The Florida GOP debate is about to begin. I hope the candidates heard Frank Luntz’s focus group. We Rs are tired on being bullied in the press and by the hateful distortions that pour from the liberal politicians and press.
How would Bonnie Tyler put it? “I need a hero”!
Let’s get tough GOP and take it to them for a change of pace.
How would Bonnie Tyler put it? “I need a hero”!
Let’s get tough GOP and take it to them for a change of pace.
Greetings, from central Iowa. If you missed the pregame, you missed some interesting feedback from the subject group, that hadn't made up their mind, thought H was a socalist, and was looking for someone to step up and kick ass. So with that in mind, lets come out swinging, and all of us act like Republicans.
Well, as we can already see, Brit Hume is wearing a tie that does not match his shirt.
Ron Paul has a look in his eye like freakin mad man.
Mitt has some Elvis hair going. The girls think its sexy. Hair advice from Sunny Humbucker?
I thought I would start my posts with Hillary quotes, so that we all know who the real enemy: Once again Giuliani gets the first question.
“We just can’t trust the American people to make these types of decisions. …Government has to make these choices for people.” —
answer 4 out of 10. didnt deal with conservative social issues.
Do you think George Will gets a Christmas card from Rudy? He loves that Will line.
Anyone else notice that Mitt Romney's tie is off kilter?
anyone see the log cabin republican anti romney ad at you tube. really a great anti romney ad :
Thompson comes out swinging and is funny
Wallace has already started to force good clash. He's so much better than the MSNBC clown crew.
the romney hair is not accidental. his problem is being too Stepford. someone told him. the hair looks messed up in a stepford wives sort of way.
Fred has taken off the gloves...:O
thompson finally got some blood pressure.
“The unfettered free market has been the most radically disruptive force in American life in the last generation.” —Hillary Clinton
You can't miss the fact Thompson is a real conservative.
and finally someone attacks Guilani.
Looks like we are going after each other.
A very powerful attack by FDT on Giuliani, on more than social issues. A powerful response by Rudy regarding trial lawyers, although tort reform isn't that exciting as an issue.
Good response with sanctuary city. Sounds good but I don't think its accurate.
Rudy has a very good explanation for his immigration policy.
“It’s important to have core principles and values, but if you’re going to be active in policy and politics, you have to be a realist.” —Hillary Clinton
Thompson understands the 10th amend.
10 minutes into the debate an Huck still hasnt been able to talk.
Manage for Profit...Lead for Patriotism...good line for McCain
“We can’t afford to have that money go to the private sector. The money has to go to the federal government because the federal government will spend that money better than the private sector will spend it.” —First Lady Hillary Clinton, in 1993, regarding health care reform
While in 1 minute, Mcclain, has put the entire nation to sleep.
And for those who didnt know it, he was in the miltary.
McCain's shirt is blue. Blue???
Sticks out without a purpose.
Even TRS read "Dress for Success".
McCain's attack on Giuliani and Romney's experience was weak, his support of his own leadership skills was strong.
Wow. Ugly. Rudy and Romney still claiming to be conservatives. Sick.
And typical -- all conversations ONLY with the media selections. NOTHING from any of the so-called "top four." Not much point in watching this crap.
That might have been Mitt's single worst moment in the debates. I've never heard him stutter before, and it became really twisted in a Bushy fashion.
What is going on with Mitt?
It looks like it might become a pile on Romney/Rudy time.
Johnny Mc lands a great blow aganist Mitt.
Is Huckabee in this debate?
15 minutes and not one word from the media choices. Incredible.
err... NON media selections.
Is Mitt drunk? He keeps stumbling over words left and right.
15 minutes in, and still only the top 4, err the national top 4, where's the real conservative, Huck.
what, crazy ron is next.
Tough to win a debate, if your not allowed to talk
Mike Huckabee's look while Ron stumbles about gay marriage was priceless.
Classic Ron Paul!
Get the government the heck out of the way! Yay!
Ron Paul just went .... eh?... couldn't hear that. Sounded like Mr. Haney from green acres.
Nothing yet from Mark Klein?
Judge Hanson called out, in a national debate. He must be so proud.
Mitt is handling the homosexual marriage issue really, really well in that answer.
A great recovery from a kind of shaky start.
The debate looks like they've narrowed down the candidates to 3, plus Ron Paul for comic release
What would be the response by the party and or the media, if hunter, tancredo and huck, just walked off the stage. This is bs.
oh my god a question 21 minutes in.
Huck comes out swinging.
I'm glad Rudy is moving on this position into his "federalist and constitutionalist" positions. If we start getting conflicting decisions in the courts then he'll support the federal amendment.
I am soooo hot for Huck. he just kills me.
Huckabee is an incredible debater. Good God, his response to abortion is incredible.
that is why huck is moving up fast in the polls.
he let the Fox people know he was pissed. he was funny and cute and the women in the audience loved it.
he then made a strong point for leadership of a conservative coalition, also great.
huck and rudy are by far our best debaters. FDT is improving, his last answer on abortion was also solid.
Thompson's clearing of the throat is like an annoying colloqialism.
"I have to admit that a good deal of what my husband and I have learned [about Islam] has come from our daughter."
( 8/8/1999 - Hillary at a White House function, proudly tells some Muslim groups she is gaining a greater appreciation of Islam because Chelsea was then taking a class on the "religion of peace")
It is hard to believe that Thompson is such a good actor, and such a terrible public speaker.
John McCain just had one of his better moments that didn't involve Iraq or national security.
We can forgive John McCain but it is hard to forget the names he called evangelical voters and how he fought against conservative judges.
Hunter, just ranted, and brought the house down.
Duncan Hunter needs more money because his message is golden.
The Islamofacist's worst enemy --
Duncan Hunter in charge of the American military.
I just saluted!!!!!!!!!
Duncan Hunter needs more money because his message is golden.
Duncan hunter for Defense secretary
Hunter is pretty darn good -- which is why they really don't want him to talk much. I bet he gets to talk all of twice more in this debate (vs. 10 times for Rudy McRomney-Thompson).
Duncan Hunter hit it out of the ballpark! Way to go!
I wish Republicans, including McCain, would use the word "portable"
Wow, they let Ron Paul talk again. Hey look, it's the same message: get the government out of the damn way. You know, that's a pretty cool message.
Didnt everyone have a crazy professor their first year of college. Doesn't that person remind you of Ron Paul
It is too easy to understand. Senate speak is more natural, which explains how hard it is for Senators to be elected President.
Ron Paul sounds a lot like Arthur VanderGriff (?), the isolationist Republican in the 20s and 30s.
Yeah -- but didn't that crazy professor REALLY know his stuff?
Duncan really wants to talk. Will they let him talk?
Ron Paul makes me schizo half of the time i completely agree with him 100% half the time and the other half i think he's just crazy.
Romney's an ass.
Gee, government won't buy insurance for people, but they'll jail you if you don't buy it yourself. At least Hillary's plan is honest.
Wow. they actually let him jump in.
Duncan Hunter knows health care too!
Hunter's does it again. Great point
Duncan Hunter's shining moment. A direct fact based argument against a front runner, coupled with a great smile and charm.
The CinC comes to life!
Sorry, but I'm done with him. I've already decided that I won't vote for Rudy if he wins, but it's now time to add Mitt to that list. I just can't support that crap.
Send huck your money tonight. Imagine if he had Romney's cash.
Old Hippies!!!
Huckabee has another great moment on health care.
He is very persuasive, very persuasive for the average voter.
I wouldn't want to follow that old hippie line. Poor Tanc.
Tanc took a good shot at that toad Michael Moore's hypocricy.
Finally, someone asking the question, that the media doesn't want to cover. Why is gov't providing health insurance.
Tancredo on health care is surprisingly strong...and yet...nothing about immigration!!
Wow...nice answer.
Tancredo just framed the real issue, what should be the federal role, if any, in health care.
He had the right answer too.
Garrison Keeler response by Fred is good...except lots of people don't know what the Prairie Home Companion is
Wow, I liked him better as the boss of the air traffic control tower in Diehard II.
Fred taking the Brownback line about family...fathers...
Thompson didn't start the answer well but he finished strong.
Kids need both parents.
Rudi, with his best moment, care more about kids then the teachers.
I love kids.
Guess we have to vote for him now.
good line about getting parents involved...lovely :)
Break 1 - running order
Where is Mark Klein?? I thought for sure he would have been at this debate tonight.
Im not sure you have all seen this quote before, but I just loved it:
Hillary’s decision-making when in the White House was so bad that even one of the Clinton Whitewater lawyers is on record about it. Attorney Mark Fabiani told Bernstein that several members of the Whitewater legal team came to believe that Hillary’s “instincts are horrible in terms of politics, in terms of managing a crisis like this…We had a joke that all we had to do was ask her, What would you do? And then do the opposite…because almost always her instincts were wrong, backwards…” Fabiani also told Bernstein that Hillary “never surrounded herself with people who would stand up to her, who were of a different mind.”
Rudy gave a very strong answer on education.
Again, where he is conservative he is very conservative. Educational choice is the only way we are going to save our country. We have to break the back of the indoctrination that substitutes for education in most public schools.
Unfortunately, despite the good answer, I think he's just outright lying.
Yes, Romney looked like he just walked out of the tavern at the beginning.
Homerun for Romney
Romney stole Rudy's line about Hillary...
That was a useless answer. Is he actually trying to convince watchers of this debate that he's better than Hillary? I think the question was how HE was going to beat Hillary.
Mitt had a chance to take a pretty hard shot at Evita.
Maybe I'm just too blood thirsty. YOu'd have to say a very strong answer.
Finally the right answer, but Mitt came across quite well and really employed the audience well.
Rudy and Hillary are pretty much the same thing. Go ahead, Rudy, give us something that's different.
grand slam for Rudi
This Hillary bashin' is Fun :)
As expected -- absolutely NO answer, absolutely NO difference between Rudy and Hillary. Even Rudy can't find any differences!!
Rudy just upped Romney with the audience involvement.
Rudy was ab fab on the Clinton attack.
The little set to about the big state polls has just been dominating.
That was very good.
McCain just hit a HOMERUN!!!
Let me crow, you read about Woodstock first on the Real Sporer.
McCain is also putting together a great moment here. He just seemed like the President.
standing o for johnny mc
McCain got a standing O
You gotta say that was McCain's best moment of the campaign don't you?
Teddy, what say you?
"I was tied up at the time."
Yeah, nice one.
I still think the guy's a scum because he hates the first amendment.
That was big for Johnny Mac.
Huckabee also just seemed very much like a nominee.
Huck gets better every week.
nothing funny about hilary as president- line of the night.
Huck is wiping the floor with these guys.
McCain -wow
wow-someone plugged in Thompson. he sounds great, when he sounds, well alive.
I like that "comfortable mediocrity" line from Fred
Thompson adopted my line: Democrats think that everyone who has a job is rich. Gross-generalizations, I LOVE IT!
FDT just did a very good job of targeting the Democrats self-loathing and pursuit of a policy of "comfortable mediocrity".
Exactly what the Dems want, egalitarianism in poverty (except for the oligarchs)and mediocrity.
There's a reason people from such countries seek immigration here.
Huckabee is looking very very tough...Brownback is not being missed at the moment for social conservatives, I don't think.
We need to repeat that "comfortable mediocrity" line until every one in the country identifies it with Democrats.
Its even better than neo-Stalinist (Rush came up with that one and it is also great)
Agree about Huck. He basically sucked the life out of Sam's base. Huck is just far more likeable and optimistic sounding-which is of course quite attractive in a presidential candidate.
I think it would be more beneficial for the american people if we split the debates into round tables of 3 or 4 candiates, and let them speak, for longer time.
Fred sounded surprisingly wonky on the social security issue.
real world updates.
pitt and denver tied 1
boston 2 cleveland 0
Wow, ya I already forgot about Brownback; did not miss him.
FDT and Rudy both sounded very informed on the entitlements. Both made the very complex issues about as comprehensible as one can.
Mitt is also sounding both wonkish and Republican. Not sure we should every index social security based on income, even at the highest levels of income.
I just wish I could yank Mitt's tie's not well balanced...makes him look sloppy...
Romney tries too hard to be portray himself today's Regan... If he really was he wouldn't have to consistently point it out.
personalization!! GREAT idea...
one time buy out and annuity...brilliant!!
not hucks strongest answer. good but not his best.
Huck again rises high on entitlements. He showed creativity (hence a solution) and a persuasive pitch to accomplish it.
Ron Paul also had his best moment since he was talking about eliminating cabinet departments.
McCain is strong tonight.
McCain...good self deprication about age...
Good point Woody.
Don, I also agree. This has been his best debate, pretty significantly so.
Lets make Duncan our Defense Secretary.
Thanks for the e-mail reminding me about this btw...:)
Thanks for sponsoring setting this up...lots of fun :)
Glad you made it!
I'm on the same wavelength as you with these guys' ties!!
According to Paul, we're "maintainig and empire." Lingo from the left.
Whichever R beats Hillary, if its not Duncan Hunter, and it probably won't be, I want him running the war.
Go and kill. That would pretty much be his only instructions.
Good answer by McCain regarding Putin.
McCain is building some momentum tonight.
I want to see what McCain looks like when he gets mad... he always seems to speak so calmly. Maybe he's on prozac or something?
Duncan sounds like he's speaking on the floor of the House...
did johnny mc just mention putting weapons in a country that no longer exists?
Very Presidential closing by John McCain.
Hunter has a good idea about this missile defense move with the Russkies.
looks like rudi wasnt prep'd on a russian question. this is his worst answer.
Isn't it amazing how right and visionary Dutch really was?
Rudy getting very specific on foreign policy. This is his strong suit.
I think Fred is relying too much on his notes...he's at his best when he just speaks...
Tancredo and Thompson gang up to give Negative Nancy the due she deserves!
Great shot by FDT at Nancy Pelosi and the Armenian idiocy. We can never forget how truly deficient is the Democrat world view.
Tanc went in hard on Pelosi.
huck demonstrates he knows what is going on. and has a solution.
Huck needs to look informed on foreign policy. Dispatching the Sec. of State would be a good signal.
Here comes Ron Paul with his historically romantic view of Aemerican history.
Dr. Paul, what would the world be like if you be president, er scary.
though my lose my blogging rights, but I think Hillary might be a better candiate then Paul
Romney nice overview of world problems...
Outstanding move into the foreign policy debate by Mitt. Also a very good substantive answer-it explains historically how the Democrats weaken America.
I almost puke when Democrats talk about the military being too small and stretched too thin.
I do like Ron Paul's tie though...
Fox seems to be on a mission to make Ron Paul more legit; he's gotten more airtime than Tanc and Hunter together.
Great question by Wendall Goler. It is the fundamental question that W never answers, why it is scarier to allow Iran to get nukes than it would be to fight them in a war.
Rudy's answer was also very erudite yet easy to understand.
FDT Homerun on the Lazy Commercial!!
FDT closes the debate with a great response to his personal critics, and then closes out with great laugh line!!!
Very good show for FDT to start and finish.
we looked good as a party tonight, and
Mike Huckabee won going away.
I think McCain had the best lines; Winner.
McCain and Huckabee winners...
with FDT a close second or third..however you slice it.
They all had jokes tonight
The best all the way around.
Rudy and Huck are just the best natural debaters. They argue well, they clash and they introduce tremendously clever hit lines.
McCain had his best showing as well. He didn't seem as poorly timed tonight. He had a couple of moments where he looked and sounded very Presidential.
Hunter really came alive in his brief moments. He really seems like the guy to win the larger War on Terror.
good night.
I liked Rudi best. Surprised me. If you were on the editorial board of a daily, what would you say would be tomorrow's subheads in a full-page report on this debate?
Rudi on educ. managed to be innovative and conservative at the same time. McCain, bless him, seemed a bit like a very qualified candidate whose time somehow has passed. Fred was Ms. South Carolina, TN-style. Huck's gonna move up after this good showing, and I esp. loved his strength on defense and strategic vs. tactical approach to healthcare. Hunter for VP. Tancredo out of his depth. Romney first rate. Ron Paul...well, stagemanager, get the hook! I miss Brownback; good man.
More Reagan shout-outs from Romney - Colmes notices too
Ted, I
feel the same about Ron Paul, some times I agree with him 100% but other times he's plain crazy
I thought the guy who signs my pay check did really well. I thought he was the best when he bashed Hillary and said he loved Ronald Reagan!
Too bad he doesn't want to return to Reagan-Bush...
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