actually went so far as to compare a private broadcaster’s refusal to air liberal talk radio to segregated baseball. These limited repertoire of left wing news and argument-race, Iraq and fear of the government-that Green himself furnished the basis for liberal radio’s failure-people don’t want to listen to nightmare fantasy of self-loathing and pessimism with which the liberal press already dopes the body politic, like a steroid injection into the body politic. In a larger context-Green also unwittingly illustrated the proximate cause of the network news shows and other MSM like the Big 3 news magazines and major newspapers declining audience over the last decade or more.

The panel opened with a discussion of the Supreme Court. Without rehashing every word, Mara Liasson made the most important point-George W. Bush will impact America for a generation through his conservative Supreme Court appointments. Whenever a conservative who finds aspects of the Republican Party or our candidates and agenda to be insufficiently conservative, say the words “Roberts” and “Alito” and then “”Breyer” and “Ginsburg” and you reason you will know what you have to do on Election Day.

Juan Williams provided the “reactionary” liberalism this morning. His complaint about the partial birth abortion decision as some radical revision of the constitutional structure was just silly. Nothing in Roe creates a right to partial birth abortion-such a reading is not possible. Same with the Seattle and Louisville school plans-they were strictly based on and the law passed with large bipartisan majorities, yet somehow in liberal world Court dangerously restricted rights. How?

Juan went down the racism road on the immigration bill, of course. Britt refuted the racism nonsense by observing that he didn’t hear the word “Mexican” and he didn’t hear the word “Hispanic” when listening to objections to the compromise bill but that he heard the word “illegal” to describe objections to the bill. Yeah! In fact, those of us who opposed this bill need to answer every accusation of racism or lack of compassion just like Britt-and as Tom Tacredo did yesterday – with a very aggressive counter-attack that our concern and compassion is for the “legal” immigrant of Hispanic, or any other, ancestry. By the way, I know there was no Sporer or Sklavonetes on the Mayflower or at Jamestown and I’m guessing that there were no Tancredos or Kristols either. Don’t call us racists because we honor our legal migrant ancestors and our legal migrant neighbors who have made us what we are and what we will be.


noneed4thneed said...

Mark Green wasn't saying the Fairness Doctrine was not government regulation. He was saying the government should not regulate speech ,but Wallace would not let him not be in favor of the Fairness Doctrine. Green said he is against government mandating speech and is instead in favor of going through real licensing hearings.

Anonymous said...

Chertof has ZERO credibility after supporting amnesty for jihadis. He should resign along with the rest of this pathetic administration.
