Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ratifying Sporer’s Hot Spouse…….

……. is always a good idea, especially on such good news. The HS likes to look at European elections results. She, and through her, I find it rather interesting that liberals and their MRDs and ARDs spread the word that George W. Bush has made the world turn against the United States.

At the same time, pro-American traditionalist conservative parties have won virtually every election held around the world, most recently in socialist France. The new French President immediately changed his predecessor's policy on Iran to increase support for the Bush Administration’s position.

Now even
more good news out of Great Britain. The Pro-American New Labor Tony Blair returned his party to power well after the Iraq campaign was launched. Now that Blair is leaving the scene it looks like the Conservatives are poised to take at least a plurality of the seats in the next general election. The liberal template, reality challenged.


Anonymous said...

If you think a European conservative equals an R, you are sadly mistaken and know nothing about Europeans and their politics. The Sporer household should read a bit further and see what these rising European conservatives are actually saying about the US, Iraq, the W administration. Europe has serious issues to deal with and many of the recent election results and polls are surely a needed response to those issues. But thinking that European conservatism is closely associated with today's R party here at home shows that you have no understanding of the European political landscape.

Anonymous said...

Rather than hurling barbs at Ted and Jo’s analysis of the situation in Europe and simply saying “youre wrong and you don’t understand Europe” why don’t you elighten the rest of us as to WHY they are so misguided and how your understanding of European politics is so much more advanced?

Either you’re too lazy to provide any real insight or my personal theory about you is correct: You’re not so smart as you would like to tell people you are.

Anonymous said...

European "conservatives" are about as liberal as our own progressive Democrats. Mr. Sporer is fooled by labels and so is his wife.

Perhaps that is why he devotes so much space to attaching labels to people: Breck girl, Rat, big fat lesbian, etc. His readers join in, calling RF an ignorant slut.

Makes it hard to have an intellectual discussion, as we learned this week.

Anonymous said...

Well, you could start by reading what these European conservative leaders are saying about the W administration and its policies over the last few years. I’ve seen several articles on this over the last couple of months. Not a lot of love for the R administration’s actions and policies, even though they are considered “conservative” by European standards.

I think my two plus decades of living in Europe gives me some insight on the topic. A master’s degree in the study of politics with heavy focus on Europe. I just hosted four European religious conservatives at my house for two weeks and none expressed much understanding for the current R policies.

I think I have right to my opinion and am right to call Sporer on his ignorance on this topic. At least I aim to express my disagreement with some tact, without resorting to personal insults.

Anonymous said...

The point is that the people of Europe dumped their version of liberals and chose instead their version of conservatives.

It's a great start.

Anonymous said...

RF - by the way...welcome back to the conversation. I missed your input. Hope your time off was invigorating.

Please help us understand what european religious conservatives are like from your perspective. Since you don't know what US religious conservatives are all about, we'll help you.

I'm interested in knowing the differences they shared with you.

Anonymous said...

rf - which european country did you live in for two decades?

Anonymous said...

spotlight - you have no labels that you hurl at republicans?

Surely you jest that you are not fooled by labels. Your posts are dripping with your own personal bias which I'm quite sure is influenced by all the "labeling" you learn from your political people.

The BRECK Boy uses lots of them, for instance.

Anonymous said...

Rosie O'Donnell calls our troops Terrorists. Is that a label?

Anonymous said...

The war on terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It's a bumper sticker, not a plan," Edwards said. "It has damaged our alliances and weakened our standing in the world."

Anonymous said...

This from The Smoking Gun:

MAY 24--In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal."

Along with the images, which you'll find on the following pages, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters. Photos of those items can be seen here.

The images, which were just declassified by the Department of Defense, also include a picture of a ramshackle Baghdad safe house described as an "al-Qaeda torture chamber."

It was there, during an April 24 raid, that soldiers found a man suspended from the ceiling by a chain.

According to the military, he had been abducted from his job and was being beaten daily by his captors.

In a raid earlier this week, Coalition Forces freed five Iraqis who were found in a padlocked room in Karmah.

The group, which included a boy, were reportedly beaten with chains, cables, and hoses. Photos showing injuries sustained by those captives can be found here. (12 pages)

Anonymous said...

Jacques Chirac is in a bit of hot water. This from the UK Telegraph;

French investigating magistrates have acquired "explosive" documents suggesting that "large sums of money" were funnelled into a secret Japanese bank account in the name of Jacques Chirac, it was claimed yesterday.

The judges have bank statements and more than a hundred notes written by a former French intelligence chief, Gen Philippe Rondot, on the subject, but were unable to consult them until Mr Chirac stepped down as president last week.

Mr Chirac took the exceptional step of denying that he had a secret bank account.

The content of the dossiers has "convinced the judges of the existence of Chirac's Japanese bank account," a judge told the newspaper.

"Once the documents are verified, there is sufficient material to open a new investigation into abuse of trust and corruption," a judge told Le Canard.

The inquiry will focus on who paid sums into the account and how - if at all - Mr Chirac benefited from it.

Mr Chirac stands to lose his presidential immunity on June 16 - one month after leaving office. He could then be brought in for questioning. He is also expected to be interviewed as a witness or "assisted witness" - one step short of being under official investigation - concerning a party funding scandal during his time as mayor of Paris.

Mr Chirac's entourage is reportedly resigned to the fact that the judges will bring him in and perhaps place him under investigation.

If true, it will be very interesting to hear ex-President Chirac explain how a public servant has $60 million sitting in a personal secret account. Is it from the UN oil-for–food program? Was it Saddam? Was it Arab nations looking to buy a seat in the UN Security Council? Do they have Court TV in France?

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon. It’s nice to be back, conversing with my favorite R’s. Nothing as invigorating as a good political debate across party lines.

If anyone who knows me well happens to be reading my posts, they surely know who I am. But so as not to completely out myself, I will not detail my European endeavors.

Regarding the euro version of religious conservatives. About Iraq, the sentiment was summed up by Jesus’ point about those who resort to violence being consumed by it. (Sorry, I’m horrible with Biblical quotes. One of our conservative readers can surely produce the actual quote.) With other issues, they appear horrified about this country not taking better care of its less fortunate, the unequal income distribution, and our health care system. Based on my limited knowledge about our own religious folks, I would say these European protestant evangelicals seem quite a bit like some of our principled catholics - against all killing & unnecessary violence, for taking good care of the less fortunate, believing Jesus’ words about how difficult it will be for a rich man to get to heaven, etc. I could see them being for someone like Huckabee, if I understand the man’s stands correctly.

As I noted in my first post in this thread, I feel some of the conservative shift in Europe is needed. But this shift is due to their own issues and priorities. To imply that the shift somehow is a sign of Europeans embracing the current US or R policies is absurd. And to illustrate how different the political realm on the other side of the Atlantic is, they have had coalition governments with “conservatives” working together with the communists (real ones!).

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Yes, I can see how pro-American, traditionalist parties, ones that advocated closer cooperation with George W. Bush's foreign policy, sweeping democratic elections throughout Europe and Asia would be evidence of the unpopularity of that foreign policy.

I can't wait for dawn to break in the west tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm sure close cooperation with W was a big election theme for these euro conservatives. You really think current US foreign policy is popular around the world? Do you ever actually talk to anyone from outside the U.S.? Have you not seen the nose dive the U.S. image/foreign policy polls have taken since 2001 all around the world?

Also, I thought Old Europe was irrelevant. Now that you got one piece of news that you could in your fantasy world mold to be good news, those old farts are important again. Funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

My sister has traveled abroad quite a bit. This winter she was in Turkey. When asked where her home was, she told the Turks she was from Vancouver. It's easier than trying to defend US foreign policy, which is a good way to ruin one's vacation.

Dear Sticks and Stones, Labels never harm you? Were you ever called "Fatso" or "Slut" or "Nigger"? . . . .didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Spotlight - I was a four eyes during elementary school because I wore glasses. Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses, they say.

I was a metal mouth during the time I wore braces.

I went through my chubby period. The ugly girls always called the pretty girls sluts.

So your sister prefers to lie than to tell the truth. What a fatso. She must be a self-hating american democrat.

Anonymous said...

Dear Much Improved Adult,

My sister hides her identity so she won't be blamed for policies she abhors. You hide your identity so you won't be linked to policies you support.

Are you a self-hater?

Anonymous said...

why on earth would your sister be blamed for policies she abhors?
