Friday, September 21, 2007

Voice your opposition to Ahmadinejad

Everyone feels differently about internet petitions. At least they are a method of voicing one’s opinion in a tangible way.

We came
across this petition about the 21st Century Hitler from Tehran. Maybe it will not do any good but signing sure made me feel good. I wish more could be directly done, and if it can I’m game for more.

Maybe signing will give you a little lift too.


Anonymous said...

How about we take up a collection and use it for a bounty on Ahmadinejad's head?

Pay off the legal bills and take care of the family of the hero who puts a pork blood coated bullet in his head.

Anonymous said...

Let's see the 911 highjackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia, yet they are allowed access to Ground Zero! How many iranians were on the planes? You were the guy in school who got bullied by the jocks so you tripped a girl in the hall, Brave man. You are probably one of those fat usless Michigan militia members who play soldier on the weekends
More big talk from GOP cowards Do the job yourself coward instaed of taking a collection.

I see Ted took off his previous comment! At least he saw his words for what they are, an obscenity much like GOP values.

Anonymous said...

I have known Teddy Sporer for almost 40 years. You would have had your ass kicked pretty fast back around 1977.

As for girls, I've seen Teddy protect girls. I personally saw him disarm a guy with a knife in bar in our home town back in the early 80s.

Isn't the coward the person who hides behind a made up screen name.

I'm pretty sure Teddy couldn't join the military because of his bad eyes.

Anonymous said...

How about IED's along the streets where his motorcade will travel. I don't think his bullet proof glass can stand up to C4.

Anonymous said...

And ted Killed a bar when he was only 3 Teddy Teddy Sporer King of the coward GOP

Yes and rush had a cyst on his butt and couldn't serve and Mitt had to do his missions and couldn't serve.

Agiin the fight isn't with the Iranians. If I was Iran and knew that Israel had nuclear weapons and has a history of preemptive strikes then I would get a bomb too.
China has the bomb and is a bigger threat than Iran.

Anonymous said...

If Ahmadinejad gets out of NYC alive, Bush should be impeached.

Anonymous said...

sphincter is advocating the defeat of America "agiin". Terriby bad english and grammar skills. he must be a product of the democrat public schools.

Sphincter does agree though that Shillary has no business being commander in chief since she didn't serve and her husband, the first lady candidate, was a criminal draft dodger that was pardoned by carter.

What a long list of crimes Mr and Mrs. Shillary have committed.

How many friends of bill are in prison (many many), have run from america to escape prosecution for campaign finance crimes (120), are dead under mysterious circumstances, (dozens), or paid to have their criminal sentences removed - (hundreds), many of them represented by Shillary's corrupt unemployed brother, were raped or otherwise sexually harrased (dozens), or were audited by the IRS at the request of the clintons (again, dozens), many FBI files were in the private quarters of the white house illegally? over 200 of their perceived enemies files were found there (the vast right wing conspiracy they invented, no doubt).

So Sphincter - go clean your own rectum based party before you worry about anyone over here. You guys are the pro-sodomy party, so have a great time!

Anonymous said...

When Teddy was 18, there was no draft. What a ridiculous red herring argument that has nothing to do with the issue.

Are democrats now saying that you must serve in the military in order to be a politician? That really eliminates almost all the cowardly democrats - ya know...the ones that would never go unless there was a draft? Like, Bill Clinton, who was a criminal draft dodger.

So none of the Democrat front runners can be president...they never served.

Hillary is too fat to serve because of those tree trunk thunder thighs. Edwards can't serve because they would cut his hair and Obama can't serve because......why can't and didn't obama serve?

Anonymous said...

Does Shillary Billary Hitlery realize she can't wear pants under an Iranian administration? Does Her Royal You know What realize she couldn't run for president, or be a senator?

The only good thing is that she'd be covered by a burka, and I can handle having her covered up without a voice.

That cadence is just like fingernails on a chalk board.

Anonymous said...

Let's see...Bill "Cigars, cigarettes, tiparillos" Clinton.

Jimmy "I Lust in my Heart" Carter during the Playboy interview.

and....John F. Kennedy - affairs with Mobsters girlfriends, Marilyn Monroe and almost any female that moved while in the white house.

What did the "F" stand for in JFK and RFK again? I've forgotten.
