Friday, September 21, 2007

Iraq-the Pelosi/Reid Post Office Congress loses again.

Today, the Unites States Senate rejected the latest Democrat attempt to implement their defeat at any price agenda in Iraq. The Levin-Reed proposal failed to achieve even a sheer majority. Thursday, the Feingold Amendment to “safely redeploy” the US forces from Iraq was dealt a humiliating 70-28 defeat right after a majority of the Democrat Senate Caucus personally ratified the vile MoveOn libel of Gen. David Petraeus.

The absurdly
unconstitutional Webb amendment to limit military deployments overseas (Iraq) failed, although by a smaller margin on Wednesday.

The week that was in the
11% Pelosi/Reid Post Office Congress.


Anonymous said...

It's called the Post Office Congress because the Repubs filibuster everything except bills to rename post offices.

Public approval is down to very low levels because we want the Dems to act like they are in charge, but they aren't doing it.

That seems a very dangerous strategy for Republicans (hoping voters will turn back to Repubs on the grounds that Dems are ineffective). We already saw what Repubs will do if their culture of corruption were to regain the majority.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

"culture of corruption"

why was american samoa exempted from minimum wage?

how many jack murtha earmarks?


Anonymous said...

As opposed to Chuck Grassleys, 50 million rainforest ear mark? Culture of corruption Ted Why that desribes the Alskan delegation currently under ivestigation as well as a whole passle of cunninghams delays etc. How many Repubs were caught in the Keating scandal all those years ago? but you must have missed that memo when you were changing Sen Vitters dirty diaper. Always carrying the waste for the GOP. hey ted
Larry Craig is in his wide stance again Go bail him out at the Airport Jail.

We will see what the GOP does when those pissed off vets come home. There will be no Green Zone for you guys. Better buy more yellow ribbons to show your support GOPers (Maybe they will be like the Rams blood that the hebrews used to ward off the angel of death)But when they start hunting you down like the dogs you are we will see if you are as tough as your words good luck!

Anonymous said...

Uh, somehow the Norman Hsu, Clinton, Harkin, Vilsack, Culver and Loebsack's names are missing among the corrupt.

This is probably the granddaddy of them all.

Anonymous said...

ah hem....need we discuss bill clinton and the cigars again?
