Saturday, October 06, 2007

Why Rudy leads.

Rudy Giuliani has been consistently leading in our national polls. Rudy has hung in at second in Iowa almost without campaigning here; even closer in New Hampshire and ahead in big states like Florida; Pennsylvania and California. It seems the national media is quite perplexed at Rudy's consistent popularity. Just today Rudy provided a good explanation of why many Republicans are drawn to him where there personal ideology might be more conservative.

Rudy consistently and almost continuously stays on the offense against the Democrats. Today
Rudy unloaded on Evita’s completely ambiguous Iraq/Iran remarks as well as her commitment to a European socialist style governing model for the United States.

It seems everywhere I have been for the last couple of years I have heard Republican discontent with the refusal of our national leaders to engage the Democrats. Although Fred and Huck have taken some good shots at the Dems, Rudy consistently lands the hardest and most frequent shots on the Democrats. Rudy’s pugnacity, tenacity and debate skills well serve this function of a would be party leader and explain, at least in part, the persistency of his lead.


Anonymous said...

Spent yesterday at the Des Moines food fair where we were mingled, spoke at length with a number of people while handing out of hundreds of brochures.

My spiel America's gone nuts so we need a "National Shrink" in the White House always goes over well bringing a knowing smiles. Didn't meet a single person who expressed devotion to either major party. To a person they were very fed up with our professional political class on the payroll of big money interests destroying stable, affordable middle class family life. Met only one supporter of the Iraq War who nevertheless agreed with everything else in my brochure.

Very clear yesterday the major issues the top candidates are pushing isn't what's on ordinary people's minds. A consistent theme yesterday was how hard it is nowadays to make ends meet and the cost of the children's education.

I urged everyone regardless of party to caucus for me if only to send the message to the major parties they're fed up.

There's a lot to be said for campaigning the Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton way. Got 3 months for us to shake hands and pitch my ideas to Iowans.

Upon request to will e-mail a pdf my brochure.

Anonymous said...

"bringing knowing smiles"

Such as is usually the case in response to a comedy routine.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the new Iowa Poll by the Register? - Huckabee in third place, ahead of Giuliani. Very interesting. But I am not surprised. Since the straw poll, I've seen more Huckabee bumper stickers in my neck of the woods than any of the other R's.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Team Huckabee. I thought that was a huge leap. Good for him.
